Is it true that Hezbollah and Hamas have weapons in the Aipac building in D.C. and the Capital ?

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Sep 24Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Hope so!

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Not sure what this comment means.

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IDF states Hezbollah has rockets in homes in Lebanon. That s why they are bombing homes etc.. IDF pants on fire.

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Absolutely! In all the Congress critters homes to. Bomb, go go go.

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God help us...what a question!

How about, "Does Israel have booby trapped "pagers" in the U.S.?" My guess is YES!

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I do not vote D & R (or at all). Have the Dems said Trump is killing in Gaza and Lebanon? Has Trump said it? I would like to quote a past active duty U.S. soldier who's job it was to coordinate bombing Gaza.................. " I will no longer be complicit in genocide, FREE PALESTINE (garbled from flames)". RIP Aaron .

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Sep 24Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Besides chest beating, "I'll end the war in Ukraine" (I guess because he's Trump), has Trump (or Aloha, or RFK Jr.) given ANY specific details on what they would do, how they would "negotiate" with Putin, etc.? As for the "team" and Israel, good luck.

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

No President (brain dead proves that we can elect a cactus and nothing would change) has power against the CIA, or the BLOB as it's called because naming them all is tedious and I'm bound to miss some or not know of all the additional Police Security Hegemonic apparatus.

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a cactus was elected in 2020.

Cactus/Garbage 2020

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Sep 24Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Is there anything more frustrating than struggling 20 years for peace and understanding with things getting worse? Look what we are up against. US imperialism is the most vile cancer humanity has ever faced. Hitler's Germany lasted 12 years from start to finish, although one can make the case that the US successfully led a hostile takeover of fascism to move its capital to DC. The original 13 seaside colonies expanded to the Pacific, stole half of Mexico, committed genocides against Africans and Native peoples, and were well on the way to where we are today. Its easy to be disheartened, but don't let the bastards get you down. Keep on truckin' Cindy, you are not alone, Solidarity Forever!

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thank you!

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I'm sorry, but I've been looking for all day and can't find it. I can't find anything from yesterday or the day before. Either I named the wrong show or (more likely) it's been pulled. It was very encouraging for the Palestinian and Lebanese people, that's a big NO-NO according to the censorship authorities. I hope I can find it. There other one or two platforms it might be on. I'll keep looking.

It gave me hope, and would have done so for Palastinians or pro-human rights groups

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Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

There's an interview on Dialog Works that was really inspiring. It was a Palestinian and UK resident (sorry I don't have who they were) talking of Isrealhell's multiple and how it's all backfiring. It was so so good to hear. I don't have the info, yet, because I was listening while walking the dog.

If you'd like, I can link it here. It was uplifting.

We could all use that I believe.

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Sep 24Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Orange Man Bad, and

Que-Malaise are the same stains on separate sheets of toilet tissue.

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Skid marks

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I like the moniker "Tiny Armageddon" for President "Z" who is truly a Fake President after cancelling elections that wouldn't have mattered anyway after banning all opposition parties. Ukraine, like Israel, is a tinpot dictatorship posing as a Democracy.

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Remember the argument, “how can Zelinski be a Nazi, he’s Jewish!” Well, golly, if only we had a prominent, Jewish person acting like a Nazi and committing genocide somewhere to prove them wrong.

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Sep 24Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Hmm, Cindy-- sounds like you've got a touch of the ol' Sisyphus Blues, and more sympathetic I could not be. 🗿

I'm not one to sugarcoat honest blues with sweet 'n sticky glurge. But perhaps it may comfort you to consider that the rock rolling back down upon us would've been way bigger, and rolled way faster, if you hadn't been beating your brains and heart out against it for all these years!

We appreciate your sacrifice. 🙏

OK, now we all can see that my rare attempts at offering restorative, soothing comfort and joy could use some polish. 🤨


• I never warmed up to Springsteen, going back to when he was first hyped by the mainstream media as the Second Coming of Bob Dylan. So I felt vindicated and gratified when he turned out to be a typical progressive-liberal showbiz celebrity Establishment toady. Our very own Bono!

Since I don't follow him, I echo your perplexity about this image. I'm vaguely aware that Bruce has scamdemic-induced or exacerbated health issues, but what's up with those manboobs? Is this a photoshopped joke that wooshed over my head?

