Jul 1Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Media doesn't care if we're stupid or not.

*** Media and politicians are not talking to us. ***

They're talking to Larry Fink and Bezos and other billionaires. Everything that comes out of media and politicians is a sales pitch to the Patrons. Customers and voters are not in the loop at all.

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I learned this a few years ago in NY state. At the time, I was active lobbying to reform corrupt campaign finance laws. A group of us had appointments to meet with representatives at the LOB. There was a small rally where people held signs that said things like "Overturn Citizens United" and "Close the LLC Loophole." We were non-threatening, polite, dressed in business clothes, carrying clipboards. It was mid-day on a weekday. We tried to go into the LOB to go to our appointments, but we were refused admittance. Some members of the Senate or the Governor's office had called the police. They didn't call a couple officers but practically ALL the police. We tried to show an officer that we had printed-out email confirmations from legislators. But dozens of officers lined up and "locked down" the entire building. (It is a very large building). Our group was comprised of retired SUNY professors, a retired SUNY development executive, a Christian apple orchard owner, a lawyer, and me (a tech writer). Not wishing to argue with the police, we all left. It was a complete waste of time for the police. In a city like Albany, they have real criminals to apprehend. Instead, their time was wasted by crooked politicians who cannot tell the difference between retirees, lawyers and IT nerds and a riotous mob. (Or like you said better, they don't talk to us.)

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I hate to break topic but it's been so many years that I haven't been able to ask you questions but I have this one that's killing me....Every 40 seconds, a child goes missing or is abducted in the United States. Approximately 840,000 children are reported missing each year and the F.B.I. estimates and most are not found....WHAT IS HAPPENING CINDY??? WTH HAVE WE STEEPPED INTO?? IS IT CERN??? IM SO LOST..

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I think SheeLilly will cover this and Epstein pretty soon. it's appalling as a human and a grandma it scares the shit out of me.

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❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Also follow up, am I losing my mind or did Maui really happen? help me please 🙏

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Jul 1Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I'm actually ready for the walls to come down. Pretending we're living in a rational world is getting harder every day.....

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the sooner the better

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we are in the united states of hell. we are all lost. recreate community locally or if possible move to another country

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Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

SMH... sad but true

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