Happy Birthday! - Keep questioning all the baloney! I just checked - and was born on Friday, August 21, 1953 - "loving and giving" - and feel deeply grateful for all the love and generosity I've received in life, and like you, was a really "free range" kid back in the wonderful days before seat belts, bicycle helmets, computers, and was always outside, playing.... Luckily my parents didn't trust doctors, and I haven't been to a pharmacy or a doctor in 50 years - and have been vegan now for 44 of those years - what a beautiful gift to not cause animals (and people) to be killed and terrorized for food!!!
Smoking back then was not so bad because they didn't use those crazy toxic additives. Tobacco doesn't cause lung cancer, the pesticides and additives do. That's why lung cancer rates are lower in Asia and Europe where they smoke as much as we do...
As for what child I am... I am an immigrant and came to the US at a young age raised in this strange land where my family was skeptical of officials while the families that always were here were naive and too trusting of authority.
Hopefully more Americans question authority. The reason why we have this ridiculous upside down economy that screws workers is because of that naivete. Heck, they didn't seem to notice that when housing and health care prices skyrocketed back in the 00s it was inflation!
Nope, they think it's new?! WTF... It's decades in the making but at least they see it now.
I hate how I tried to warn people about this crap back then and they acted like it was a good thing.
One thing people are stupid about is basic economics. Instead they look to these so called experts that talk big words but say bullshit.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
Feliz Cumpleanos, you wild, crazy diamond! I am Thursday's child...I have gone far, indeed, but mostly just geographically. And not THAT far as it is.
Congratulations on your life so-far well-lived, Cindy and thanks for standing up and speaking out for those whose voices are timid or censored altogether. xoxoxo
Lovely conversations!! I was born on a Friday 13 yet not superstitious--hope to be back pretty soon. Yes Cindy our paths have overlapped and I like so many really appreciated your activism. Huge for many of us!
And that also, on that historic day I was delivered by a midwife in a bedroom in my grandfather's house in Italy:
"Representatives of Japan and Indonesia signed a peace treaty, formally ending the 16-year state of war that had started when Japan attacked the Dutch East."
Very cool post! I enjoyed reading it. I am a Thursday child who, indeed, had far to go = from Poland, via Israel, to Ohio, then Texas, then Ohio again. Hopefully at 83 I won't have to 'go' much anymore. Moving from place to place is pain in the ass
Happy Birthday! - Keep questioning all the baloney! I just checked - and was born on Friday, August 21, 1953 - "loving and giving" - and feel deeply grateful for all the love and generosity I've received in life, and like you, was a really "free range" kid back in the wonderful days before seat belts, bicycle helmets, computers, and was always outside, playing.... Luckily my parents didn't trust doctors, and I haven't been to a pharmacy or a doctor in 50 years - and have been vegan now for 44 of those years - what a beautiful gift to not cause animals (and people) to be killed and terrorized for food!!!
The future is Vegan!
Smoking back then was not so bad because they didn't use those crazy toxic additives. Tobacco doesn't cause lung cancer, the pesticides and additives do. That's why lung cancer rates are lower in Asia and Europe where they smoke as much as we do...
As for what child I am... I am an immigrant and came to the US at a young age raised in this strange land where my family was skeptical of officials while the families that always were here were naive and too trusting of authority.
Hopefully more Americans question authority. The reason why we have this ridiculous upside down economy that screws workers is because of that naivete. Heck, they didn't seem to notice that when housing and health care prices skyrocketed back in the 00s it was inflation!
Nope, they think it's new?! WTF... It's decades in the making but at least they see it now.
I hate how I tried to warn people about this crap back then and they acted like it was a good thing.
One thing people are stupid about is basic economics. Instead they look to these so called experts that talk big words but say bullshit.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
Happy Birthday, Cindy! You aren't full of woe- you're full of passion and courage!
Feliz Cumpleanos, you wild, crazy diamond! I am Thursday's child...I have gone far, indeed, but mostly just geographically. And not THAT far as it is.
Congratulations on your life so-far well-lived, Cindy and thanks for standing up and speaking out for those whose voices are timid or censored altogether. xoxoxo
I am a wild moon child!
Xo, Thursday!
I’m a Thursday. Happy birthday!
Lovely conversations!! I was born on a Friday 13 yet not superstitious--hope to be back pretty soon. Yes Cindy our paths have overlapped and I like so many really appreciated your activism. Huge for many of us!
Happy Birthday Cindy. 🎂
Fellow moonchild.
Full of Woe. Didn't know. AI told me so.
And that also, on that historic day I was delivered by a midwife in a bedroom in my grandfather's house in Italy:
"Representatives of Japan and Indonesia signed a peace treaty, formally ending the 16-year state of war that had started when Japan attacked the Dutch East."
Who knew...
Happy birthday!! From another "Wednesday's child"!
Thank you for the post. I am a Shakespearean child, connoisseur of British literature.
All the world’s a stage , they have their exits and entrances, and one man in his life plays many parts…
We begin in the world as a child, and we leave the world as a child…
My thoughts.
Happy birthday! 1967 Scorpio here, but I don't remember what day.
Pop your actual birthdate into a search engine.
AI will tell you.
Trudeau, like Joe, needs to go—and Chrystia Freeland, too, while we’re at it.
Her? 😉
Yeah, her! Thanks for the video link; too hilarious, too true! She’s the Wicked Twitch of the West, frozen bank accounts and all…
She really IS! (Watch the beginning twice...)
Have a great day! Have a great week! Have a great month! Have a great year!
I was probably Saturday's child.
Happy birthday! This Saturday for me, sister!
Very cool post! I enjoyed reading it. I am a Thursday child who, indeed, had far to go = from Poland, via Israel, to Ohio, then Texas, then Ohio again. Hopefully at 83 I won't have to 'go' much anymore. Moving from place to place is pain in the ass
I read somewhere that nicotine competes with spike protien for receptors, just saying lol
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDY. Hope you have a fun day and an interesting year. I was born on Sunday.
I'm full of woe too!