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Nuclear war, the boogeyman used for decades during the cold war and revamped for the 2.0 cold war.

Meanwhile Russia still pays Ukraine to transit gas to Europe through it. Sanctions what? Enemy what?

The Ukraine war always smelled funky to me like it was dragged out longer than it could actually last. They were conscripting old people months into it, but somehow years later they haven't run out of soldiers despite a 10 to 1 death ratio vs Russia. It's just another Orwellian endless pseudo-war and the nuclear fears are straight up stupid.

Why the fk would Putin threaten it in response to shit that they could stop easily with conventional weapons?

Because Putin is another puppet.

I'm not surprised about what happened in Syria. Syria was tricked. I was trying to warn sycophants like Vanessa Beeley for years about this but she kept smoking the Russian hopium.


He has a lot of interesting articles on how Russia pretends to be a foe of the west only to help the west, like they did in Syria. Remember, they did little to prevent the disaster in Libya. You would think that if they really wanted to do the belt and road initiative, they wouldn't give up these critical nations to the west.

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