Nov 5, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

In family dynamics, abused children often become child abusers. In personality dynamics, narcissists "play the victim card" to justify their victimization of others. In geopolitical dynamics, Nazi atrocities are invoked to legitimize Zionist atrocities.

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Exactly....people try to rid themselves of psychic pain by acting out on other people. This is the real reason for Zionism....if I get rid of the people who most resemble me, I will be safe. The Palestinians and the Jews from the Middle East are an inch away from one another in terms of their historical mythologies. My response to Zionism has been since I was a child being asked to buy a tree for Israel when I was 8 was ...why don't they take land from Germany? Weren't the German Nazis the ones who tried to kill the Jews? What did the Palestinians do to them? I am still asking it since Germany seems to easily slip back into a fascist manner of behaving despite the rhetoric....and the Palestinians can't even get food and electricity in a stable manner...thanks to Israel.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

One of the huge issues is that Israel was made of stolen land from the Palestinians. Why doesn’t the US move Israel to Florida or maybe to Wyoming ?

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Definitely Florida.

I’ve got bear, and bison, and wolf friends in Wyoming.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Aaaahaha...Surely you jest! Not in my name or on my dime. They already aLL have dual citizenships which is bad enough. If they are like my dear departed Holocaust Survivor friends that would be different. They understood Menschlicheit, and were good citizens of the world, betrayed by their own, the Zionists. Most likely many Israelis already own property in Florida and New York. If they pull off this ethnic cleansing in GAZA, it scares me to think what they will do to all the "ethnic" Jews they all look down on. Don't think this land grab is only going on in Israel. Who do you think was behind the Lahaina Holocaust? Why are there so many Jews in places of power in Hawaii???? They have tried it in Los Angeles too. Where ever the money grubbers go, they do the land grab (even changing building codes to seize property). It is like a disease spreading throughout the Greater Israel Project lands.

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There is a fine line between being anti-Zionist and anti-Jew.

I have a lot of good Jewish friends who oppose what Izzy-Hell does.

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The line thins when the good guys go along with and do not police their own, but stay silent when elder Goyim are being cheated out of their life savings and property by a cabal of Zionists, like my Mom was when my Dad was held in Kindred Hospital as a medical prisoner while they charged $6600.00 per day for 18 months of captivity, and then sued her using a forged signature. They had already sent drones to Laguna Beach to check out her property and get estimates for their theft to decide how long they should hold him,and keep him alive. These people are dual citizens, so why do you think they would only covet Gaza and not other valuable property like Laguna and Lahaina. Maybe as you get older, you will understand this group. I was warned about them by my best friend's Mom and Dad both Holocaust survivors (now deceased).. Then an Orthodox doctor at UCI Medical Center clinched it, when he told us Kindred Zionazis try to kill Orthodox patients as well. I just feel a close kinship with the Palestinians and their plight. Maybe it is my Muslim name that makes me want to stand up and say enough!!! Plus today it seems like someone at my very Zionist bank is screwing with my accounts for the tenth time! Ask your good Jewish friends what they are doing to make their thoughts known. The should be harrassing the appropriate leaders to get the cease fire.

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Thanks, Cindy. Our fates are sealed by Oppen-Heimer-Monster.

This is the dirt of the world, Perversion of homo sapiens, and USA taxpayers foot this crazy MIC's and CIA's and NSA's and Republican-Democratic-Libertarian's bill. U$A-IF -- Empire of Chaos and Empire of Destruction.

A visual representation was created using Nukemap, an online tool created by historian of science and nuclear technology Alex Wellerstein. It shows that a B61-13 bomb exploding over Moscow at an estimated maximum yield of 360 kilotons of TNT would cause significant devastation and kill more than 300,000 people.



Israel-Palestine war: Arab regimes have betrayed Gaza. It's time to change course



Graveyard of Children!



It's about those straits, Cindy, those straits:

Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane




Nazis? Isra-Hell?

Prof. Leibowitz: There are Judeo-Nazis. Israel Represents the Darkness of a State Body.


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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Ironically, this genocidal behavior is reinforcing stereotypes about Jews being greedy, arrogant and "holier than thou." 🤔

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

No surprise here. Our family was victimized by them. They demonstrated every stereotype too. It actually is weird that they don't seem to notice...as if they don't care, as long as they get their way. I really feel sorry for the good guys who respect all humanity. Backlashes are rarely selective. .

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thank you, Cindy. It cannot be explained any better than what you have stated. Plain facts, straight with no chaser. And in the final summation it all comes down to the Golden Rule. No one is above that.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

My new congresswoman is Val Hoyle. She wrote:

"Let me be clear: I strongly support humanitarian protections and human rights for Palestinians, especially innocent civilians in Gaza, and I strongly support the difficult work of finding a diplomatic solution to end this humanitarian crisis.

"At the same time, I strongly condemn the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel and Israeli civilians, as well as Hamas’s taking of more than 200 hostages, including Americans. While I believe Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorist attacks – as does any country – I strongly oppose the idea of “collective punishment” of innocent civilians in Gaza, who are currently bearing the brunt of this war. Civilians must be protected, no matter where they live.