• I hope the wretched Zelensky is reaching the end of his fifty months of fame. I grant that he's a pathetic patsy, pawn, puppet, and disposable tool, but I'm still more inclined to censure than pity. And armageddon goddamned sick and tired of his compulsive blustering, bleating, and whining. 😠

• To conclude with an inconclusive thought: I never had a discussion with anyone employed in a weapons manufacturing facility, but I assume their (in)human resources managers seek out patriotic useful idiots and/or the truly desperate-- like the armed forces they supply.

I don't want to fill the void in my experience with negative stereotypes, but I wonder if line workers are genuinely pleased and appreciative when some warmongering celebrity shows up to pat them on the back. I guess cognitive dissonance successfully quashes any pangs of conscience, so most weapons-making workers may well welcome such important guests as the reason for the season. 🤔 🤨

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I have felt basically the same about Springsteen, also from the beginning. The Bono reference is classic.

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Sep 24Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The UN International Day of Peace is observed every year on September 21st. In 2007, I observed the day by standing at the street corner with a hand-made sign saying: WILL WORK FOR PEACE.


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Sep 24Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Next up: Zelensky and Netanyahu make a pilgrimage to Los Alamos. Zelensky escorted by Harris, Netanyahu by Trump.

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I. Have. No. More. Words.

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Hi Greta.


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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Employees of "ammunition factories" as well as all other "factories" of weapons of mass destruction are complicit with the fascist regime and the war mongering Satanists who run them. God have mercy on their souls.

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that's true, but, people have to eat.

I am not so upset with the workers, although, I could never.

We live in a society that is geared towards war and making war. That limits the options for workers.

I recently had someone tell me that I should just STFU because Casey joined the military.

What industry doesn't support Imperialism here in the Empire?

In the 1970s, I used to work for a bank collecting delinquent loans. I hated every single minute of it. I wasn't very good at the job.

Teamsters have shut down ports for a few hours every so often to protest loading ships for war, but, they still do it, day after day.

We all do what we can.

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It's way beyond obvious that the peaceful protests aren't working. There needs to be a lot more. For starters if everyone stopped paying taxes and.....

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Yes, join me in war tax resistance

I agree

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Speaking of which, SF state has divested!

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Shitdog. Try the past 50 years or more for me. 67 going strong. But Carter? What a polluted shit Jimmy was and is. But the beat went on and on until Jewish Kushner/Trump and Jewish Emoff-Harris are facing off in their lobotomy contest

Roy Cohen got his ideas for McCarthy from Monster Edward Bernays, and now these Freaks of the Jewish Century are all over neutered Goyim.

Zuckerberg or Thiel or Ellison or Soros or Google bat mitzvah's, go ahead and make the connections all the way back .

Embrace this world, Cindy. Not your fault on your watch. All planned controlled opposition now morphed into big data censorship and termination.


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Shitdog. Try the past 50 years or more for me. 67 going strong. But Carter? What a polluted shit Jimmy was and is. But the beat went on and on until Jewish Kushner/Trump and Jewish Emoff-Harris are facing off in their lobotomy contest

Roy Cohen got his ideas for McCarthy from Monster Edward Bernays, and now these Freaks of the Jewish Century are all over neutered Goyim.

Zuckerberg or Thiel or Ellison or Soros or Google bat mitzvah's, go ahead and make the connections all the way back .

Embrace this world, Cindy. Not your fault on your watch. All planned controlled opposition now morphed into big data censorship and termination.


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Shitdog. Try the past 50 years or more for me. 67 going strong. But Carter? What a polluted shit Jimmy was and is. But the beat went on and on until Jewish Kushner/Trump and Jewish Emoff-Harris are facing off in their lobotomy contest

Roy Cohen got his ideas for McCarthy from Monster Edward Bernays, and now these Freaks of the Jewish Century are all over neutered Goyim.

Zuckerberg or Thiel or Ellison or Soros or Google bat mitzvah's, go ahead and make the connections all the way back .

Embrace this world, Cindy. Not your fault on your watch. All planned controlled opposition now morphed into big data censorship and termination.


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