Meet the new boss

Same as the old boss

Pray we don't get fooled again

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Turn on "CC".


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Where is Michaela Alise Miller? (Aka: "Shaela" now?


(I actually found Cathy & Shaela not long after Mark died. Not so terribly difficult. As it turns out.)

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Since you bring it up, once again I'll recycle a comment that I also wrote years ago-- and like your 2016 post, remains grimly relevant. This is a short one, for a change. I must've been having an off day when I originally wrote it 🤔:


It seems straightforward and commonsensical enough-- Civics and Political Science 101-- to argue that the public needs to "hold politicians' feet to the fire", while also "giving them political space" to support progressive-liberal values and policies. Rome wasn't reformed in a day!

This specious dogma ignores or denies the reality that politicians' cloven hooves are naturally fireproof, and are well-accustomed to comfortably remaining in far warmer places than the sporadic, flickering, guttering flames of isolated progressive campfires . 👣 🔥 👿

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Thanks, it's super-frustrating. Now MAGA gets to experience this!

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yep! ....again and again and again..... americans are VERY slow learners.

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What a great 2015 Soapbox Newsletter that could have been written today. Having recently arrived in GA from the very blue north, I met a most amazing person who told me, after walking across GA and part of AL to the Pettis Bridge ceremony that Trump would win because he was appealing to a large section of the USA that had not ever recovered from the Great Depression, let along the recession of 2008. I could not conceive of a large number of rural poor southerners falling for a NYC con man, but they and many others did. And the nascent anti-war progressives came out of their sleep, sort of. And here we are again, and I assume they will awaken from their 4-year hibernation, but I am not sure I want to join their ranks, having never hibernated. I don't trust them. Just when I think we might take (not take back a country what we never had) the USA, I will once again be heart-broken, and my heart is too old for another break.

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Dudette: That C word is a C word. Evil INCARNATE.

Not changing my mind any time soon. I've been on this bumpy ride since... A long time.

When you know, you know. Can't shove this Jeannie, with the light blonde (and brown) hair, "back in bowl".


If any of you have the stomach: go find the VIDEO clip in which a gynecologist confirms the horrific diets. (It's out there.)

Cheers Cin. Be more well and happy in 2025 than in 2024.

PS: Sure wish I could help (financially) but am literally hanging on, up here in Canuckistan, by a gossamer thread myself.

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You are so sweet to share with me when you are able---let's virtually hang on together.

Love & Peace---and I hope 2025 are better and better for all of us (well, not the Garbage People---they can fuck all the way off!)

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Ditto x 20 re: GP's.

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They're obviously not really antiwar and not even anti-Bush anymore. He's been rehabilitated as a "sweet, funny man" according to Michelle Obama. And of course, she's the one they all listen to.....

They will protest again but only because the Orange Man is back in office. Will they drag out their mangy pussy hats again? 🤣

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Coffee at 5 bucks a pop? If you really need that coffee, drop by here in Fredericksburg and we'll brew a few; currently I'm mixing 8-10 grams of Chiapas mild-roast with 10-8 grams of Just Coffee's dark roast. BB in VA

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Thank you so much for your work. I find it very inspiring that a regular person gets so involved and informed. I will try to follow your example!

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Hi Cindy,

I added some questions to the Wedge Issues and changed to using Datawrapper to allow for more questions and responders, so there's 24 yes/no questions now. There's a list of answers from Doc Malik in the comments that you can use as a template if you want to leave your answers in the comments and I'll put them in the spreadsheet. Thanks again for participating. When you view the spreadsheet, its not obvious but you can scroll the questions horizontally. You can search for things or click on a column heading to sort responses. Thanks again.

More Opinions On Wedge Issues

of some well known commentators, as far as I can tell...a work in progress


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