Very encouraging to see this kind of sentiment expressed publicly. But I couldn't hear any of AOC's responses, inane as I'm sure they were. Thanks.

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The two young men who did this intervention at AOC's event are both volunteers with Diane Sare, who is the Larouche Candidate on the Ballot against Warmonger Chuck Schumer for US Senate. They both will be speaking at an important Youth Conference this Saturday.

"In response, the members of the BRICS Plus, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Eurasian Economic Union, and associated nations worldwide are moving toward a new, just international economic order, one capable of expanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative into a global mission to eradicate hunger and poverty. Realizing this potential demands international cooperation to halt the U.S.-NATO march toward Armageddon war and to put an orderly end to the City of London and Wall Street’s global speculative bubble. It demands mankind finally bury the rotten doctrine of Thomas Malthus, still today the leading apologia for colonialism. It demands new, principled leadership—an international youth movement for peace through economic development."


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Interesting. Is there a website for this group?

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Here is a second one:


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Sexism and Misogyny

LaRouche has written about "Mothers' Fears," the many psychological problems of activists allegedly caused by their moms. An early LaRouchite editorial declared that "all across the U.S.A., there are workers who are prepared to fight. They are held back, most immediately, by pressure from their wives." 2 Women in the LaRouche organization at the time report they were verbally attacked in long criticism sessions as "witches," and "sadistic bitches" and were accused of "mother-dominating" the male members. 3

One former member said she left the LaRouche group in disgust when told that women's feelings of degradation were because female sexual organs are near the anus, thus causing women to confuse sex with excretion. 4


LaRouche and some of his followers spread racist ideas that range from the absurd-such as the claim that Black musicians did not invent Jazz5-to the crude, as in the question posed by LaRouche in one essay: "Can we imagine anything much more viciously sadistic than the Black Ghetto mother?" 6 It's not just Blacks LaRouche has a problem with. He has dismissed rural Chinese culture as "hideous muck" with its people "paralleling the behavioral stagnation of lower animal life." 7 Elsewhere he dissed a group of Puerto Rican organizers as incompetent, which LaRouche asserted was tied to their being "almost totally sexually impotent."8

While the cultural accomplishments of people of color have been routinely dismissed by LaRouche, he regularly celebrates Eurocentric icons. We all become civilized, according to the LaRouchites, by learning to sing along with Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven; 9 reading the work of 17th century European scholars such as Leibniz; 10 and, surprise, studying the words of LaRouche.


LaRouche charged that the federal government allowed AIDS to spread because it didn't want to "estrange the votes of a bunch of faggots and cocaine sniffers, the organized gay lobby, as it's called in the United States. (I don't know why they're `gay,' they're the most miserable creatures I ever saw!)" 12 LaRouche later suggested that history would not judge harshly those who beat gay people to death with baseball bats to stop the spread of AIDS. 13

A LaRouche network newspaper insert distributed in Illinois declared that "as a category, gays and lesbians do not represent a valid voting constituency, and neither do prostitutes, drug pushers, child molesters, warlocks, witches, pornographers, or others who are morally equivalent." 14

Antisemitism & Fascism

While LaRouche's antisemitism is often veiled, he has written that Judaism is a kind of parasitic appendage to Christianity, that "a selfsustaining Judaism never existed and never could exist," and that Jewish culture "is merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything saleable has been marketed" to non-Jews.15 In the mid-1970s, LaRouche began incorporating claims of a vast Jewish conspiracy into his writing and the LaRouchites began to forge ties with persons from right-wing racist and antisemitic groups.16

Antisemitic conspiracy theories were a core element of Hitler's Nazi movement, and later, the Nazis encouraged homophobia-themes picked up by LaRouche and some of his followers. A top spokesperson of the Anti-Defamation League has said of LaRouche: "He is a small-time Hitler, if I can put it that way, in that he regurgitates many little things that Hitler did but he does it in a somewhat ambivalent way, in a somewhat camouflaged way." 17

Dennis King, author of Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism, argues that often reporters avoid "the terms `fascist,' and `neo-Nazi' which alone could adequately express [LaRouche's] aims and methods."18 Former U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, however, used the terms "fascist" and "neo-Nazi" to warn of the danger posed by the LaRouche group. 19

Attacking Environmentalism

Pro-LaRouche publications have been at the forefront of denying the reality of global warming20 and have denounced Greenpeace and other ecology groups. 21 One of the major planks of the LaRouche platform is the immediate construction of numerous nuclear power plants. 22

The LaRouchites have a long history of snooping on environmentalists and other progressive activists and groups, and providing biased and distorted information to the media and government law enforcement and intelligence agencies.23

In fact, the industrious LaRouchites have run what is essentially a private international intelligence gathering operation for decades.24 For a time, top LaRouche aides supplied information to Ronald Reagan's National Security Council.25 They have falsely accused environmental activists (and civil liberties activists) of plotting terrorism.26


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This is a good solid intelligent post. And war makes strange bedfellows. So as much as all this above is repulsive, if this group went after the current bad guys, I would be like well hell yeah.

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Good on em.i put it the video in a comment on Dores page cause she has been so shitty to him.

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"It is not necessary to wear brown shirts to be a fascist….It is not necessary to wear a swastika to be a fascist….It is not necessary to call oneself a fascist to be a fascist. It is simply necessary to be one!

--Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., “Solving the Machiavellian Problem Today,” New Solidarity, July 7, 1978 https://web.archive.org/web/20071015143131/http://www.lyndonlarouche.org/newamericanfascism.htm

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It would be fair to give Alexandia more volume too - you don't hear a word of her reply.

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I heard it. “We’ll talk about this issue later.” “You’re being rude.”

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The LaRoucheites (Schiller Institute is their current org.) assaulted communists and socialists back in the 70's in Operation Mop-Up. http://www.publiceye.org/larouche/index.html

http://www.publiceye.org/larouche/Mop-Up_pix.html , http://www.publiceye.org/larouche/Mop-Up.html

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I recall they were extreme right wing nutcases. I guess little changes but if they were to go after the current bad guys...well there you have it..we are a splintered, limping, lunatic population...

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I don’t like the LaRouchites and I don’t like Tulsi Gabbard, but besides that, they were correct,

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"It is not necessary to wear brown shirts to be a fascist….It is not necessary to wear a swastika to be a fascist….It is not necessary to call oneself a fascist to be a fascist. It is simply necessary to be one!

--Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., “Solving the Machiavellian Problem Today,” New Solidarity, July 7, 1978 https://web.archive.org/web/20071015143131/http://www.lyndonlarouche.org/newamericanfascism.htm

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Oct 13, 2022
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I wouldn't go that far. This is UNUSUAL and RARE. The majority of America's youth lack critical acumen and accurate knowledge of history. Very dumbed down and narcissistic.

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Sounds also like the majority of America’s adults, as well.

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LOL....the acorn doth not fall far from the tree....William Perry Shakespeare. We learn our skills mostly from our parents.

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