I don't understand why Biden couldn't be tried. He did commit the crimes in the past when he was not senile.

Of course he can't testify now. But he did the crime without senility.

They gave him a pass.

Oh and yeah they have way too much stuff classified. Things that should be a few weeks or months gets forever classified, like the JFK files.

And what the fk do they need those files to take home? Aren't we in the high tech security age where paper isn't needed anymore?

It all sounds like BS.

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Yes, agree. Biden can be tried, of course.

They can all be held accountable, but, as much as they claim to hate each other, they protect each other to protect their power.

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With the blood pressure...

Test again on your own. I used to get high readings from being in those offices.

Sometimes you can have high pressure if you're fighting sickness or body repairs going on.

Dr Tom Cowan jokes that we don't take doggies blood pressure why is it more important in people?

To $ell sickness lol.

Also they kept lowering the blood pressure limits to sell blood thinners, just like they lowered cholesterol to sell statins. They're both no good.

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This was 9 months ago. I made proper lifestyle/diet changes and have lost 50 lbs so far. I am great now, but this is also good advice. Thanks. I haven't had a pharma prescription for about 15 years. Esp for things that can usually be corrected thru lifestyle changes.

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Here is a well written article by journalist Aaron Good re our possible destruction of humanity through bioweapons. I had known about some of this but the full picture compiled together is horrifying. I think the best place to share is through Cindy. https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/a-1953-assassination-and-the-long?publication_id=1712557&post_id=141716913&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=8k9o9

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