I LOVE The Bee!

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I am so over the establishment blue assholes with TDS. Every single one of them that I encounter that have been triggered to react negatively to anything vaguely Trump, I ask "Know of anyone else trying to bring peace?".

They are so locked up in their own echo chambers that they don't even realize they have been manipulated into being pro war. I also like to suggest that if they really are "with Ukraine" that they should get their sorry asses on the next flight over to join the frontline instead of their repulsive virtue signaling.

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Exactly. People like that made me switch to the right, which at least it has a few principled people who are for peace regardless of the party in charge like Dr. Paul the elder. I remember when he stood up to odious neo-con Rudi Giuliani at the Republican Presidential debate and took a lot of heat from his fellow Republicans for doing so. That took courage that simply seems to not exist on the prog side other than maybe Dennis Kucinich who himself got sick of the prog echo chamber.

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When I first saw this clip, I thought it had to be fake! Please no WW3. I have got to get to retirement, lol. I will support anyone pushing for peace.

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I thought this was fake as well. After reading this I am appalled. I am for peace, but Trump is for profit. Trump/Elon/Vance are going to be the ones responsible for WWIII.

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Not quite. The targets for WW3 were softened long before that trio appeared on the scene! They may set it off...but they are not going to be 'responsible'. Not by a long shot! The US government is a WAR MAKING ENTERPRISE! 2/3 of discretionary income goes to DEFENSE (probably even be more now- I get that figure from @2018).

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Zelensky can rot in Hell.

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As usual, I agree 100% with everything you wrote above. And my husband does too.

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Thanks Pepper and Mr. Pepper.

It would be great if your husband (or you) were also MDs.


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Neither of us are MDs, but I can guarantee I know more than the last MD I went to over 3 1/2 years ago. Never again!

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Fun fact. I had to go to the ER when I was protesting at Camp Casey and the ER Docs name was Dr. Pepper. She had zero sense of humor, though.

Yeah, I hate going to Western Med, but, ironically every day I am grateful for it for saving my eyesight. In the case of allopathic medicine, I think we can throw the baby out with the bath water 99.99999% of the time.

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I LOVE Dr Pepper! ;)

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To the nay sayers, does it even occur to you that even if Trump's motives aren't pure that imposing a literal high cost on Euro-crat war mongers makes peace more likely long term? NATO failing and dying would be a good thing for the whole world.

It's honestly weird to me how shitlibs who imbibe corporate media propaganda put pure motives above saving people's lives.

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Good point(s). NATO was a con from the start.

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Since you asked, I think doubling down has got the neocons in the mess Ukraine is in.

They pulled off a putsch thinking the Russians would just sit there bedazzled by their brilliance - and promptly lost Crimea.

They went on to start a civil war with the Donbass and lost to the Donbass so baldly that they were made to sign a document of surrender in Minsk. Again they doubled down by abrogating the treaty and resume fighting which they continued to lose.

Finally they upped the ante with proposing NATO membership thinking sanctions would keep the bear at bay… Nope.

What will they do for an encore? What do they have to lose after Ukraine?? The only thing that would save them embarrassment is WW3… No witnesses.

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Of course I agree. It’s all soul satisfying to watch the bloodletting about to come to a halt.

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It was such a glorious meeting and I'm sure Zelensky had a few preparation toots to get his courage up. This meeting with Trump and Vance is so important but, baby Hitler decides he's gonna insult 'em both 'cause he's the big 'cheese' around here, Biden said so. Well, it didn't work this time so baby Hitler grabs and marbles, 'screw you guys, I'm goin' home!'. Peace is not fun, not when war makes money for child trafficking and Ukraine is the hot spot for that. "Aw shucks people, have a heart! https://youtu.be/OFGA2HbCa0A?si=ajV7q5VNV6fPm1FY

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Sometimes it feels like our choices are never better than halfway screwed

The other choice is completely screwed

Such is the nature of hope

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If you shit in one hand and put hope in the other, you have one hand filled with shit.

