Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Hollyweirdo NPCs, yes as they are expendable useless idiots. Bush, Cheney, Billary, Obama and that ilk-no way. Feinstein-useful idiot-yes as the lizards like to see and revel in the fruit of their labor watching her slow death with lizard lip licking delight. Fetterman-yes he died and then switcharoo to new "non depressed" John with his pedal to the metal (see reports of his traffic tickets and accidents). The ones I hope got it and got it good are all the docs and nurse ratchits participating in the covid hospital death protocols.

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I voted "not sure" for the reasons Cindy and many other commenters gave. (But that won't stop me from expanding on my choice.)

I'm a natural-born "truther" type, to rehabilitate the term created as a pejorative. So in general, I have a wide-open mind when it comes to overclass intrigues, schemes, scams, plots, etc. You know, all of the illicit and criminal activities that Establishment trutherphobes scorn as "conspiracy theories".

But over the years, it's always been obvious to me that we truthers must be wary of the trap of automatically gravitating toward the most "conspiratorial" convictions out there. The possibilities are too multifarious and tangled to admit to "easy" answers-- beyond, that is, seeing through obviously false and contrived "official narratives".

I was about to say that the only persons who know for sure whether the high-ranking scamdemic-mongers and vax-pushers received standard off-the-shelf COVID jabs are the persons administering the jab, and maybe the doctor who prescribed it. But even that's not a safe bet; if some kind of Deep State (i.e. state-security apparatus) "Mission Impossible" operation controlled the administration of jabs to the power elite, any number of cutouts and blinds could be in play, such that the healthcare professionals themselves are dupes.

I will say that to me, the proposition that the rancid cream of the Garbage People were either given fake non-vax injections, or were not actually injected at all, presumes that it was an open secret that the mass-marketed jabs were toxic. If this was generally known to both the recipients and the chain of medical professionals, then the strategy of giving the GP contingent fake versions, or faking the injection entirely, makes sense; the "role model" leaders rolling up their sleeves set an example for the submissive, trusting masses.

It's a variation of the reprehensible "Judas goat" strategy, with the intention and goal of leading the public to the Big Pharma killing fields.

However, I concur with the commenters who argue that the Megadeath Pathogen of Doom belief system, founded on conventional dogma about contagion and transmission via free-floating microscopic pathogens, and the complementary Big Pharma remedy of vaccines, is so deeply ingrained in Normals that the Garbage People and their handlers probably uncritically buy into it.

For all I know, even the Big Medicine and Big Pharma researchers who developed these New! Improved! toxic vaccines may be so baffled by their own bullshit that they actually believed they had come up with a "safe and effective" treatment for the "COVID" Phantom Menace. 🤔 🦠 💉 💀

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I'm going to guess 90-99% of the garbage people who made a show of getting jabbed in public got where they were by being mindless bootlickers. I'm guessing if any of them got a placebo, it was without their knowledge.

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

We'll probably never know. Most of them do believe in the "Science" of pharmaceutical poisons and frankenfood so it wouldn't surprise me if they did take the real jab. The way they report "excess deaths" and "causes of death" is very suspect so...yeah, we'll never know.

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agree, thanks!

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We know at least one 17 year old child of a politician did.


PS: This billionaire won't share the hot off the press story unless you pony up. Am disgusted. I keep receiving emails but am not permitted to READ unless I pay for the privilege. Just unsubbed. Sick of this shit Cindy.


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I am sick of the shit, as well!

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I finally unsubbed from him a few weeks ago as well. The shtick was getting tiresome.

