John O'Looney's funeral home is located in "Milton Keynes". (Just an observation. Appropos of nothing.)

I recall that funeral director's interviews clearly. He claimed, for instance, that prior to the roll-out of injections:

Bodies with tire tracks on their faces were toe-tagged "Covid".

What a diabolical farce.

"Oh what wicked webs we weave..."

#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💲💉☠💔

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And in the US, the CDC was busted in November, 2020 for lying about "covid" deaths by a researcher at none other than Johns Hopkins! Her presentation is STILL up on Youtube!


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OMG!! Did you hear this.... Smoking Gun! UK Gov Job Posting For The Coming "Largest Mass Vaccination Program" In History


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Hello on Friday Cindy,

Thought you might have a "good laugh" with this story.

..."Scientists revived a 'zombie' virus frozen for 48,500 years in ice. They learned it could still infect other cells..."


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Ugh, the zombie virus would eat their brains if they had any.

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LOL! LMAO! Good one!

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Heres the latest ongoing "We want to poison you til we kill you campaign" with the Scare/Fear Mongering tactics, a 5th now, going on 6th for this fall, more bivalent boosters", think they mispelled

bivalent, it should be most virulent booster... UGHHH!


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they will keep pushing it if people keep getting it.

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Ok what I want to know is who "leaked" the WhatsApp messages. They are supposed to be encrypted, so one of the parties in the conversation had to "leak" the messages. My next question would be: why?

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