Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

"Meet the new boss Same as the old boss"



"Won't Get Fooled Again" - The Who

We'll be fighting in the streets

With our children at our feet

And the morals that they worship will be gone

And the men who spurred us on

Sit in judgment of all wrong

They decide and the shotgun sings the song

I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Change, it had to come

We knew it all along

We were liberated from the fold, that's all

And the world looks just the same

And history ain't changed

'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war

I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

No, no

I'll move myself and my family aside

If we happen to be left half-alive

I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky

For I know that the hypnotized never lie

Do you?


There's nothing in the street

Looks any different to me

And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye

And the parting on the left

Is now the parting on the right

And the beards have all grown longer overnight

I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Don't get fooled again

No, no


Meet the new boss

Same as the old boss

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great song and more relevant now than back in the day

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Thanks for revisiting this true classic Rob ... words to live by.

More recently, here's another freedom instant classic ...

"It's time to rise up and take the power back

It's time the fat cats had a heart attack

They will not control us

They will stop degrading us

We will be victorious


"Uprising" by Muse

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I never thought Joe Biden was "lesser evil", he's always been a corporatist puppet and warmonger.

Never voted for him in three presidential elections, primary or general.



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Of course, the lesser-evil is different for everyone in every situation

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Thanks for making this crucial point, Cindy. I used to always write in Ron Paul and then stopped participating in the process altogether so as to no longer legitimize it. Giving voters "paper ballots" to cast their vote was pretty clever; they knew most would never figure out the fraud is still computerized.

Keep up the good fight. ~~ j ~~

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The older I get, the more I am convinced the whole left v.s. right paradigm is hopelessly broken. For example am I supposed to support a Zionist Kibutz member in Israel because they are a "socialist?" Rinse and repeat for abominations like 'trans children."

Better IMO is to unite around issues like protests against war open to Libertarians and the dissident right, and then once we win an issue as a populist front returning to our tribes.

Also better IMO than politics in the system is concrete practical action. For some it may be starting a community garden, organizing an open mic at a coffee shop. fixing up computers and putting Linux on them to keep them out of landfills, etc. The possibilities are endless and depend on individual skills and temperament.

People on both the left and right too often have a my way or the highway mentality that resembles religious zealotry and often acts as excuse for people trying to impose their view on unwilling others. But the most important diversity is diversity of points of view, and a sane society makes a niche for the reclusive right wing individualist hermit, and full communist urban dweller alike

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Cindy, you stopped short of saying who the "lesser evil" is. I can't believe you or any of your readers would believe it could be either Biden or Trump, so I'm wondering if it could be RFK, Jr following your recent newsletter about him.

I'll take the chance and assume this could be the case.

Although I agree with your list of alternative courses of action, these are a long term strategy. I also freely admit I've been suckered by politicians before, most notably Bernie. But if there is any chance the rhetoric is true, then RFK Jr is singing from a very different hymn sheet on most matters compared to any Duopoly offering (though Vivek Ramaswamy did throw out a few truth bombs last week).

Can I ask, if you had the ability, and had to pick Biden, Trump or RFK Jr to be the next President, who would you select? If it's RFK, can you still not implement all your other actions and also vote for him? What's to lose?

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HI Martin: the lesser evil is different for everyone. It doesn't matter what I think.

And I am not going to participate in hypothetical situations.

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RFK Jr., is a militant pro Zionist war monger, hard pass, too bad he is good on opposing the bio-medical security state, the investment bankers like Blackrock, the deep state, and good on the environment. There is no way in hell I am voting for someone who is pro genocide though.

There are no good choices and I haven't voted for decades, why bother, it only encourages the bastards. Not voting is a political statement itself, the establishment does keep track of voting percentages and the fewer people who vote the more they know the populace despises ALL of them, good!

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I see this sentiment a lot and I understand it. But the reaction makes little sense to me.

I would argue that Biden and Trump are no better concerning Israel/Palestine and quite possibly worse. There is no other candidate that will have a serious threat on the Duopoly, and or most other issues RFK Jr is far superior on what he promises.

Chiefly the Industrial Censorship Complex. If we carry on down the same road we are on, we won’t even be able to discuss this or anything soon.

