May 29Liked by Cindy Sheehan

This guy lost me when he said nuclear war is the only thing worth worrying about. Deepstate has been using the same fake threat to ruin THIS country for 75 years. Nuclear war will NOT happen. Start paying attention to problems right here, and don't use fake threats as a distraction.

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He has an opinion. That's his greatest worry. Thanks for listening.

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Cindy, virtually everyone has lost their history. The Presidential Elector selection process by the party system is not Constitutional. When the Constitution was being considered by each of the 13 states, county delegates met with the framers of the proposed Constitution. Ratification debates were held and, very important, these discussions were recorded. These are legal documents that still exist and are esentially like contract negotiations, enforceable. Judges and law schools are not schooled in these and Constitutional attorneys are typically clueless.

The understanding presented at the debates is that the people vote for their member of the House directly choosing their representative and ditto for the Presidential Elector. The wording in the Constitution that the state legislators are to decide the "manner" of this election process does not alter the right of the people to chose who will represent them. This process was waylaid by the major parties beginning in 1856 and resulted in the morass of a uniparty we have today.

Mesnwhile, the right to have one member of the House in Congress and identical number of Electors was set at 1 per 30,000 persons. Congress in 1929, instead of proposing an Amendment to the Constitution, passed a reapprortionment bill. Totally unconstitutional and this is totally provable.

Imagine if all the people opposing the funding of war, via unconstitutional foreign aid, and unconstitutional debt (most of the 35 trillion) organized first amendment petitions demanding the states come into Constitutional compliance. We could outwit and overcome deepstate operatives.

There is an additional carrot here in that multiple actions of Congress over the decades have been costly unconstitutional actions benefitting selected wealthy families. These national assets can be retrieved. We just need a Constitutionalist heading the Executive branch as a major start.

I am the program manager for a radioshow on the Constitution and would love to talk to you in person or by phone. I live in San Francisco.

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Thanks, Cynthia. Please send me an email at cindysheehanssoapbox@gmail.com if you want to arrange a call.

Love & Peace

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Cindy. I DID send email and have not received requested phone call, wolill try again

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