Peace is always positive---let's see where we go from there.


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As one who has studied war close and personal (as you have)...you have said what many of us are thinking; and it makes perfect sense: STOP THE KILLING! My sticking point with all this talk of ceasing armed hostilities, is the Israel Palestine issue. Does the president's love for Bibi obscure the horror there? I know your position on it pretty much so I am speaking in broad terms- is one war 'better' than another" I 'heard' something like $800 BILLION went 'missing' from the Pentagon coffers...overpaying for arms? Stuffing pockets of legislators in CON gress? Bribing Mossad/CIA operatives? Paying off Mahmoud Abbas to act like Karen Bass, LA's dumfounded, speechless mayor?

It's a curiosity for sure. Meanwhile, CON gressional warmongers are left (yet again) with their mouths agape. They may as well be waving flags of the 3rd Reich- that is how tone-deaf they are. And USains are...(yet again) stunned into silence, propagandized by the lying media to believe PEACE is a real problem! WTF? If Trump says it- it's stupid. Well, the president is definitely a jackass in some areas- but I am with him on this. Enough killing and dying. Putin's Russia has 20 MILLION reasons for fighting for its territory. NATO and the US broke trust (what else is new?)

Once again, history will show that the US/NATO/UK/EU has destablized the region and the world, violating treaties and agreements that appear to be only for show.

Zelenskyy, if he has one brain cell left, should takes his toys and retreat (literally) to his chalet or hofbrau or whatever with his bags of coke and trinkets and call it a draw. Otherwise- the CIA has plenty of ways of turning him into a pile of bones.

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It urns out that the U.S. CIA and the British M16 chose Zelensky to run for President after the Coup in 2008 as per Kit Klarenberg interviewed on the Gray Zone with Matt Blumenthal.

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That's correct-

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No surprise! That Trio and their lackeys is always involved in such shenanigans. Always.

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Disgusting how the war fiends and their obedient liberal and neocon trolls rabidly oppose peace. Klaus' Mini-Me, Mr. Z should have been offered safety goggles and a lawn mower when he appeared in the Oval Office.

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I am all-in for peace. I happened to thoroughly enjoy the dressing down of Zelensky (wait he didn’t dress up in the first place)!

I don’t think we will get peace because the European leadership wants war but hopefully the US will be able to stay out of the fighting.

With the way the Europeans are acting and with Norway deciding it won’t refuel our naval vessels this is the best opportunity in my lifetime for a genuine drawdown in US forces stationed in Europe. How great would that be!

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Everything is tits up! Thanks, Greg

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You get it.

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I agree with you about the hard cold facts, but the optics were disgusting, because of how disgusting Trump and Vance are personally. Meanwhile - Isreal continues bombingband starving Palestinians, which Trump fully supports verbally and with more weapons. There are no good guys in any of this except the non-Neo Nazis in Ukraine and all the people forced to fight and die for another U.S. Imperial Project.

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I liked the optics. I didn't like when they were all being globalist polite to each other.

I am also, always on the side of the people and I will always be for peace wherever it comes.

Thanks, Suzy

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Calling out war mongering disrespectful blowhards with a begging cup out is "disgusting," in what universe? In the universe I grew up in, in old America, puncturing the pretentions of noxious buffoons was part of our mythology.

When did that change?

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Good concise history Cindy of the years between 2014 and 2022 when the war happened. People seem to think the history of the war between Russia and Ukraine began in 2022 like people believe the history of these Israel, Palestinian conflict began on October 7, 2023 instead of being caused by how Israel treated the Palestinians for 70+ years.

Yesterday‘s show at the White House was premeditated by Trump and Vance as an ambush of Z. I personally wish he would’ve spit in their faces for the world to see. James Carville made an interesting comment questioning if perhaps Trump has tertiary syphilis.