This does not mean I agree with his position on I/P, I don’t but I’m not prepared to cut my own nose off to spite my face over one issue. An issue that will be likely even worse by doing so.

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I am not signing off on genocide that is not just one issue among others. Lesser evils are still evil, fuck the system sidewise, voting is for suckers.

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I agree Martin. We have to focus on our country, our families, first. We cannot help the world if we are weak, unhealthy, unnourished, poisoned by environment and pHARMa. We cannot help the world if we are censored and mandated. We cannot help the world as millions of illegals pour into our borders and deplete our resources that we worked and paid for. I too will not spite my country and family for one foreign issue that will not improve if we sacrifice ourselves for it.

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“Supporting Israel,” WILL blow back on us, there will be another 911 level terrorist incident, and to be blunt we will deserve it for funding and supporting the mass murder of children.

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oh I know, US govt did not learn. I am so angry at Hamas, and Netanyahu and Biden. I am torn to pieces about ALL the innocent bloodshed especially the children. The ongoing genocide is just going to destroy more children via terrorism.

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Of course the answer is isolationism. RFK is NOT an isolationist he is just another globalist piece of shit who wants to spend our money on arming the Zionist monsters or Isra-hell, no deal ever!

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

I think the world wants USA to isolate too. RFKjr has reassessed his position after 10/7... it was an interview with Glenn Beck. I wish I could find it now

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I did vote Trump twice, not just because he is lesser evil than Hillary and Biden, but because his policies focused on Americans not foreign wars. I think he did very well keeping the lines of communication open with our enemies and fostering respect from them in North Korea and Russia and China. He also did well with our friends by drawing back on obsolete expansionist NATO and telling them to foot the bill. He is not afraid to talk and listen instead of bombing first. He effectively killed the Cold War. Biden not only is the return of Cold War politics, he prefers to escalate everything to a hot wars. Having said all that I am leaning towards RFKjr now, however I am watching the polls to see who can beat Tyrant Biden

PS The real evil of course are the men behind the curtain, the Globalist Masters

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

They play us for suckers every time. Elections are nothing but distractions for what is going on right in front of our eyes--the crumbling of any "civilization" we might have had.

RFK Jr. is participating in it. At first I thought he was running as a way to speak the truth to the people. Now we see that he is mouthing the same platitudes as Obama, knowing that people are still desperate for "Hope and Change." Just a paler version.

Not to mention his shameless kowtowing to Israel.......

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I sadly agree. I miss the RFK Jr of Childrens Health Defense. I watched every interview for 3 years. I learned so much. I had hoped his candidacy would be a venue for getting the truth out about what has happened to this country.

I don't pretend to know what goes on way way way down deep in the rabbit hole of deep state globalism, but something is afoot with Kennedy's candidacy. In my opinion.

I don't believe HE believes what he is saying. Which is very arrogant of me, I'll give you that, but it's the only thing that makes sense to me.

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#RightOn…and sad.

And shameful.

Shamelessly mass-murderously imperious, too, are the #nefariousNewWorldOrder’s #PowersThatBe who’ve for decades propagandized #WeThePeople into both #blissfulIgnorance and #LearnedHelplessness via our allowing so-called #AmericanExceptionalism to be indoctrinated into our youth & automobile worshipping Judeo-Christian culture.


#CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer)

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I have never voted for the Democrat or Republican for president or other jobs. I have voted for Ralph, Cynthia McKinney, Jill Stein and other third party candidates here in Oregon. I know that they will not win, but that if they get enough votes then other candidates will notice that by turning their backs on our issues they will lose votes. So far it hasn't worked out very well. This has been going on since protesting the war in Viet Nam. I was too young to vote in the election of Kennedy, but I did not vote for Johnson or any of the other war mongers. Needless to say, voting has not been very effective in stopping war. In my life time, boycotting grapes and city busses got results. I believe that draft resistance during Viet Nam taught the war machine not to try that again. It didn't end the war, but I think that resistance by soldiers did help bring about the end. It wasn't the politicians and the peace candidates

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Joe Biden sh*ts his pants and doesn't remember where he is.

