Apr 13, 2022Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thanks Cindy, I'm your friend-to-the-end from the Camp Casey days.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thanks for being you! You help me.

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Thank you, my dear Cindy. I've been with you since the beginning, and have experienced so much the same. except for the loss of a child to the wars of profit. This article is nearly perfect in expressing the insanity all around us. A dear, dear friend, someone I've been close to for about 45 YEARS, actually told me that the reason she got the injection was so she could take a cruise to Alaska. I don't need to describe to you the anger, disappointment and concern for her that I've felt ever since. It is a constant battle to try and keep my other friends strong against the onslaught of propaganda and pressures to get injected, "boosted", whatever the shot-of-the-day is.

I, too, am a serious lover of Hitchhiker's Guide, and I totally relate to everything you've said in relation to it. Since the early 1960s I have read and watched every piece of sci-fi I could get my hands or eyes on. My personal library contains many of those wonderful sci-fi anthologies from the best period, the 1940s through 1980s. I recently came across one of the most thought-provoking movies I've ever seen; it is called "The 27th Day" starring Gene Barry, put out in 1957. I don't know how it escaped my purview before, but I'm sure glad it has come around now. If you get a chance, please check it out. I highly recommend it, along with "Panic in Year Zero" with Ray Milland from about 1962.

Please know that we are out here, and that our numbers are growing. Of course, the extreme censorship of the public expression of our views is ongoing, but that the censorship of our views themselves can only be self-induced.

I love you as my favorite sister, Cindy, and I will always have your back.

Ken Lee

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This almost complete political 'polarity reversal' has been very interesting to observe for quite a few years, now. It seems to go back to at least 9/11/01 when a lot of supposed 'liberals' started screaming for retribution against some imaginary 'Arabs'. I actually think the dissolution of the 'two-party paradigm' will be a good thing. Too many have been long hiding behind their 'party' for some imagined 'safety'. The rulers for too long have been fomenting divisiveness amongst the people. Of course, that is the primary way they maintain their rule. The sooner the rest of us move away from the fake 'two-party system', the more real dialogue and discussion can take place.

A few years ago, I would have thought it unlikely that I would be listening to Tucker Carlson on the Fox network, and yet he is currently the ONLY nationally televised commentator expressing opinions which frequently align with mine, particularly on this fake 'pandemic' and some of our military misadventures. I watched as Tulsi Gabbard became the 'darling' of the anti-war crowd, even though she is definitely NOT anti-war; She is all for the "good" wars, and has collected a paycheck from the National Guard for decades. Many of us were so desperate for a true 'anti-war' politician that they overlooked her obvious conflicts of interest.

I hope this paradigm shift in political postures will cause many to re-evaluate their allegiances to political parties, and come together more based on true ideology rather than sound-bite policies as expressed on the nightly news. This is a good thing. We are individuals, not a 'party'.

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I love you. Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to pull together the many thoughts I've had re GloTerr, GloPan, etc. While people 'like us' shrink in numbers, our strength evolves. May we survive.

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OK.....I totally agree but WHY would the "Left" (and I'm one) be the ones to come down on the side of very UN-Left stuff like mandates and a complete disregard for our supposedly entrenched "informed consent" requirement??? I cannot wrap my head around how the "liberals" are suddenly the fascists. Cindy....your thoughts on this, please!

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