Let’s face it something is very rotten in Denmark. Personally it’s hard to put my viewpoint in a box. I’m progressive because we need to progress. I’m conservative because I treasure time proven values like love and honor. I’m libertarian because I treasure freedom at any and all cost. And I’ve become a bit of a anarchist late in life because I know how much better we’d all be doing without these tyrannical rulers who belong in jail.

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What can I say. You are brilliant Cindy. If you didn't exist, we would have to try very, very, hard to... ✊❤

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Peace and love, back!

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The blaring double standards within our government demonstrates that there’s so much work to do. Still nothing about the Biden Corruption family, but this?


Calling workers to unite against WallStreet, Big Banks, private corporations, billionaires, war mongers, etc is what I needed to hear today. Thank you. Keep on keeping on! ✌🏼❤️

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I’ve found that 99% of my support for Trump, wasn’t that I actually supported Trump, but was against the warmongering demon cabal that tries to play the high road now. I guess Trumps greatest gift was waking up lots of people to who they really were. I mean, can you imagine?.. a whole new generation of republicans angry at a Cheney and calling them warmongers? It’s kind of glorious.

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do republicans call the Cheneys "war mongers?" I don't know

I know they are made at them for being against Trump.

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The younger batch of Republicans, the ones I’m in contact with, are sick of war, sick of sending all our money overseas, hate Bush, Cheney and the whole cabal. It’s no longer the 2003, “Republicans for war, democrats anti war.” It’s, “The whole damned system is rotten and that witch Hillary is just as responsible for Iraq as Bush. And the media is the biggest enemy of world peace.

It’s so glorious to see.

I’m no Trump worshiper, but I really have to give him credit, the way the uniparty acted over him, really exposed themselves, and there’s a whole new generation rejecting the whole thing, they’re even waking up to the Fed, and the banking cartels. It’s a level of awareness now in common conversation. In 2003, it was reserved for the libertarian “nut jobs.”

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The young people I know are so disgusted with the entire shitshow, they don't identify as either Dem/Rep, and can loathe Trumps and Cheneys at the same time, like me.

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I agree, but the political battle is won with money, that’s just the reality. Better to hitch your wagon to the Republican Party and stand for the constitution and reject American imperialism, than it is to try and start your own thing and fight two parties…

The old breed is dying out. We saw what they offered, we were scammed.

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I have been fighting both parties for myself, I guess, and to hopefully wake others up.

I won't hitch my wagon to any political party.

My opinion is we need to join forces to defeat them all.

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Serving up some church, Johnny!

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Saw that! He really is a piece of shit, Sam that is

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The USA is just the latest playground for the ancient cabal of bankers that have moved from country to country over the centuries, like parasites, exploiting a land until it’s drained.

Drive the money lenders from the temple.

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Yay!!! We really are on the same "wavelength". Love you, Cindy. xoxoxo

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Off subject: Check out "The National Democratic Training Committee" for "left-washing" L. Cheney...

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I needed to hear this. But feel so despondent that my past efforts had such little effect in changing the hearts and minds of people. What you had to say today was so inspiring. Thank you for being you! ❤️

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So nice to her from you Anita---I hope you and Leon are doing well!

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Yes, we are doing well and finally have a home. Working on the health part. Will send you an email with more of an update. Keep it up with these dispatches. You are expressing the thoughts of so many of us!

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I have always admired the no nonsense way you expose hypocrisy and blast the fallacies we are told to believe. You have never waivered in your championing of human rights and peace. The only disagreement I had with you was over covid. While you think the measures went too far, I felt they didn't go far enough because CAPITALISM! Instead of a total lock down for 4 weeks, big business were deemed exceptions. In store sales should have been prohibited and only on line with at the door pick up permitted. It was a farce. So now after all the fear, Biden has adopted the Trump plan of inaction. Well, I agreed with you that the whole thing was used against us for the continued profit of corporations. The motto of the USA "Let no crisis go unexploited"

Keep up the good work.

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I think I said that the crisis was exploited in this video.

Thanks for your comments and support, but I have a question.

Who was going to deliver those groceries and who was going to pack them?

it was always people who were being abused by fear that were willing to sacrifice workers for their "safety." The entire covid scandal was a massive transfer of wealth and here we are now, paying 6-7 dollars for a loaf of bread (not quite wheel barrows filled with cash), and over $5 for a gallon of gas. If you read RFK, Jr's book, he points out all of the pandemic simulations they ran, so why couldn't this have been done in a way that was safe for all and left people more or less intact?