This sh*thole country is a death star run by senile old inveterate liar who sh*ts his pants.

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A friend who saw today's events coming twenty years ago told me recently that going local is the only solution to the problem. It has to be grassroots. One thing the protest demonstrations show is that there are a lot of people on "our side." That energy has to be marshaled and the best way is through local efforts.

America is going through the 5 Stages of Grief. (https://youtu.be/Zk7pOnUPL74?si=XgowDYmc6P0Npptn) I've gotten to the Depressed stage, which is good since it means I'm almost through it. And "Acceptance" doesn't mean we join the IDF. It means we can begin to think clearly about solutions.

I would add "Learn to Live With Less." One thing that has amazed me about fasting is how little food I need. They can't take away what you don't have.

Regarding Cindy's post on "De-Blahing" check out these watercolor artists.

Tammy Kaye (https://www.youtube.com/@Tammykaye) Tammy is also an art therapist.

Tim Schofield (https://www.youtube.com/@TimSchofieldArt) Tim's has a wonderful watercolor technique and has that ASMR thing going. His background music is lovely.

Want to learn calligraphy and watercolor? Check out Lindsay (https://thepostmansknock.com).

We can beat these bastards.

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Yikes. So, is it Jill now, or Cornel? Or is it the kick ass Latinas running as socialists?

This is a country held hostage by so so so many lobbies, outfits like the Chamber of Commerce, the Koch or the Theils, and, alas, the celebrity shit that has occurred since JFK? Camelot?

We do not have any politicians in those main-scum political org, red manure or blue manure, that can even speak to world leaders like Putin or Xi. Cornel can't get his goddamned stupidity from foaming out of his mouth attacking Putin as a monster, tyrant.

So, these are the peeps of evils of the lessers?

Shit. Claudia and Katrina not enough for the lesser of evils voters?


And, poll after poll shows Latino/a-Hispanic voters favor the Jewish Zionist Catholic Joe "I FInally have a Jewish Doctor in the Family" Biden.


All those Jews marching on Washington yesterday? Were they treated like kthe Freedom Riders were treated?

I have seen the stories -- they fully support Bibi, and Bibi is the representation of Jewish Ideology in that Jewish Occupied State! And look at Bibi interviewed by yet another Zionist and Jewish First multimillionaire bubble head blonde!


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I would like to see a discussion about the difference between lesser-evilism vs the fantasy that there will ever be a candidate with whom we agree 100%.

There is not another human on the planet I agree 100%, nor should there be.

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Sure, let's have that discussion right now. (Which I have had so many times I forgot how many). There are a few close friends I have that I agree with 100% and I would vote for them if they ran for anything. However, I am not saying you do this, but others do: Supporting genocide is a deal breaker for me. I don't dislike RFK's candidacy because he put the toilet paper roll on backwards from how I like it. IT'S GENOCIDE. Of course, Trump and Biden actively support genocide as well. What does that say about our country and the rotten murder-demons that "run" it. Which won't change just because a new face gets in the Offal Office. That's the more important discussion, imho. No one on this thread, so far, wants to engage with positive steps we can take to actually change the disgusting trajectory of the country. I guess voting every so often is much easier and people can absolve themselves of their complicity.

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Not meaning to change the subject, but have you been hearing about this letter from Bin Laden that surfaced yesterday? There was a lot of discussion on TikTok about it Because it was making people change their mind about what happened on 911 and the meaning behind it all and what’s going on now. Government officials were condemning it, which makes it all the more curious. Sites took down the letter and TikTok was trying to get rid of any mention of it. If you do a search for it on Google, it’s impossible to find but I found this and I’m not sure if it’s the latter or not but it’s quite an interesting read.


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I wonder when the phrase "lesser-evilism" slipped or slithered into the vernacular of voting? It's really a negative and defeatist slogan, and implicitly (or explicitly) concedes that the System is rotten, and that the voter should just resign him/herself to it. Maybe 2024 will be the Year of the 3rd (or 4th) Party? My sense is that the Energy is out there for Change (not the fake Obama kind), but still plenty of charlatans out there to hi-jack it...

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