Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

He's a Zionist. He can go to hell.

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Agree. We’ve done past show on this

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Max Blumenthal does not beat around the bush.

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He does not, and like I said on the show, he really has a way with words!

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Looks like we were right. I wonder if folks will still vote for RFK,Jr.? I suppose the ignorant and soulless...and, maybe AOC and Bernie. But I’m being redundant with those last two, no?

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I won't still vote for RFK Jr. I was thrilled when he announced he was running, then disappointed when he ran as a Democrat, then thrilled when he decided to run independent, then horrified to learn of his Israel views. Prior to Oct. 7 I was considering voting for him anyway, on the basis that he seemed enthusiastic about ending the Ukraine war before Biden blows us all to hell. (RFK Jr. said his son ran off to fight in Ukraine without telling him.) The escalation of his unhinged rhetoric on Israel now makes me think he's hopeless. Now it sounds like the Ukraine war is fizzling out anyway... maybe due to the war machine turning to Palestine. What a roller coaster it's been. RFK Jr. would have to win a debate on Israel with Norman Finkelstein or Max Blumenthal to get me to vote for him now.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Well, don't count on that Blumenthal discussion.

RFK Jr stated, TWICE, on Jimmy Dore show back in August that he would discuss with Max Blumenthal on the Dore show. This was after he said that he loves Blumenthal, but that Max's reporting was questionable.

I'm still waiting for that promised discussion.

I won't hold my breath.

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Yep, I hear you. I was fooled at first until I saw him paling around with a Zionist "rabbi."

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I don't think I am ignorant or soulless for voting the better candidate (or lesser of three evils).

I certainly will not vote for the greater evil, never voted Biden and never will.

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As I have said before, there are more options than voting for one of the old, elitist white dudes. Not voting at all. If a person is not good, but the lesser evil, then why vote for evil? I don't get it. I mean, I do kind of get it, because that's what I felt like I was doing until 2004. Look where it got me and my family. As I have also said over and over, you do, you. Dakotah and I are not telling anyone what to do.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I am a fan of voting write-in when there are only evil options on my ballot. I heard some states don't put a write-in option on ballots. I would write-in anyway, even if they would throw it out. I will write-in one of Glenn Greenwald's dogs if I don't come up with a better idea. Just for fun I like to find a non-evil living non-fictional human who is eligible by age and citizenship. How would you feel about being my write-in Cindy? (Maybe not super flattered to be the non-dog option - I should have said that different.) Who would you write-in?

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Not saying you tell us who to vote for, just saying my evaluation process for voting out loud ;^)

Imho, non-viable candidates are not my options. And not voting is throwing my vote away. And color, gender and age have nothing to do with my voting decisions since I am not about identity politics but issues. My choice is never 100% on the same page with the issues, but the one with the most compatibility with issues we agree upon and viability as a candidate.

I certainly did not vote for the "almost winner" female Neocon in 2016

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Also, Biden will not be on the ballot in 2024---mark my words.

They will give us someone else just as bad, or worse.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Who, the Democratic Party? But how could they pull that off?

I know they would come up with a worse version of Biden like Newsom

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This is our basic disagreement--I think voting for someone evil is throwing my vote away.

Since I have no choices, so far, that aren't evil, I refuse to throw my vote away.

I think it was reported that Jesus called it: "Casting your pearls before swine."

Since swine was/is super unclean to that religion, he was saying a lot, there.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I am focusing on a President for domestic issues because I am helpless to change the world. And imho Biden is the absolute worst President since Bush Jr on both domestic and international issues, so I really want Biden to get out of there. And I do think RFKjr is far more focused on domestic issues that I agree with him about.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I was so disappointed when I first heard about RFKjr's complete support for Israel weeks before Oct 7. He described in detail his beliefs, and they were so far from mine that I knew that he was not it. And then Dennis left the campaign.

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Max's opening comic barrage in front of Jimmy Dore at Baltimore's McGoody's comedy club is pretty amazing; Max's comic timing with his political jokes is impeccable. Lots of good people out there saying things that need to be said...

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It's so ridiculous. Does anyone actually think RFK would be permitted to be president unless he bowed to the deepstate agenda? Including RFK himself? What is the real purpose of this campaign--just another distraction?

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I think the real purpose is to guarantee another Dem in office in 2024

he will take votes from Trump...very few from the Democrap.

