My eye read "Bill and Hillary Clinton say they will leave..." But when did they ever make decisions as a couple, after their unholy marriage pact? Back to the point, it's another empty Clinton promise.

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Bill GATES, not Bubba Clintoon. Did Bill & Hill Vaca together with Epistein at his pedophile island????

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They both belong in The Hague.

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Gitmo on a waterboard, imo. ..... then they will answer some questions about themselves

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I love your definition of radical! I will use that.

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re getting radical in the true sense wrt politics, I agree that it does not mean voting for a democrat or republian once every four years, but then that's the point, isn't it? I mean if you really wanted a democracy there would be true choices. the way it is now keeps voters locked in, which is exactly what big money wants.

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Big $$$ doesn't support Trump, many small $ donors. Over 100,000 people at the NJ Trump rally.

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Hmm. Not likely that the president was suicided? Not by Hillary tho. 🤔

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Excellent post. Be still my foolishly heart if they leave America.

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