Jul 8Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I"ve probably cited this before, but it's especially valid now. Emerson wrote in 1840:

The farmer imagines power and place are fine things. But the President has paid dear for his White House. It has cost him all of his peace and the best of his manly attributes. To preserve for a short time so conspicuous an appearance before the world, he is content to eat dust before the real masters who stand erect behind his throne.

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Jul 8Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Aside from the Machiavellian basics, even if we look at the actual job description of the president's office in the constitution, most of the duties no longer require a live person. The real job has been automated and outsourced.


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thanks, again!

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Hmm... Emerson tactfully and discreetly wrote "dust", but without researching it I'm sure he was thinking of the stronger scatological term that surely was in use at the time. 🤫 💩

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Capitalism is a system that manufactures disappointment (in addition to poverty). And now in the later stages of a totally marketed and reified society, there is a pervasive sense of failure to one’s own ambitions, but also in the promises of the state. Late stage capitalism is an engine for failure, to such a degree that failure takes on a fetishistic quality. Capitalism demands winners and losers. But 21st century capitalism has both intensified that divide (as inequality increases and the transfer of wealth to the top 1% is almost complete) and created a new perspective on failure. Some of this is found in the victim’s rights movement. Something of this is found in the confessional aspect of social media. As is the lynch mob mentality also found in social media.



We are all marks, man.


Century of the Jews, sorry.


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Jul 8Liked by Cindy Sheehan

"The shift in psychoanalysis to a kind of adjustment therapy has meant, in a sense, that the therapist is society’s cooler." This is true.

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Depopulation is what they want. They want you & I & billions more exterminated

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I think that's what we were getting at towards the end.

The Garbage People only want one thing: everything.

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I know you were but after you remember me, I'm the one that always said the quiet part loud

.. lol great show

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I couldn't join code pink...I had to join the grannies of westerly RI..no manly names of course lol

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New York Slimes, lol! Washington (Com)post! Keep it coming.

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My reptile brain wishes that Biden stays in and brings down the entire Democratic Party with him. Or they run Kalama and she gets creamed by Trumpolini. Then they write off the next four years and bring in the younger WEFers by which time they hope to have the cyber panopticon deployed to an extent that any dissent will be nipped before it can bud, the technocratic dictatorship in place and operational.

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Stare in to the abyss long enough and you may see Nietzsche starting back up at you, mad mustache and all. Curious to see if MSM falls all over itself in praise of Kamala if she replaces the decrepit Biden. It's a true story: "Deep State" pretty much runs the show, as Trump found out.

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