"That’s why I recently joined 55 of my colleagues in urging President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken to pressure Israel to protect innocent civilians in Gaza and adhere to international law. The letter we sent also stated the following:

Opposed Israel’s forceful evacuation of over one million Gazan civilians from the north of Gaza and opposed Israeli military leaders’ call for a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip.

Urged Israel to restore food, water, fuel, electricity, and other life-saving necessities to Gaza.

Called for immediate establishment of humanitarian corridors for delivery of life-saving resources to civilians in Gaza, and for additional U.S. aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

Urged the President to strongly discourage any hate crimes against both Jews and Muslims in the United States and around the world, including reiterating publicly that “Hamas is not the Palestinian people, and the Palestinian people are not Hamas.”

Underscored the importance of finding a diplomatic solution to this crisis by stating that “we cannot achieve lasting peace and security for Israelis without addressing the humanitarian crises in Gaza and the West Bank.”

"You may also be interested to know that I do not support Israeli settlement expansion in, nor annexation of, the West Bank, and I do not support actions that displace or demolish Palestinian homes. Actions like these only undermine peace between Palestinians and Israelis, and they further entrench many Palestinians as second-class citizens.

"In addition, I strongly support aid to Palestinians, including U.S. contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and U.S. bilateral assistance to the Palestinian people. Additionally, I believe it is appropriate that congressional lawmakers have full oversight of the $3 billion in annual aid of U.S. taxpayer money to Israel.

"I also joined my colleagues in signing a letter condemning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s anti-democratic actions to gut the Israeli judiciary. The letter points out that these actions would have the effect of undermining Palestinian civil liberties, too. "



So, she's supporting, signing, and urging. I found this response lacking, so I emailed her again, basically telling her to impeach the motherfucker (Biden). I found a way to say it without profanity somehow. I asked her what she's waiting for. Still waiting for the next form reply.

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Compared to the other congress critters, it wasn't a horrible response, but you're right. It definitely was lacking.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I emailed my new congresswoman and both senators, all Democrats. Responses were predictable.

Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley in particular like to cultivate the appearance of progressiveness, so I want everyone to see their slimy true nature.

Here's Wyden's form response:

" I condemn Hamas' heinous attacks on Israelis and support Israel's right to defend itself. I support the protection of civilians in Gaza and U.S. efforts to encourage humanitarian relief, including the provision of food, water, and medical aid to those in need. These objectives are not mutually exclusive.

"As a senior member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, I will continue working with the Biden administration to facilitate the safe release of hostages and assist Oregonians who are trying to return safely back to the United States from Israel. As the Senate continues to consider legislation regarding this conflict, please rest assured that I will keep your views in mind. "

Here's Merkley:

"On October 7, 2023, Hamas—a U.S.-designated terrorist organization that controls the Gaza Strip—launched a series of horrific rocket barrages against Israeli cities and sent waves of fighters into Israel. These attacks killed hundreds of innocent civilians and injured countless more. Tragically, Hamas has also taken at least 200 people as hostages, including American citizens.

"I forcefully condemn Hamas’s terrorist attacks, which killed unarmed and innocent civilians ranging from children to Holocaust survivors, and support Israel’s right to respond to those attacks in a targeted manner in accordance with international law. I also mourn the loss of life in the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the toll it has taken on innocent Palestinians and Israelis. It is deeply concerning that the initial bombing campaign has killed thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians and that the forced evacuation and blockade of water, food, and power is creating a humanitarian catastrophe.

"I commend President Biden for observing that democracies like the United States and Israel are stronger and more secure when acting according to the rule of law. Israel must adhere to the strictest possible standard for civilian protection under international law, even when fighting an adversary like Hamas. It is essential that Israel quickly restores access to food and water and allows for safe passage of humanitarian aid into Gaza. Half of Gaza’s population is children. We can not and must not lose sight of the humanity of everyone affected.

"The vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians share the same aspirations we all do: to see our children grow up in safety and build a better life for our families and communities. Please know that as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I will continue to advocate for a secure future in a rebuilt Gaza that breaks the endless cycle of conflict with peace for both Palestinians and Israelis."

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And what's with Bobby Kennedy Jr....he is avoiding this subject like the plague...or like the Holocaust it is....I must text his Kennedy Beacon and his fundraisers every other day and no response...I guess he is a Zionist, eh? Too bad. What did Shakespeare say about lawyers? Perhaps that's where his real fear lies and who can blame him? Regardless, sometimes you really have to admit the whole Zionist thing was a big fat ugly MISTAKE

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I always respond to their emails from the campaign. I get a canned response, but never a follow up to my questions--which usually have something to do with Israel.

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I think this is very valid....my friend John on Press TV https://www.urmedium.net/c/presstv/127197

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We the working classes have been brutalized, so since the criminal elite is showing us the way, let us brutalize the oligarchs, their lackeys and their henchmen since they've opened the door for that... but wait, if we do, the fake news, the oligarchy media, the psychopaths in Chiefs, the creepy bastards that lie and deceive, the backstabbers, the traitors, the criminal elites and the mob that follows them will denounce, and condemn us for acting like them. 😐

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