always interesting to hear Dan's interviews. thanks.

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The U.N. ICC, ICJ etc. never prosecuted Clinton, Bush, Biden Obomber, and others for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity. Why? It took two weeks to charge Putin when Russia invaded Ukraine after the Nuland & Co. terrorism. Prosecute Israel. Expel it from the U.N. and Boycott and Sanction them all NOW!

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What about the war in the United States...yea, the undeclared war on its people by a clinically diagnosable psychopathic federal government.

It is estimated that 31 million are dead globally in western nations from the deadly injection to unconstitutional protocols... another 25 million in the United States that are severely injured with auto immune diseases up to cancer that will shortly succumb to this adding grossly to the global numbers. We don't even know what damages through sterilization or other debilitating effects of the injections are and the federal government still to this day pushes the poison in the most masterful gaslighting event ever perpetrated on humanity in the history of civilization...

Yea, it's time to flip those loafers off and realize.... THE US GOVERNMENT HAS BECOME FULL BLOWN PSYCHO'S

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Good speaker. Well worth a listen. Thank you.

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