We are suffering in our family and community from the school closings and our children and friends of our children are seeking mental health care that isn't there because of demand.

I k now the Powers that be have learned nothing, except what a cash cow pandemics are.



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Hi Cindy I really enjoyed your video, and for a few of the days at Camp Casey I was the designated Doctor, met you once. I agree with 98% of what you have said, and I am so relieved that there are still some of us who are not giving in to total tribalism. I am still trying to figure out just who Sam Harris is.I too have been called a Trumper for questioning Biden, MOSTLY to do with his recent actions with Nato. The ONLY things I disagree with are parts of the covid comments. I am a geriatric doctor and agree with you totally that it was insane to isolate these patients to the degree that we did, given that all the studies that were done showed without a doubt that the outbreaks that occurred in Long term care facilities almost always came in through the staff and not family member. BUT it was hard to limit the exposures of care aides and nurses. I am interested in your thoughts about Zelinsky...

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Hi Janet

Thanks for your comments. My heart breaks for the elders that were put in those situations.

I think Zelenskyy is a clown who is using his position to harm his country and line his pockets.

Before 2014, liberals called Ukraine the most corrupt country in the WORLD. Nothing has changed except the U.S. clowns/killers using it to launder their money and sell their weapons.



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PS: We did something called "Justice for Covid-19 Eldercide" in 2020. We had proof that at least 8-9 governors ordered recovering covid patients into long-term care facilities, thus, killing thousands of our elders. And they mostly died alone. Why did they do that when they opened hospitals al fresco and had empty spaces that could have been converted to long-term care. I know many doctors and elder advocates begged Newsom not to do this and I also know, NY is saving a huge amount of money on services that don't need to be provided to the deceased.

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Thanks Cindy.... I agree with you totally and it is such a relief to know there are some like minds. In the lead up to the Iraq war I felt extremely isolated protesting a war that 85% of Americans approved, but somehow right now things feel even worse. So many of the like minded sorts.... are far from like minded any more. My father was a victim of the Covid situation. He had a broken hip..... but no family was allowed in to LURK and tell the doctors that he was sensitive to narcotics and had COPD.... and no doctors would talk to me, so he did not have covid, but died as a result..... alone

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I am so sorry and heartbroken. <3

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Personally, I believe in direct democracy. Hannah Arendt, who was an expert on totalitarianism, also believed in direct democracy. Some people claim it leads to "mob rule," but what are we dealing with now?

Yep, a republic, what one may call an indirect democracy, can lead to mob rule, a government of the very few.

This representative republic system causes people to become politically lazy, looking for some politician to save us rather than working out problems ourselves.

A direct democracy would force us all to get involved. We could get together and work on solving problems and creating public policy. All this technology being used to oppress us could be used to free us instead. While the robots do the manual labor, we could be free to get together and attend meetings on public policy in our communities. That's my vision. I don't think it will ever happen, but it would be great if it would...

The current system we have has lead us to where we are now--diving deep into totalitarianism.

I would argue that if the people are well-read and well-educated (not indoctrinated as they are now) and have a sense of social responsibility--responsibility to their society as well as to their own betterment, then the people would be the best rulers.

When we outsource our power, as we do in a republic, we are, essentially, stating that some people are superior to us (our representatives) and that they should make decisions on behalf of us. The only reason why the founders set our country up that way was that most of them did not believe the average person was intelligent enough to participate in government. The founders of this country didn't want democracy. They wanted rich, white men to rule. Look it up in a history book, folks, if you don't believe me...

Benjamin Franklin warned the founders that the Constitution, in not setting up a democracy but a republic, would cause this government to always have to worry about revolt. He wanted a democracy and so did the colonists. They reluctantly signed onto the Constitution only after the Bill of Rights were added. Before that, they refused to sign as the Constitution was NOT democratic. It gave too much power to the government.

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I am not opposed to direct democracy

But, i think workers should seize the means of production.