People don’t seem to pay attention that Trump’s focus is on getting the rare earth minerals of Ukraine. Peace is not his central focus ; it’s just a side issue. He wants Ukraine to give up the rare earth minerals to pay for United States assistance. In actuality, the United States should pay for the entire rebuilding of Ukraine. Also Trump’s buddying up with Russia is an attempt to disunite Russia from China and he clearly has said that several times.

To admire Trump for wanting peace is a perversion .

This is a video. He posted himself about Gaza several days ago. “Trump Gaza resort”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PslOp883rfI

He is a sociopath; not a peacemonger!

Any discussions of peace between Russia and Ukraine need to be mediated by someone else and some other country that is actually civilized. Trump, Vance, and their cronies are all assholes and need their diapers changed .

Several months after the war started, Turkey was mediating talks. That is probably a good start and probably where they should happen or some other country not involved in the conflict.

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I have focused on the rare earth minerals, but I will support any efforts for peace.

We know that the US/Britain prevented peace talks during 2022.

Trump has been the only politician in my lifetime that keeps talking about the human cost of war. He's not good, but, I don't think he's as bad as you want to put out.

Biden was better? Obama was better?

I am with Trump---the death has to stop.

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That the killing in Ukraine and Russia will stop (hopefully) is wonderful, but Trump has been applying some pressure on European Nations to take over and several are saying they will - for now Germany and maybe France or the Brits. Isn't that special?! Trump and crew fully plan on and are allowing the starvation to be renewed awhile ago and Israel is bombing the West Bank and shooting and torturing Palestinians there and still killing the people trapped in Gaza while he screws over families waiting tlfor the release of more hostages. In addition Trump and the Pentagon still plan that their war against Iran and China will still be carried out. So no ' Trump is not a Peace guy, but he does not like the sounds of a Nuclear War perhaps.The plan would have been about the same with Harris - minus still carrying on sacrificing Ukraine in the interest of US Militsry Conquest goals.

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Thanks, Suzy--I am not so sure about that now. I was distressed, but the U.S. has directed Britain to stop sharing intel with Ukraine, so it's not likely, now. I hope

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By their fruits ye shall know them.

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Maybe all those suffering from TDS should visit, or re-visit this recent SheeLilly podcast:


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And also, maybe all those giving glory to Trump right now need to step back and look at the big picture and not kiss his ass

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LOL...come here Orange ass, I need to kiss it!!!! Let me grab my gloss first.

It's not TDS most people have, it's PDS---peace must be wrong if Trump wants it.

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Why do you people have such a black and white worldview? Liberals used to be able to see nuance.

Hint one can see a war ending as extremely positive while also being wary of highly negative qualities Trump has. Can you grok nuance at all in any way?

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Yeah ok you’re an example of the TDS victims we all roll our eyes at. JFC

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Just curious, do you like Trump‘s plan for Gaza?

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No. I don't generally like Trump. But I don't suffer from TDS, either

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You may have ZDS.

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And rightfully so. He's willing to fight until the last Ukrainian for his profit and steady supply of cocaine. Do you actually support Zelenskyy and what's going on in Ukraine? I find that astonishing.

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Cindy, why the automatic "do you like Zelensky" type retorts and immediate accusations of TDS if people have a different take on this? Beginning to sound too similar to the "Putin/Assad" apologist stuff.

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No, I do not but the man deserved respect yesterday as he expressed legitimate concerns. Trump talked right over him and bullied him. He was actually an embarrassment like he always is even though he does want the right thing to stop the war. His motives are extremely extremely questionable. Trump historically has been against Russia and he just recently extended sanctions against them. He supported the Nordstream pipeline destruction It actually spoke against the pipeline during his administration. Peace is the most important thing, BUTTTTT History shows us that Trump and any president we’ve had, and AmeriKKKa cannot be trusted.

