The MAIN food additive that is not on that list is seed oils...sunflower, soy, canola, corn, anything made from seeds. The processing of those seeds to get oil is loaded with chemicals that would frighten the makers of Zyklon B. No wait, that’s Monsanto, maybe not then.

Remember, Big Food makes you sick so Big Pharma can kill, er, cure you.

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Jan 17Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Shmuley is America’s Rabbi like Fauci is America’s Doctor. My goodness what total trash Kennedy has turned out to be. And this is the best the system can puke up.

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right? Digusting!

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S.A.D. Social Anxiety Disorder. Sanity Absence Disorder. Scholarly Asssisted Death disease.

Kinda like Germany defending Israel's genocide, coming to Isra-Hell's defense of murder, mass murder, and incredible war crimes.

RFK, Jr? GO back to Hollly-dirt, your Holly-idrt friends, your Holly-dirt wife, and your UkroNaziAzovZion-loving sons.


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He cousins up with the same people who murdered his father and uncle because without AIPAC, he knows that he can’t win a cow calling contest.

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He'll be taken out by any number of sicario proxies of the racist, supremacy state of Jewish Occupied Palestine by the Jews.

There are a plethora of ways the Star of David works its murderous "magic."

Truly. I will not go into it too deeply, but a few journalist friends in Mexico were slain by Israel-aided messed up drug cartel little sicarios. They work their magic.

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Re diet. Sugar is the issue.

Side note. S.A.D.

Being from the UK, I knew S.A.D, as Seasonal Affective Disorder. Living in a dreary winter climate leaves people depressed. Sounds a fair diagnosis and conclusion to me.

Having moved to Florida, partly to escape SAD, I found all medical commercials insane. Early on, one jumped out.

TV - "Are you SAD?".

Me - "Not now that I live in the Sunshine State".

TV - "Do you suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder? Are you nervous when meeting people for the first time or public speaking?"

Me - "Isn't that normal?".

TV - "We have a drug for you."'

Me - "WTF!".

I've notice that recently that adverts for drugs can now include "possible side effects may cause death". I mean no offense to Americans reading this but let me assure you, the rest of the world thinks this is fucking insane. 26 years and a citizenship later, I've realized that the American conditioning of its population is a monster. I don't blame its victims; I just really wish more could break free of the spell.

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Yes, the conditioning of we the people is almost water-tight.

Very few break free of the spell.

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And to be fair, it's every nation.

But here it's seriously drummed home. Things like schools ramming The Pledge every morning was also very shocking to me. Patriotism is just another tool used to keep us minions in our places.

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"We're number one!!!!"

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Less is more when it comes to ingredients. Corporate media only nibbles, occasionally, at the linkage between poor American health and the Sick Care system that it feeds. Our Food Processing Industry answers the question no one posed: How can you be obese and anorexic at the same time?

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Jan 18Liked by Cindy Sheehan

You mentioned that Lady Edgar was the Epstein of her time. Exactly. There was a sort of apostolic succession between the two. After Lady Edgar died her niche was filled by Roy Cohn, head of the NYC mafia. Cohn had operated Joe McCarthy under Lady Edgar's supervision. Cohn later trained Trump in the fine arts of blackmail and gangsterism. After Cohn died, Trump hosted Epstein in his mansion, where Epstein started up his blackmail factory.

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Jan 17Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I am a testimony to the benefits of healthy organic diet, daily exercise, clean living as much as possible in this nano/synbio infested world via my performances SPREADING THE YOGA LOVE!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Contortion Entertainer!

Advanced yoga moves at an advanced age!

Please see the lovely substack James Roguski posted about me.


I am now 69 as of Jan. 14th!

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Happy Belated Birthday!

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Jan 18Liked by Cindy Sheehan

That was a great write-up about you, Amy. You really are amazing! I'm the same age as you, and I practiced yoga for several years and was pretty good at it, but sure didn't come anywhere close to you! Happy Birthday!!

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Jan 18Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It appears that Booby is as rabidly anticommunist as his father and uncle....

About obesity: I saw a doctor interviewed on the PBS SnoozeHour the other day who insisted that obesity is a DISEASE that must be controlled by drugs, not diet. Specifically, she said she is prescribing Ozempic and other diabetes drugs to obese patients who don't have diabetes with "good results."

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Yes, I think Booby is basically a Cold War democrap--which is nothing good.

I would not take big pHARMa for any "disease," because it causes many other problems, as most of us know.

What I have been seeing about the GLP blocker drugs is that many are going right off of it because of issues, but, I have been seeing that as soon as people go off, they gain the weight right back AND there seems to be a threshold of weight loss.

Of course, if people want to do whatever with their own bodies, but, like I said in this podcast, the only way to defeat disgusting capitalism is by stepping out of it. Thanks for your comment!!!!!

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Jan 18Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It's sad about RFK. MIchael Rectanwald (Citizens for Legitimate Government) is running for the Libertarian nomination and CLG has been with us on all the issues, including Gaza and the plandemic. Other than Michael, I've been disappointed with the options. The Green Party supported the lockdowns and mandates, and West has TDS and praised Fauci. Last time, I wrote in my dog Callie. The 20 year curse got him. So maybe he really did win the Presidency. There is no way of telling who won 2020 with all the fraud. I am looking at writing in another of my dogs this year.

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I think West supports lockdowns and vax as well.

CLG is great and I share a lot of their news.

Thanks, FB

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Jan 18Liked by Cindy Sheehan

If the package is labeled bioengineered, I just walk on by although 99% of everything is labeled that way. Almost all packaged foods are bioengineered, and right now they still have to label it.

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Jan 18Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Actually, they don't in the U.S. They can market food as GMO Free but they don't have to tell you if it contains genetically modified ingredients...

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Jan 20Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Here's some sweet advice for a treat, Yacon syrup, it comes from the root of the Yacon plant, the juice is extracted and evaporated to make the syrup. It's native to the Andes mountains, and has been used as a medical plant. The sugar in the syrup serves as food for your gut bacteria, it actually helps you lose weight, and you get to alleviate your sugar craving. 😃

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thanks for the tip.

255 days today without sugar, so the thought of it repels me.

I also eat VERY dark chocolate--anti-oxidant one piece will be satisfying.

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Jan 17Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Watch this video to get healthy

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Thanks, I am healthy, though.

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Jan 18Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It wasn’t so much for you but all the low income overweight that struggle to lose weight . I have fought arthritis for years and the all animal food diet is the only thing that worked .

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thank you, I just wanted to reiterate that I am in pretty good health.

Is your arthritis healed?

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Never had any as a vegetarian.

Thanks for your testimony.

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Much better . I couldn’t shuffle a deck if cards before without extreme pain . Now I have the strength coming back without taking prednisone for over two years

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Good stuff here:


After more than 100 days, Israel is continuing to ramp up its bombardment of the Gaza Strip by targeting the southern half—where they previously told Palestinian civilians to go for safety, before bombing their convoys as they fled the north.

Palestinian-American Journalist Dr. Ramzy Baroud noted that for the Palestinians who have survived so far, many have lost their entire families and they are now facing starvation and severe injuries with no options for medical care. All while the U.S. continues to support Israel as it commits genocide in Gaza.



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