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The whole "Covid Story" in USA began with Tom Hanks, Hollywood Hanks, getting it in Australia, which told me that this was going to be a Celebrity driven Virus. Nothing I've seen, and worked through, has proven my initial intuition wrong. My suspicion is that Wuhan is just a cover story for Fort Detrick, which is the most likely source of the "Virus." The weaves and wharfs of the "Covid Story" are finally starting to tumble out into Public Space. People like Tucker Carlson and Senator Rand Paul have good noses on the issue, but they are also Distracted. Why was Fort Detrick shut down by the CDC in July, 2019? No one in the Public Space, including Taibbi and Greenwald, has gone there. "Covid-19" was just a masking operation for a financial meltdown; Fabio Vighi has an article at the Philosophical Salon website, Fall of 2021, that lays the whole scam out. I wrote about in a Dissident Voice article in late March, 2020. "Covid" was a psyop all the way, covering for a pathetic "Health Care System."

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Maybe I'm getting too paranoid, but people like Kamala Harris could have faked their public jabbing only because they already had a real jab and forgot to make a public show of it. Although, people that dumb would probably think a double dose would make them even more superior. But then... you'd think they would brag about it if they did it.

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Your paranoia is valid and your suspicion is thought-provoking

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

My paranoid forecast is Fauci knowingly took a placebo, but will fake having jab-induced dementia just in time to be found not competent to stand trial. >:(

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Like Biden and his classified document deal?

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Jun 24Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Yes. Ugh.

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But I don't think Biden is faking it....

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Those who THINK they are "In" are not as "In" as they THINK. Beware if you THINK you are "In."

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Not being the brightest lights at their exclusive Fart-Lighting psycho fart party, I’m sure some of them got the real juice because…SCIENCE!! The smarter ones chortle behind their…,well, behinds.

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I voted unsure, but it also means I believe some took it and some didn't. I believe Newsom took it (and got the myocarditis as a testimonial). I don't believe Trudeau took it (I remember a nurse's pretty convincing analysis of his publicly released "live video" concluding it was faked). If true, does that mean Trudeau is smarter than Newsom? Or is in better with the WEF? I'm guessing someone like Neil "Crazy Horse" Young took it. But it wouldn't surprise me if half the people under 40 who went to his concerts didn't and somehow faked it. Wait; did anyone under 40 go to his concerts???

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I voted not sure as well?

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Neil Young has way outlasted his usefulness....

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan


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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I've been wondering exactly the same

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Some did, some didn't.

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Jun 24Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Of course they got the genuine jab. It's why these stupid POS constantly got "breakthrough infections."

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thanks, Gene, for your perspective

I am still not sure.

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Cindy, I think, and have read, that successive booster jabs are essentially mRNA sucker punches to the jabee's immune system. Genocide Joe and Jill and Company were routinely contracting COVID, with paxlovid usually exacerbating symptoms. The same "breakthroughs" are still occurring with Blue team friends and neighbors, particularly after trips and gatherings, some that Victoria and I (neither of us having received more than the initial jab) attended as well. And their rationale for continuing with the boosters is always, "Well, just think how sick we'd have been without getting boostered."

I can only say that we both abandoned the COVID protocols shortly after the BS booster that we both wish we hadn't received, especially with the current research available on probable long-term effects. My one son and his family (2 young sons!) only just recently quit getting jabbed.

Look, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but I won't be experimented on for Big Pharma. And there is a shitload of available data to backup my hesitancy.

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I agree with those who commented that we'll never know who were jabbed with the toxin or who were given some saline (knowingly or not). Among the ruling elite, everyone can be expendable at some point, as their rivalries run long and deep. Fuck em all anyway.

That said, I do think Genocide Biden was given a placebo (maybe he was told, maybe he wasn't) because they wouldn't have wanted him to drop dead right then and there. Just my opinion.

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The top level plutocrats - of course not; mid-level and influencers -many did.... some got saline, others not so lucky.... But the good news is, thanks to people like you Cindy, the masses are slowly stirring from slumber - at least some of them - but the jabs are causing mental decline in them also...

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Hahaha probably not but I hope so. 😆

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I know, me too!

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Jun 23Liked by Cindy Sheehan

not all of these are garbage people, but it's clear at least some of them got the real shot:

both the queen & philip died. charles got sick. rosalynn carter died, jimmy went into hospice. and just look at joe before & after the shot - his dementia got 10x worse almost overnight.

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