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Cindy, I am a huge admirer and have been ever since you began speaking truth to power almost two decades ago. I do have a couple comments and suggestions on today's lovely soapbox. First I encourage you to read and re-read Dr. Will Tuttle's amazingly brilliant book, The World Peace Diet. He makes a very good case for the mistreatment of animals by humans as being the root cause for so much of our insanity and mistreatment of our fellow humans, too. Super beautiful book: worldpeacediet.com

As you may recall, I am also the mother of a precious young man who left this body recently. This is the greatest tragedy of my life, as I'm sure you know. However, the only thing keeping me relatively sane is the belief that my son's essence still lives and that we will be reunited when it's my time to leave my body. I was raised without religion and have never been "taught" after anything like that including an afterlife. However, through the decades, I have become convinced that the evidence points to life as infinite, not finite. This is super comforting. I don't know if you have already explored such evidence, but I'd like to suggest a short (one-hour approximately) documentary by my favorite site (so far) for this kind of info. The documentary is called Who We Are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AeOfYAJJ8o&t=218s

Sending you hugs and love, always, Susan xoxoxo

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I should do a video on my beliefs in quantum immortality

Geniuses like Einstein and Tesla agreed that matter can't be created or destroyed and Carl Sagan said we are all made of "star stuff." So, I also believe that life is infinite, without having to believe in a "god."

I hope you are doing as well as you can be doing. I do remember your sad story from my FB days.


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Hello Cindy! The video kept interrupting itself when I watched it, but I finally finished it. We really need better broadband in rural areas, that's part of our political platform as leftists lol. 

First of all, kudos on not letting anyone boss you around, on learning stuff from everywhere, and on being spot on. 

Regarding ideological terminology, it's interesting that you of all people would be called a "centrist" by "progressives" who think any criticism of the Democratic Party, which is a capitalist party, is a centrist. It's also interesting that you would be called "Trump supporter" by neo-libs who can't see beyond the Democrat vs. Republican establishment illusion. And it's interesting that you would be attacked for being too rough on Trump by someone who's fallen for his fake brand of reactionary billionaire cut-taxes-for-the-rich destroy-our-healthcare clamor-for-war-with-venezuela-iran-and-bomb-syria "populism." Do these people know what "left" is and what "right" is? If you're on the left, you stand for the working class, social justice (which includes freedom over your body, which applies to masks and vaccines rather than just abortion), and you oppose imperialist wars. You are a maverick! And we really need to move beyond the "If you attack one side, you must be on the other side." You shouldn't need to know someone's political identity in order to discuss the merits of an issue with them. I bonded with a Trump supporter yesterday over our shared hatred of Liz Cheney, and I attacked Liz from the left, not the right. 

I'm calling myself an "Infinite." Maybe you're the right one to talk to about this- I'm trying to start an Infinity Initiative, because I can't seem to find a socialist political party that I like, and so I figure I'll start one, I'm trying to find the identity of the Infinite movement. I choose infinity because it's the symbol for autism pride, I'm autistic, and throughout the Covid-19 lockdown, while pining about that one that got away, I stress walked in my yard and now there's a sideways 8 shaped grass-free area in my yard. I'm considering calling it an adaptation of Marxism-Leninism to America's material conditions and stressing patriotic socialism, I'm considering making it a Stalinist movement, I'm also considering trying to unite anyone who isn't a neo-lib or a neo-con. I'm 18, still figuring out who I am. I'm still calling myself a socialist, a communist, a Marxist, but I understand why you wouldn't anymore, but I call "socialists" who support the Covid-19 mandates, I call them "synthetic leftists." These are not true socialists, but neo-libs to a more extreme extent. The demands of the synthetic left always match up with the demands of the pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates, and the US intelligence agencies which did eugenics alongside these Covid-19 mandates. There are plenty of socialists/communists who aren't Covidiots, like me, Dust James, Caleb Maupin, the Russian opposition leader Gennady Zyuganov, my mother. It really depends on your experiences with the world. 

You're calling yourself a classical liberal these days? I really respect classical liberals although liberalism in any form does not solve the problems of the workers' industrial freedoms because it is still a capitalist ideology. I think we have a classical liberal founding in America, throwing off corporate, imperial, religious rule, and then establishing a republic where corporations are required to stick to their charter, and then we did things like abolish slavery and give women the right to vote. I consider socialism/communism to be an application of Americanism/classical liberalism to the problems of the 21st century. I'm a patriotic socialist like Dust, and I don't think America is inherently capitalist or reactionary, I think it's the modern government which has revised our founding revolutionary principles out of existence. I think America could be socialist, just like it is capitalist. I think we need socialism with American characteristics. You talk about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the working class? Beautifully said. We need a Bill of Rights Socialism, an American Workers' Declaration of Independence, and also, I will remind you of Stalin's theory of Socialism-In-One-Country. While we are proletarian internationalists, the socialist struggle for state power is at first a national struggle. One country will be socialist for awhile, while others will remain capitalist. So, we have to make America socialist. 

