Seems to me killary is the useful idiot...the real oligarchs are using tools like her to implement their evil agenda.

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Yep, even in Venezuela.


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I've never been sure about Tucker. He says all the right things more clearly than anyone else in the top level of public figures, but he makes my Provocateur sense itchy for some reason.

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I am not a fan of his, but, I really believe this should be supported.

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I'm a fan.

I'm subbed to his X and redistribute his interviews.

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I guess you've never been at the end of his bashing when he was pro-war, or pretended to be. Dakotah and I both have. I don't take it personally, but I can see how he is not as ideologically pure as some people think. However, when he's right, he's rignt, and by "right" I mean "correct."

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FWIW, I believe that Tucker Carlson has genuinely evolved, for lack of a better term.

I'm smiling now, because a while back my conventional-minded sister M. and I were chatting about Hollywood celebrities. I really didn't even notice that I was responding with a string of "Can't stand X!", with a "meh" or two thrown in.

M. abruptly said, more in astonishment than reproof, "Geez, you don't like ANYBODY!" It's true, it's true. Accordingly, for years Carlson was a fixture on my "Can't stand" shitlist. I never watched Fox "News", but I was wearily familiar with his original "brand": I saw him as a preppy, prissy typical Young Republican conservative; his signature clean-cut grooming and bowtie suggested that he was a George Will wannabe.

But, as has been widely observed, over the past few years Tucker surprisingly started making sense, and took contrarian positions that were clearly different from his earlier button-down Establishment-toadying conservative/reactionary mindset. Somehow, when his peers in both the Hollywood glitterati and "journalism" spheres were succumbing to roaring TDS and its pernicious sequelae, jumping on the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic bandwagon, etc., Tucker gradually broke away.

I'm hardly an uncritical fan; like many "evolved" conservatives, Tucker still retains blind spots-- e.g., reverting to jingoistic patriotism. His characteristic frowny-face demeanor and fake-sounding barking laugh still rub me the wrong way. But he hasn't done his "hatchet man" shtick on "liberals" and "leftist" activists for a while now.

It's the opposite of my RFK Jr. arc. I used to think RFK Jr. was pretty cool until the mask fell off and I discovered that he was totally uncool. I used to think dweeby, supercilious Tucker was terminally uncool, but he's improved to a point where now I keep an open mind. 🤔

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besides if Hills hates him, he cannot be all bad.

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that's great

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Meanwhile in Russia, authoritarian shit.

(The Tucker interview is over hyped... I feel it's gonna be mostly propaganda)


Thanks for the movie suggestion! It'll help me brush up on my Espanol!

Speaking of elite health care, an interesting study of adrenochrome and how to get similar effects with vitamin K and yes, the ingredient in Benadryl.


Adam Schiff looks like the evil president from the terrorism propaganda show "24".


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I assumed Putin was too busy motivating pro-Palestine demonstrators- according to crazy Nancy - to sit for an interview.

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I am sure he's also sharpening his election interference tools, as well.

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