Stephen King, the newly minted “transphobe”
This Garbage Person causes me a lot of emotional angst.
From the first time, while I was at work one day, I read a story written by Stephen King (appearing in Redbook), I was hooked on his horror prose.
King’s first four books remain in Cindy’s canon of brilliant horror, and after many re-visits, they have stood my test of time: Carrie, (1974), Salem’s Lot (1975), The Shining (1977) The Stand (1979).
Stephen King as a character in his own right also fascinated me. King has published several books about the process of writing, and his process, which I savored. I loved reading how he and his wife Tabitha thought their kids were “weirdos” because they could sleep with their closet doors open! My husband at the time, Pat, facilitated my King obsession. He’d be one of the first purchasers of King’s newest release—he’d bring it home to me and say, “Kids, say ‘good-bye’ to your Mom for awhile until she finishes her new book.” I owned every King book from 1974 to 1999 in hardback. There would be no way I would wait for the paperback, or languish on the library’s waiting-list.
Needless to say, in 1999 when Steve was struck and almost killed by a van in Maine, I was worried about him, but I was also panicking that there may never be another book by him—I wasn’t Annie Wilkes in Misery, but I considered myself his “number one fan!” He did eventually get back to writing, and except for a few notable entries, (the Mercedes Man books, ie) his work has never been the same, for me. Now, that he’s become a leading chronic sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and a liberal woke-icon, I can’t even imagine going there anymore—-it’s sad, because King was with me from a very young age.
Side note: in 2008 when I was running for Congress against Nancy Pelosi, Tabitha King sent my campaign the maximum donation—I think it was like $2700. I was SOOOOOOO THRILLED.
Anyway, Steve recently stepped in a whole mess of Woke-poop on Twitter, when he took a very un-WOKE stance and got attacked by the irony police:
It has been said before, but it bears repeating: if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
So, Steve, thinking this was the perfect “woke-i-teer” tweet, probably was NOT prepared for the backlash—or, maybe he was. Another huckster, PT Barnum once reportedly said, “Publicity is measured in inches, not content.”
King was bombarded with ironic tweets basically saying that the woke-liberal-left needs to now cancel King because he is alluding to the fact that men cannot become pregnant, after we’ve been hit over the head, over and over, that “Men can get pregnant.” Yes, and elephants can fly—just watch Dumbo.
His (butt)Holiness, the Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama participates in a CIA Special Sandwich with the killers, George W. Bush and Nancy “The Town Drunk” Pelosi while his (butt)Holiness was receiving some very high honors in WashedUp, DeCeit. (2007)
In my sphere, if one mentions the Dalai Lama, we immediately think: “CIA.” Just do an online search using: “Dalai Lama, CIA, Tibet.”
There is absolutely ZERO chance that Lama didn’t know what he was doing was creepy. He’s not above material reality—he’s deeply ensconced in it, and if he does this kind of thing in public, what does he do in private?
Tibetan leader defends ‘innocent’ Dalai Lama after tongue-sucking request to boy.
The Dalai Lama is not now, nor ever has been “innocent.”
Dark Brandon is a ROCK STAR in Ireland!
RTÉ News
Biden gets rockstar welcome for final stop in Ireland
Joe Biden went to visit his “ancestral homeland,” (fun fact: While 4.9 million people call Ireland home, 32 million Americans identify as Irish. That's right, America is home to more Irish Americans than Ireland is home to Irish.)
Anyway, if you all in Ireland love Biden so much, why don’t you just keep him? He may as well wander aimlessly and embarassingly around your country—it’s smaller, and probably a little safer than here: since Biden has fostered a climate where division and strife are the norm; inflation is pricing people out of consuming enough calories/day; our cities are overrun with homelessness and escalating crime; plus, he is (mis)leading this world into another global war, which has the very real potential of going atomic.
The opioid crises here in the U.S. is a very REAL public health problem, with tens of thousands overdosing every year, and climbing, yet Biden fiddles while we burn.
Of course “Dark Brandon,” or “Sloppy Joe” as I call him, is not solely responsible for these multitudes of problems here in the states, but as a lifelong federal politician who has corruptly profited off of his elected positions, without correcting, or ameliorating these crises, he is definitely one of the root causes. “Biden” is synonymous with corruption, pedophilia, war, and oppression.
I am just hoping that the Irish got paid, or some kind of benefit for falling all over themselves in welcoming this trashy Garbage Person.
I have been to both of the Irish seats of power (Stormont in British Ireland, and the Dáil Éireann in the Republic) and I have spoken with dozens of Irish lawmakers. Even if they oppose US imperialism, I have always been reminded of the “special relationship” between Ireland and the U.S. I mean, some even idolize the monster Bill Clinton, and I get the role the U.S. played in peace negotiations, but I think the civil and armed struggle that Irish people waged had way more to do with that.
Biden made many gaffes, of course, while he was there, even mistakenly saying that the Irish rugby team with the star player Rob Kearney had beaten the “Black and Tans” when it was actually the All Blacks team from New Zealand. Whew—dude. Good thing Hunter was there with your adderall spiked warm milk.
I have many good friends/contacts in Ireland and they have an exemption from the Irish-garbage heap, in honor of their devotion to truth and peace.
Ireland, don’t break my heart!
Corollary to Garbage People:
Clarence Thomas
Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas enjoyed a lengthy career on the SCOTUS without any sort of controversy until the body ruled against abortion rights—then he, and his wife (a Trump supporter) became anathema.
None of the liberal-right wankers who are excoriating Thomas for his corruption, mention the vast crimes of the person who is directly responsible for assuring Thomas got a seat on SCOTUS—Joe Biden.
Professor Anita Hill TRIED TO WAR YOU ALL about the true nature of the creeper Thomas, but, Joe Biden made sure she was mercilessly attacked, slut-shamed, ridiculed, and undermined, and he made DAMN sure Thomas made it to the Major Leagues of jurisprudence.
Shoulda listened to Anita.
I Left My Marbles in San Francisco: The Scandal of Federal Electoral Politricks by Cindy Sheehan
“Marbles is Cindy Sheehan's tale of her candidacy for Congress against Nancy Pelosi in 2008. With humor and heart that Sheehan is renowned for, she exposes the scandal and scam of federal electoral politricks. The after(math)word also chronicles Sheehan's latest foray into federal electoral politricks as VP candidate with comedian Roseanne Barr at the top of the ticket.”
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Nice one Cindy. Especially about King and O'Biden. Will be talking about that Royal visit very soon. Hunter Biden doing meet & greets on the streets here would turn your stomach.
Now Cindy, this is off-topic, but here I am on your page, and I don't see how I would send you a personal message from here.