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Nauseating in the first degree. Unfortunately, what is going on in Israel Palestine is funded and supported by the west and is nothing new since Trump got into office. Gaza was pretty much destroyed in the Biden years, wouldn't you say? Defiling and disgracing the memory of the hundreds of thousands of dead is par for the course.

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It's horrible of course. The thing is Harris would have done the exact same thing and escalated in Ukraine, so which is worse overall? And no you don't get a magic fairy outcome where Jill Stein won, that isn't reality.

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Still have HDS?

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OMG...did you support Harris? Now I know peace is not in your wheelhouse. Yes, I loathe her and everything she stands for---if she stands for anything but herself. If she won, you'd get what you yearn for: unending proxy war against Russia. Sorry, dude.

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Supported Jill Stein here. And peace is in my wheelhouse .

Please do not be presumptuous.

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I can only go by your vigorous defense of Baby Hitler and full-throated opposition to Trump ending US involvement in Ukraine.

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Rick is an ignorant troll. When people show you who they are, believe them.

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How come Bibi wasn't given the "opportunity" to be publicly exposed, grilled and ambushed for 50 minutes in full view of mega millions of people? Must have been an oversight of the peacemaker. But I'll calm down and patiently wait for my share of all that captured wasted taxpayer money to come back to me.

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Thank you. This is a real interesting video on the thinking that Trump is trying to separate Russia and China, which to me really makes perfect sense as his ultimate goal. https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2025/02/24/trump-divide-russia-china-us-strategy/

Russia is not a threat to America nor is it a threat to Europe because it has no true imperial ambitions. Europe shot itself in the foot by going against Russia because it lost a source of cheap gas and was forced to buy it from America, which is a lot more more expensive. Just geographically Europe and Russia are connected. America, actually AmeriKKKa, is isolated physically and actually should be left to with her on the vine. It’s actions historically show it to be the most violent country in the history of the world.

As Russia negotiates with America, it needs to keep it at arm’s length since it has backstabbed and betrayed numerous times.

Trump has just continued sanctions against Russia for another year. And lest we forget, he wanted the Nordstream pipeline stopped during his administration.

It is good that Trump wants the war to stop and it should. But it is very important to look at his past actions towards Russia and keep them in mind. How he handled the situation yesterday was totally disrespectful to another world leader even though Z. Just wants more and more money. He did have legitimate concerns when he was talking about security for his own country and Trump just talked over him. It seems like so many people here think that’s admirable. What happened yesterday could have been accomplished behind closed doors without humiliating and bullying another person. But Trump just loves a show and chaos. During the war, Ukraine has committed many acts of terror, including shelling a nuclear power plant. Cornering Z. like a rabid dog can have some unintended severe consequences for America. Like I said, in my original post, any peace talks should be done in a neutral country, and Trump should be muzzled.

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I, for one, am repelled by 'yelling, screaming, bullying', etc. Most especially coming from a so-called world leader and specifically the so-called Leader of the Free World (cough, cough). I have watched NO footage on the exchange(s) and plan to avoid that. I agree 100% with your assessment of what I have only heard took place.

I am going with the 'doctrine that rules the world' in this current state and that is Ordo ab chao. Order from chaos. We are in the chaos phase imo.

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So, Bonnie, you didn't watch the exchange?

I wonder who was the bully? Zelenskyy who refuses to even consider peace talks, or a ceasefire and who came to DeCeit with his entourage to bully more money out of the U.S.? JD Vance said, and I quote: "The only way to peace and prosperity is diplomacy." They want to stop the killing so Ukraine can have a chance and Baby Hitler thinks that he has any chance of bringing down Russia? They couldn't even do it with half a trillion of US "aid" and weapons? Why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT ABOUT BRINGING DOWN PUTIN. It's about laundering money, trafficking in weapons, humans, and drugs. Of course Baby Hitler doesn't want his cocaine train to end with all of his homes and other accumulated wealth that came from US tax payers and the US borrowing from banks that also take their pound of flesh. I am being punk'd here because I just want the slaughter to stop. Do people who subscribe to this newsletter even think that I would be in favor of any killing? As for Gaza and Palestine, yes, I briefly commented on that saying that we would go into more depth on SheeLilly. If people think that I have "lost" my "mind" or that I support a fascist, racist, or whatever, they don't have to be here. Did they subscribe thinking that I was a shitlib like they seemingly are? Even if Trump is only in it for himself, if it saves lives, I am in favor of it and people need to come to terms with that.