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This seems to be the case. My guess is that "Bobby's" taking a walk off the Reservation, and really doesn't know which way the Wind is blowing, but "Democraps" got nothing, so they are willing to float him out there as a Trial Balloon, the anti-Trump Trump. Republicans are similarly "piss-out-of-luck," as they've ever been since before "Daddy's Boy" Bush was Supremely elected in 2000, over Al the "Bore" Gore. Curious to see if Russian and/or China get the gonads over the Israel/Gaza conflict to say "Enough is enough." My guess is that neither Russia nor China wants to be holding the bag when this bizarre World Economy collapses, and I think both the Kremlin and Beijing are quite cognizant of this "Looming Fact." People need to know: Armageddon will not Save your Dollars in the Bank. When the Bank's foreclosed, your Dollars Saved are gone. I'm an optimist, and think that things will work out better than we think they will--but of course I could be wrong. OK: quite boring analysis, but I think these are the "ideas in play." Not my favorite Beatles song, but "Tomorrow Never Knows..."

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Good work, CIndy and Dakota.

Choices (sort of): END CAPITALISM BEFORE IT ENDS US -- Join us in building a socialist movement. We will end the rule of the billionaires once and for all.


Decent teach-in (we need more than teach-ins, I am sorry (not really) to say!



1 day ago

Thank you for this stimulating collection of talks intellectuals whose analyses of Palestine inspire thought and conversation. I am struck by the student’s question about how they can express their views at a moment when they are not welcome. As a retired academic, I am filled with sorrow at the movements to stop the intellectual inquiry on subjects of urgent importance. And locally where I live in a small northern Canadian city, we have had a number of demonstrations in opposition to the bombing of Gaza - a few days ago more than 5000 people marched. This is encouraging. And I hope the Canadian government will reassess their views on this war. Canada was once a middle-power mediator and peace maker. No more.


I've already gotten specific threats against my life for this diatribe. Imagine that,



Fucking freak: 🗣 “Israel is a bulwark for us... it’s almost like having an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. If Israel disappears, Russia and Chinawill control 90% of the oil in the world and that would be cataclysmic for US national security,” RFK Jr. said.

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Good morning

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Good morning.


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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan


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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

RFKjr's responses are encouraging on this link. He must've done some reflecting.

Compare to Nikki Haley, she is just "Dick Cheney in three inch heels" as Vivek said


QUESTION: "What is the order of importance for the U.S. right now: the war in Ukraine or the conflict in Israel?"

ANSWER: "Robert F. Kennedy's response:

They are equally important from a perspective of peace. The question isn’t where we should devote the next hundred billion in military aid packages. The question is where the focus of our de-escalation and peacemaking efforts should be. Both conflicts pose a serious threat to global stability. Under my Presidency, we are going to push hard for negotiated settlements and a just and durable peace."

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God, not more Holly-Dirt Epstein Scum: RFK, Jr.


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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I know RFKjr is strongly pro-Israel(aka Zionist) and I know why. His father was strongly pro-Israel(aka Zionist) and Bobby Jr is a chip off the old block. Do I like this stance RFKjr takes on antisemitism? Absolutely not. But think how different(better?) the country and the world would have been with Bobby Kennedy vs Richard Nixon.

I think the same way about RFKjr vs Biden(phase II/Kamala on standby).

I'm preaching to the choir when I say Neocon Globalist Biden is the whole kit and caboodle of warmongering worldwide, vaccine mandates everywhere, and censorship on everything (not just Zionism).

I stopped being idealistic years ago and I know I cannot convince anyone to vote for Bobby Jr or Trump, but it is something that I evaluate for myself when the time comes. It depends if Trump is in prison or who is not a spoiler but can actually win this thing. Yep, that is how bad it has gotten in this country when political prosecutions are against a presidential candidate for questioning a fraudulent election process. And I will hold my nose if I have to when I vote because I still will do it to get Tyrant Biden out of there.


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Biden will be gone, you don't have to support someone that is in favor of genocide and censorship.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

RFKjr is talking about antisemitism on campus, so he has not revealed how he would handle Netanyahu's genocide yet. I wish he did keep his silence on the antisemitic thing, but he seems to be bent on proving he is not after that Congress Hearing.

Biden will be gone how?! Not a rhetorical question. You have peaked my interest! :o)

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Unfortunately, RFK Jr is not just talking antisemiticism on campus.

If you watch his August spot on the Jimmy Dore show you will see how he feels about Israel.

My jaw dropped.

I did not think RFK Jr would actually win the Presidency but I was so happy that he was running because I felt that NOW the mainstream media would have to cover him, and he would get the message out. The message of the past 3 years. And before that.

The utter corruption of the FDA, CDC, HHS, Fauci, Baric, Offit, Pharma. And how THAT corruption is part and parcel of all the corruption. Including the war.s

I attended his announcement.

I have the signs and the bumper sticker.

I am forever grateful to him, and more to Children's Health Defense.

But I will not vote for him. I can't even listen to him anymore. (And this was after listening to every interview he did, every single one, for the past 3 years)

Does he really believe what he is saying? Or is the Israel lobby so powerful that this guy who stood up to Fauci, who named names, who was villified for YEARS for his defense of vax injured families, who said he would clean up the corruption and children would stop suffering from chronic disease, that this guy had to fold.

