Dixiecrat Joe's also a Racist, and really an all around creepy guy.

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Recall his defense of Clarence Thomas and demonization of his accuser Anita Hill, the former dope still sits on the Supreme Court. So this sex abuser defended a sex abuser. This is the type who rise to power in this corrupt system. Decentralization of power is the only real long term solution.

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May 15Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It´s the usa. Nothing is illegal or immoral if you´re a member of the Ruling Class. Suck it up or revolt...

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If the governing class has their way they’ll have us offering up our children for their depute de seigneur.

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May 15Liked by Cindy Sheehan

and the contempt these ruling class psychos have for the rest of us means they don't even bother to cover up any more.

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May 17Liked by Cindy Sheehan

God how they sneer at us. The contempt they hold us in! How they laugh like an Israeli who just shot a Palestinian child. Something is very wrong in America right now.

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May 17Liked by Cindy Sheehan

indeed. And i think it has been for a while, it's just more blatant now.

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Speaking of Pedos...creepy John Podesta (formerly Bill Clinton's chief of staff) notoriously connected with Pizza Gate and the Cosmic Pizza 'franchise' has been appointed to replace even creepier John Kerry as so-called 'climate adviser'. Birds of a feather.


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May 15·edited May 15Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Those poor kids who are offered up to him by their sick parents....

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Oh, those darn perverted politicians. Whether it's the Jimmy Swaggart disease or George Bush-Karl Rove Love Affair Disease or the Sex or Fuck Mics by J Edgar Homo-Phobe Homosexual Hoover, or the Clinton Grooming School, or the Trump I'd Date My Daughter Now, if I was Younger Fuckery, we are stuck with these C's until we get a Papa Machete in the Wailing Wall White House.


The C word, man, that "C" word.

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Ain't Papa Doc, for sure. Just a Papa of the Iron Blade

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...extremely creepy!

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May 15Liked by Cindy Sheehan

And the documents in Trump’s house were planted as “Classified” by the FIB, I mean, the FBI. https://youtu.be/LeiezeHlGtU?si=FVfWloAEgZjVLtOE

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Kudos for using the term “pedo” without hesitation. That’s what this is and we need to call it out.

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can I just say what a pleasure it is to find you on Substack after all these years. My exposure to you in the past was when I had different ideas that put me on the wrong side of history at that time. I’m glad to find you on this right side of history. Thanks for your steadfast courage all the way through!

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I’ve been calling Genocide Joe Grandpa Groper for awhile now, but even I didn’t think it extended to members of his own family! This is soooo fucking sick!!! Who are these people??? Who are these people that we let “govern” us?? They are fucking monsters, all of them! Fucking out of control monsters living in their fucking alternate reality, fucking us over and playing by a different set of rules entirely. I have been calling him a monster of depravity since October 8, 2023, but I never in my wildest imaginings thought it extended to members of his own family! Jesus Christ! God almighty! Fuck I feel like vomiting. That poor woman!

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What kind of mother holds her child to let a pedo get close to them?? Answer: a handler. Not a mama at all.

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Joe Biden is obviously not a pedophile, one of the most abused words in modern English.

Lots of parents take showers with their young kids. Some parents continue to bathe their kids until age 13. None of this is pedophilia. Taking a shower with your young daughter is not molesting her.

Biden’s daughter is a stupid slut who started messing around with boys when she was but 13 or 14. In wracking her mind to try to figure out why she’s such a huge whore, she has latched onto bullshit like the showers with Daddy as a lame excuse to get her off the hook for her whoredom.

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Totally agree that pedophile is misused and overused and that goes for Biden as well. However, Biden is a complete POS and a bad human.

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I tend to agree with you about Biden. I’m beside myself about him.

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Wow.. that is deep. Nobody’s perfect, I guess.

In the words of actress Helen Slater.. ‘ Billy Jean’ and Joan of Arc..

‘ fair is fair’

Also , if you can read author Brody Mullins .. wolves of Wall Street , while certain people seek to exterminate grey wolves of Colorado???

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And I thought Johnny Rocco (Edward G. Robinson) was bad in "Key Largo" (toward Lauren Bacall and his girlfriend). At least they weren't children.


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