Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” — Henry Kissinger (who should know)

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Yep, he should know

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

And let's not forget that the NATO West -- Germany, France, their master across the Atlantic -- had no intention of implementing a peace through the Minsk Agreement but instead bought time to build up Ukraine's military to a position of provoking a direct war. They openly said so.

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yes, great point, thanks!

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It makes me wonder if the whole plan was to get Ukraine into debt so that they have control over it.

Then they can corporatize it and build the WEF smart country city whatever bullshit prototype there.


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If you read Confessions of an Economic Hitman, you can see this is the exact protocol we have used on dozens of countries. They practiced on 3rd world countries for decades, then started in on the first world countries like Greece and Iceland. And now, America.

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great book--I read it a few months after Casey was killed. It really opened my eyes even more!

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Read it...also one of the first books that opened my eyes. I wonder if writing the book was his way of purging his soul of Satan. Hard to think one book would do it, but it's a start, I suppose.

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He does say that he tried writing the book numerous times, and each time a suitcase of cash was given to him to NOT write it. But that when the Twin Towers came down, he realized how much he personally had to do with the way the world was heading, and that he knew it was time to publish the book. I have followed him ever since, but over the past 3 years I have been disappointed with his perspective on things. For someone who spends so much time with shamanic tribal energy, his views seem out of date and patriarchal.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Are we not looking at hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian deaths, as Zelensky's thugs kept press ganging innocent kids into the firing line?

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Eastern Europe figured out a LONG time ago that America is a totally untrustworthy friend.


Zelensky obviously wasn't listening to his ancestors in that part of the world.

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One of the most succinct and excellent articles of what this war was all about. Thank you!

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President "Z" accurately reflects the state of Ukraine--a hot mess. He was never a serious figure on the World Stage, although that puts "Z" in the same league as the rest of the West. It's easy to imagine Trudeau, Zelensky, and Macron all having a sleep-over together, just not ruling countries that were once significant (well, Ukraine and Canada aren't on a par with historical France). Maybe a "pause" in hostilities will allow Ukraine to come to grips with its Nazi problem, and Trudeau can take notes?

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Oh, ZioAzovNaziLensky is still the EuroTrashLandia's Boy Wonder. Even though that was back in May, this Lansky WannaBe is still in the minds of the White Overlord and Underworld Class is their Little Big Man David!


President Volodymyr Zelenskiy collected the prestigious Charlemagne Prize on behalf of the Ukrainian people on Sunday in honour of services to Europe, capping a visit to Germany in which he secured new military aid and warm support from Berlin.



Zelenskiy flew to the western city of Aachen with Chancellor Olaf Scholz following talks in the German capital. He received a standing ovation at a ceremony in the Coronation room of Aachen town hall, where he was awarded the prize, which celebrates services to European unification.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Great piece Cindy! Shared to socials.

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Finally, true cojones enters the POTUS race. Jill Stein took serious hits when she last ran for Prez. She's been arrested in the streets for advocating righteous causes. She's coming back for more. She stands out from and stands up in a field of geldings who preach change but bend over for the Masters of War. Until she entered this race, there was no choice. Now we have one.



"Stein, who is Jewish, has long accused Israel of committing war crimes and said the U.S. needs to stop sending aid to the country." --Associated Press

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

She recommended Peter Dao to Cornel West who promptly destroyed the West campaign then she herself enters the race. Kinda makes me wonder...

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

West has always underwhelmed me. Stein has always appealed to me. However, her Economic Bill of Rights makes me wonder if she's pitching Universal Basic Income. For me, this could be a fatal flaw, but I hope, expect, her to be loud and clear re Gaza genocide.

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Jill is a nice person, but I think she is very underwhelming as well. And it is weird she tore down West's green chances. I find that kind of intrigue a little above her abilities, though.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Jill will get arrested to express her convictions. She seems unequivocally anti-war, so I'm thrilled to not have to write in "Donald Duck" or "Mickey Mouse" for POTUS. Her medical outlook, though geared to the public good, is too orthodox for my taste. However, she's expressed doubt about the efficacy of vaccines. I only hope she would be up to speed re dumping the WHO, which is poised to facilitate The Great Reset.

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The first time I got arrested Cornel did as well.

I am not opposed to Jill, but the Green Party on the national level sux and I would be wary to put my body into their hands.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Cornel turned me off when he gave a press conference at Zuccotti Park and then exhorted Occupiers to get arrested with him by blocking entrances to financial establishments. Fearless leaders who prompt folks to get arrested raise a flag for me. Most Occupiers didn't have the means to pay for arrest or have it on their records, nor was that the spirit of Occupy. Amy Goodman was his partner in that little exercise.

I've only liked the Greens when they gave me Nader, LaDuke and Stein as at least someone I could vote for in good conscience.

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Should the federal government require people to wear face masks in public during the COVID pandemic?

Jill Stein: Yes, but only indoors or crowded areas

Should the government enforce a “stay-at-home” order to combat the coronavirus?

Jill Stein: Yes

And for the grand finale, Drum roll, please...

Do you support the impeachment of President Donald Trump?

Jill Stein: Yes, Trump committed a crime when he threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine

The latter is one of the few instances of Trump doing something correct!

I am not sure her stance on the deadly COVAX mandates. Perhaps someone might enlighten us on that.

Other than perhaps local elections, these contests are useless, a waste of time and delusional.

Power lies with the huge concentrations of wealth, the politicians, with a few scattered exceptions are whores for Capital.

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