In 1996 Ralph Nadar and Winona LaDuke sought the Presidency on the Green Party ticket. No one expected them to win but a significant goal of the campaign was to reach 5% of the vote so federal campaign funds could be achieved for future efforts. We got close, about 4%, I believe. Chomsky was one of the many “progressives” who abandoned the effort to continue to seek federal funding for a third party when the ne’er-do-wells of the land sent the obvious moron Dubya Bush into the race. The professor was joined by many others who had previously supported the effort—Howard Zinn, Medea Benjamin, et al. Their trembles pretty much ended any future efforts to seek fairness in election funding and it made sure that every squatter in the Oval Office will be worse than the previous squat. This media-fueled fear is, I believe, why a more perfect Union, Justice, domestic Tranquility, common defence, general Welfare, and the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity do not exist.

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I think a lot of aspects of the GPUSA are to present a mild alternative to the war party and its filled with a lot of centrist Democrats who seemingly care about the environment.

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The last Democratic Presidential nominee I voted for in a general election was in 2004. Since then, I've voted either third party or done write-ins. This year, I will probably write in my dog Ever for President. I feel my vote is more about my conscience than about jumping on a bandwagon. And of course, our elections are rigged, anyway.

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I can't believe I voted for John Kerry

I am trying to make up for that mistake.


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I know. I can't believe I voted for him either.

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Me too. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 and thought I'd never go back to Democrats. I'm still mad I let myself get talked into voting Kerry in 2004. I thought Bush was the anti-christ, and I was moved by the idea we had to show solidarity against him. Ugh. I wavered a lot, and the thing that put me over the edge was reading a transcript of Kerry's famous winter soldier testimony. I thought no one could change that much. Ugh. Wrong. Or he was always this way and someone else wrote it.

Ralph Nader never made me regret voting for him, but Kerry made me regret it on election night. After repeating over and over his promise to not concede the election before all the votes were counted like Gore did, he conceded before the votes were counted, on election night, literally an hour after his running mate John Edwards gave a speech repeating that promise. What a scumbag. And that's when I changed my voter registration to Green Party. (Until they went nuts over covid.)

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We were all desperate and in shock....

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Hey Cindy, if it makes you feel any better (don't know why it would), I voted for Ann Richards. Possibly history's greatest ever example of Live & Learn!

~~ j ~~

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They don’t bother to describe how Genocide Joe would be better than Evil Orange Man even in the midst of the Gaza Massacres. And, get this, Cornel West is one of the signers even while he supposedly runs for President!

They are I am sure alumni of COVID University likely prepping for bird flu protocols.

I guess Chomsky figures Biden would be more likely to exercise starvation protocols against the anti vaxxers this time around.

Absolutely pathetic bunch of wankers.

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Gnome Chompers is a fraud.

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I lost all respect for Chomsky when he refuses to acknowledge the Oswald had nothing to do with the JFK murder and won't discuss 9/11 false flag even as such. Flush time!

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down the drain

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The meme sums it up perfectly. The powers that be having us fighting Left vs Right to distract us from fighting bottom vs top.

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TOTALLY! Why I have voted third party (my conscience) for decades and it helps that my national NY State votes don't count in the Electoral College system, although local elections are very impactful.

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You were right in 2020, and you're even righter now!

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They said to battle him, but Chomsky advocated for mandates and for starving those who didn’t comply. Has he apologized for that yet?

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Ugh. He did actually say we should starve.

I wasn't happy with him before that, but after...100% turdbucket

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Thanks once again Cindy for a brilliant piece. I just wrote an article on Substack about the horrors of Biden. People need to ask why we, the people, have absolutely no say in who the major presidential candidates are. It is also very clear that the democrats would rather lose elections that give up even a modicum of fealty to their corrupt, corporate donors.

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thanks, Susan

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The analogy I have used when discussing M. Awful and Mr. Terrible is this:

When someone says vote between being shot or hanged, the appropriate answer is NO.

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The analogy I have used is, when you go into a restaurant and find the only items on the menu are shit and vomit, the appropriate answer is walk out. Democrats and Republicans will sit down and slurp it up, shaking their fists at those who walk out. They will debate only with each other whether shit tastes better than vomit.

Julian Assange used the analogy, would you rather get syphilis or gonorrhea? And the answer is no.

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This takes me back to Obama's ludicrous challenge to liberals--"Hold my feet to the fire." 🙄

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Until we did. I was trying to hold his feet to the fire and I got arrested in front of the White House--then I was ban and barred from being near the White House for 6 months. I forgot and stepped over the invisible line, but the Park PoPo had mercy on me. The penalty was six months in DC jail---which is a major shithole.

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Noam “The Lesser of Two Evils” Chomsky has passed his greatness—time to go home and wait for God’s justice. Continuing to yap as he does endangers his immortal soul.

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I could not agree more!

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Well, you're preaching to a choir member here, so I can only resort to the old Limbaugh lexicon and say "ditto".

But I might as well trot out this old joke cited by Woody Allen in "Annie Hall":

A man mentions to his psychiatrist that he has a brother at home who thinks he's a chicken.

The psychiatrist suggests that the man bring his brother in for treatment.

The man replies, "Well, I would... but we need the eggs."


Some people immediately see the parallel (it isn't exact), and some are baffled. But I see the arguments proffered by earnest advocates of lesser-evil electoral politics as hard-boiling down to "We need the eggs." 🤨 🥚🥚🥚

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Like hundreds of thousands across the U.S., I, too, have rarely voted for any presidential candidate, excepting McGovern. We two both broke from the mainstream back in the '80s when we supported Jesse, starting at the caucus level in south Texas. So, your piece reminds me of our life-long commitment to peace, justice, and love. Thank you. BB in VA

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Trump's always been an "Entertainer," when he was not part of an Enterprise intended to screw people out of wages. Biden's the Worst of the Worse, and should have been disqualified during the 2020 Fake Election; how this certified plagiarist ever got into the Oval Office, never mind Trump, in the first place should give everyone pause. This is definitely not a recommendation for Trump, but Joe's gotta go, absolutely no question about that. Biden, like Zelensky and Netanyahu: "Kick these Bums out!--preferably on their bums, and maybe sharpen up those Guillotine Blades..."

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