I just can't believe it.

He went completely off message. Borders, reparations and Israel.

While thousands and thousands are dying and injured from a made up pandemic and a bioweapon shot.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

I've been listening to RFKjr since 2005 because I am an autism Mom. As a candidate he has to talk about all the issues, not just the ones we've listened to for the past 18 years.

1) I agree with RFKjr on USA borders, we have an extremely serious illegals situation. I agreed with Trump on border security for America. National border security prevents terrorism. Prevention is better than invasion and war and keeps the peace. It is so much better to protect our own country than to waste taxes funding foreign wars. I really don't want to relive 9/11 which led to needless wars. I am in Florida where the 9/11 hijackers went to flight school before they hit the towers in NYC! https://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/911-flashback-us-flight-schools-unknowingly-training-terrorists/story?id=16802116

2) I agree with his Targeted Community Repair. He is not talking about reparations, that was disinfo that was put out by his opposition.

He explains Targeted Community Repair here: https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1714783696190873793

3) I don't agree with RFKjr's policies regarding Israel. He is exactly like his Dad on strong support for Israel. However I do not take a side with Hamas or Netanyahu regarding both their terrorism and genocide against innocent civilians especially children. RFKjr has been very quiet after his initial Oct 7th statement condemning Hamas terrorism which he really had no choice to make on that day. I hope he is using this quiet time to assess and reflect the I/P issue. This I/P issue is so complex and not even Israelis agree on it . https://twitter.com/NABEELRAJAB/status/1722626817323041068

In conclusion, I really see RFKjr as a domestically focused president for Americans.

And I really want Tyrant Biden outta there. Not voting is not an option for me.

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I have given the same thought to everything you write, Kathy.

But it does not change my opionion or my disappointment.

I sincerely believe that if RFK Jr had stayed on message - about deep deep corruption in all of our agencies, about censorship, about the trouncing of our consititution, about the injury and death of the past 3 years due to outright lies that began years ago.

If he had stayed on that message it would have become clear that all of the corruption and lies are connected to the wars and the border and the state of inner cities. It's all connected. And it has to be named and addressed right here in the USA. No more focus on other countries. (which will never happen, I know, but...)

I care very much, as do most, about anyone around the world who is suffering from the wars that are created by the globalists. But they will not be solved until we get to the root of what is going on here in the US.

I don't know how anyone can watch Polly Tommey's interviews on her current Covid Bus Tour, about the deaths from the Covid protocol in hospitals, as well as, of course, the shots, and not want to scream from the rooftops.

Our focus should be on the US and the recent crime against humanity.

Kennedy turned my head around during all of his interviews over the past 3 years. Gave me a much greater appreciation of the constitution, free speech, etc.

As a matter of fact, during that Congressional sh.t show about Censorship months ago I sat there watching it live and calling every single DC office of those morons and read them the riot act. Wasserman was just ridiculous. I called them and emailed them about how specious and out of context their stupid comments were. It was a disengenous argument.

I never suspected that Kennedy was anti semetic.

But good God, I never suspected he was anti Palestinian either.

I appreciate your thoughts.

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Whenever I say this I get a lot of rebuttals, so I withheld it until now. RFKjr is not exactly "anti-Palestinian" per se, but I doubt that his family ever discussed the plight of Palestinians after his Dad was assassinated by a Palestinian refugee in 1968. I'm sure he is traumatized by this and does not want to betray his Dad's pro-Israel legacy. But he did forgive Sirhan which takes a tremendous lot of humanity. I think it is amazing (in a good way) that he has gone this far in media and presidential polls on domestic issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma_RpEcm7NY

I do appreciate your thoughtful discourse too! :^)

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maybe 'chip off the old block' doesn't explain it...didn't Ben Gurion, Myer Lansky and Mickey Cohen help murder JFK and RFK so Israel's nuclear program could proceed?...they were more obstacle than not...didn't they flip him after a pro-Palestinian moment...we appease the oppressor at times to survive...and he's got family to think about

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RFKjr has much family baggage on the I/P issue.

He is for strong peace negotiations not funding wars https://www.glennbeck.com/blog/how-2024-candidates-avoid-world-war-iii

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Sirhan said "I would have voted for him"....that 'baggage' is all of ours...who's fault JFK had to play to right w/ 'missile gap' to beat Dirty Dick?...but very nice response to being spread to thin to fight 'adversaries'..."This whole way of thinking is part of the problem. We have to end our reflex us-versus-them posture in foreign affairs that is always searching for the next adversary to justify a trillion dollars a year of military spending. If we don’t find an adversary, we create one. I’m going to put a stop to that. Our only adversary will be someone who threatens the American homeland. And we will become a strong nation by rebuilding our domestic economy, our infrastructure, our health, and our environment. One war after another has bankrupted our nation."

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