If you figure our leaders are insane megalomaniacs, everything they are doing makes sense. They all need padded cells and straight jackets.

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If there’s ever peace in Ukraine, the military industrial complex will turn its sights on U.S. citizens.

Mark my words. They’re already working on selling it.

Not much of a leap from Obama intentionally drone striking a 16 year old Colorado citizen overseas, and doing it in Colorado.

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Actually. The more I think about it, I’m noticing a pattern. Imagine a bunch of rich elites sitting around after a golf game.

“Okay, Bobs been doing the war thing for a while now, highly profitable… We need to boost big pharma here, Steve’s been a little hungry.”

“Fair call, let’s do a “vaccine” and make it mandatory.”

“We’ll what about Mike at GM? He’s sitting on these stupid solar panels, we need to make everything electric, and push that.”

“Yeah, we can do that, throw in windmills for John as well, we’ll sell it as a package deal.”

“But what about Tony over at big oil?”

“Ha! We’ll always use their oil, just won’t let the peasants have any.”

(Everyone laughs collectively).

How about we contact everyone at Hollywood and get them to sell Twitter to everyone. Look, I know it’s stupid, and it’s only 140 characters, and it’s literally worse than all other modes of communication, but if we get celebrities to read tweets on the late night shows, we can sell it AND have a new domestic surveillance program.”


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I've had similar thoughts

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"Stop World Control" https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/

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Just the same-old Anglo-American All-Souls Oxford Rhodes/Rothschild/Rockefeller Chatham House Royal Institute on International/Council on Foreign Affairs Kissinger-Energy-Wars to send the Global Energy Commodity Market to Mars, and transfer Western Europe onto Qatar Liquified Natural Gas. USA wil get the world blown to smithereens betfore they get Henry Kissinger Under-Oath in Congress. That guy has 100% Robust Durable Immunity. Exxon, Total, Shell, Conoco = USA/France/UK-Dutch Petroleum Corporations taking the European Gas market from Russia with LNG (make Russia send theirs to East-Asia & Elsewhere. Not a very Green-Friendly move, but The Serfs will just pay more, a lot more, no biggie. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/qatar-picks-exxon-total-mega-lng-expansion-project-sources-2022-06-07/

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