Pretty exciting to get a non-male in office in Mexico, but her actual politics remain to be seen. Plants have been potted into office before (W'Bush, Obama, Clinton, Trump--every other President you can think of in our lifetimes)...

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I agree. I've already heard some "whispers" about possible "backroom" supporters.

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This might seem "queasy" to bring up in these times, but I will as cautiously as possible. Just reading her Wikipedia entry on the basics seems to say she's a personal pet of Lopez Obrador since 2000 -- over 20 years -- since his time as mayor in Mexico City. She's a scientist by "profession" but got her Doctor of PHILOSOPHY in "energy engineering." She has authored over 100 articles and two books on energy, the environment, and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (highlighted in the Wikipedia entry). She contributed to the INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (highlighted in the Wikipedia entry) and in 2018 was named one of the BBC's "ONE HUNDRED WOMEN" (highlighted in the Wikipedia entry). Everyone can make what they will of this. For me, I think elite, "globalist," technocrat, etc. People can also make what they want of this (if anything): In a country of 128 million people, she becomes the first of 58 thousand Jewish people to be the president of Mexico. Mexico City, where she was born, raised, and educated, has more than one third of that population.

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I agree that we should be cautious- the fact that Biden congratulated her and the media cheered for her is a very bad sign…

Also, looks like they conflate again Judaism with Zionism.

One good thing we know about her, though, is that she gave Julian Assange the symbolic key to Mexico City when she was mayor.

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Great information on Mexico's current situation and past! Good to know some countries care for their people and elect leaders who reflect this.

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Right? Thanks for your comment!

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