Which brings me to my next point- I think capitalist democracy is an oxymoron, and proletarian democracy is far superior to its capitalist counterpart. For some of us, America is not democratic. It has the same problem as democracy in Ancient Greece- it's just democracy for the slave owners. Well, we're just democracy for the rich and the reactionaries. Either that or democracy in and of itself may just be a hoax, every state on the Earth is a dictatorship, only question is- is it a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie like the US and UK or a dictatorship of the proletariat like China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, and DPRK? The state is a machine in the hands of one class for suppressing the resistance of its class antagonists, as Stalin said, so as a dictatorship, the proletarian dictatorship doesn't differ from the dictatorship of any other class. Which brings me to my next point, which is- the capitol was literally built by slaves. But the Democrats and the neo-cons revere it? 

With regards to abortion, well, I'm personally pro-choice on feminist, medical privacy, bodily autonomy, and working-class grounds. A ban on abortion in the US only affects poor women- rich women will fly to Europe, and "pro-lifers" are really pro-birthers because they just care about the baby being born, but after that, no social safety net! the baby, mother, and family are on their own. Shame on the Republicans for overturning it, but shame on the Democrats and Joe Biden for allowing it to happen. Joe Biden voted for Clarence Thomas and as you said attacked Anita Hill, he voted to let states overturn Roe vs. Wade, the Democratic Party has had 50 years to codify Roe into law, they couldn't pass the Women's Health Protection Act with a majority, and they're about to lose, which will set the stage for the Republicans to come in with a total and complete federal ban on abortion. However, I'm practical about social issues, because some working class people are traditionalists, love the life of the unborn, or are religious, or whatever their reasoning might be. Not every worker we can lead a class struggle with is socially-liberal, some are socially-conservative or, really don't give a damn as long as it doesn't affect them personally. I kind of like to reject both sides of the culture war regarding abortion, and focus on economic issues that people can agree on, like universal healthcare and childcare, maternity leave, equal pay for women's work, etc. Stalin, for example, re-criminalized abortion because he needed to get his economic agenda passed in the olden days in devoutly Orthodox Russia. 

While we're criticizing the Democratic Party, Trump Derangement Syndrome is ridiculous. As I said the other day, there was a time when Trump was a liberal Democrat who supported universal healthcare, a 14% wealth tax to pay off the national debt, and the Glass Steagall Act, so it's really difficult to disseminate between Trump and Trump's neo-con cabinet, because the MSM takes Trump's remarks out of context or straight up lies about him. Trump may be part of the bourgeoisie, but he utters only what he wants to say, and this is contradictory to the liberal-bourgeoisie's class interests. The Biden family has shady business dealings with Ukraine, he turned them into a Nazi state in 2014, fired that prosecutor and otherwise has the FBI and the MSM and Big Tech on his side censoring that laptop, breaking laws left and right, and then writing that 1994 punishment bill which locked up poor people and people of color primarily. According to neo-liberal logic, nobody is above the law except them, which brings me to my next point about the FBI mar-a-lago raid and Covid-19. You're right. You can't pick and choose when to believe the capitalist government. It's a liar. Bush and Cheney stole the 2000 and 2004 election, Hillary and Biden stole the 2016 and 2020 primaries, I wouldn't be surprised if they stole the general election either. 

Now, Sam Harris, he has always gotten on my nerves, because while I am an atheist too, and this is part of my social-practicality I was just talking about, it's bad to divide the working class based on religion. I'll quote Stalin again, Religion has nothing to do with nationality and statehood… the question of religious beliefs must be kept well in mind, must be handled with great care, because the religious feelings of the people must not be offended. These feelings have been cultivated in the people for many centuries, and great patience is called for on this question, because the stand towards it is important for the compactness and unity of the people. So, only class matters. 

Whew! I'm really having fun chatting with you Cindy!

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as a math major, I am intrigued by the concept of infinity and how you wore the symbol into your grass---very symbolic.

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yes, thanks for all of your insight, but EFF NO, i don't call myself any kind of liberal. Yesterday, I said/wrote that labels are meaningless anymore.

I just wanted to make sure that people knew that I wasn't attacking THEM, if they still incorrectly consider themselves liberal, because liberalism is literally killing us.

I am a Cindy, I guess....I like Jeff's description in the first comment.

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Aug 21, 2022
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Thanks and definitely!

Human rights, not privileges!


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