

The Iranians will not admit that this was an assassination...there would be world war...

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Hmmm....it's not Iran's fault, though. It doesn't really matter if they "admit" it, or not.

This seems to be an act of war.

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An Iranian news report suggested that the poor status of aircraft maintenance is due primarily to the US sanctions preventing needed parts replacement...

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I can't believe they would put the president on a rickety helicopter. Anyway.....I am sure the sanctions have been awful for them.

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I'll go with the "accident" explanation for a moment, but first thought was: "Are you kidding me?" It looked, to all the World, like tit-for-tat. It could have also been an "Inside Job"; I don't know Iranian politics to know more that that. One wonders: is Netanyahu next? Best guess here: He's not going down to the Deli on the Corner, despite the fact that his "Satanyahu" horns are being cooked up there, and he's seen "The Godfather," so maybe he'll get served up a Horse's Head, instead? Maybe it will be Biden's head, on a plate with some marinara?

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