I 100% support peace in Ukraine--and Palestine--and everywhere.

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No. I didn't watch the exchange but I do know that Trump is and can be a bully. I still don't think 'yelling, screaming, and bullying' is 'diplomacy' and it sounds like they all did their fair share!

These comments are not aligned like a conversation but random blasts. I have reached a saturation point with incidents like the one I read about in the White House and I avoided watching any of it. Frankly, I'm floored that the little Nazi had the cojones to even ENTER the US! The guy is a patsy and doesn't realize it.

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The diplomacy part would come with Putin in the room. Like I said it was all globalist shithead polite until Z threatened the U.S. I like transparency. Maybe everyone should know how things "work."

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So this asshole who has taken literally hundreds of billions from the American people which could have been used to solve real problems here, who showed up with his begging cup and coked up level arrogance shouldn't have received any pushback? Fuck that, in that instant I felt like Trump and Vance were heroes for standing up to the war mongering simpering showman for slaughter. Sometimes you just do need to man up and show unwanted people the door.

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I just wrote similar. And they were all respectful like nice little globalists until Zelenskyy threatened the US in a seven minute rant basically saying that a ceasefire and peace talks were off the table. And the little punk didn't even get his lunch. Fuck him. "Right side of history" my skinny butt.

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Now the back-stabbing, shit-stirring Brits are literally embracing Z as Starmer and Bo Jo BEG Trump to 'stick with it'. Those bastards dragged us into 2 World Wars and other 'troubles'. I say: cut the cord!

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And when they return and terrorize you, you’ve reaped what you sowed.

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You sound like George Bush when he argued for pre-emptive war against Iraq based on phony baloney about "WMDs." Proud of yourself you evil pro war propagandist? Shitlibs are neo-cons now, you are in the bottom basement of morality along with "people" like Dick Cheeny. How does it feel shitlib?

Hint mass murdering people based on made up unproveable hypotheticals is pure evil.

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My dream interaction between Trump and Putin—

Putin actually holds the upper hand since Ukraine is being slaughtered though Trump wants to make it look like he’s top dog. The war between Ukraine and Russia is actually a war between America/NATO and Russia and Russia is winning. Putin should follow communist , Frank Lumpkin’s advice and “Always bring a crowd” and take his friend Xi Jinping with him when he and Trump talk. And it should be televised during prime time for the world to see. If Trump would see Putin and Xi JinpingTogether, I suspect he would freak out and cringe because he knew then that America does not hold the upper hand and it is no longer the superpower that he wants it to remain.

Putin could be very direct and civilized, unlike Trump, when talking and expressing what he wants. He should not just be focused on his own country’s interests and security and look at the whole world. He could call out Trump‘s support of Israel, and it’s genocide of the Palestinians and the pain of American sanctions against Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and all the countries that America tries to control and tell Trump to cease its actions or no negotiations and deal. The world would be cheering as Trump shits 💩his diaper. He would now be the one who is cornered and would have to decide whether he’s going to do the right thing or to continue being the ugly American. And the world would be watching.

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Rick *why* is Ukraine being slaughtered? Does it in your opinion have anything to do with Dick Cheney protege Victoria Nuland and her literal Azov Battalion Nazi color revolution? Do you think the globalists behind that 2014 coup against the elected government of Ukraine are the good guys?

Do you think at all?

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Quit patronizing. I know all that and perhaps more than you. I suggest you watch Ukraine on fire as a resource.

And please quit being an asshole. 💩

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