Noun: Government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state. A state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens
(Note: Yes, I realize that rightwing commentators tried to expose these scandals before the 2020 election, just like leftwing commentators and deep state operatives worked to promote the “Russiagate” fake news before the 2016 election. Even though the Russiagate fakery didn’t have the intended consequence of electing the war criminal Clinton, it has had lasting and perhaps terminal effects to the present time).
Back during the early 2000’s, a liberal talk show host on the now defunct Air America network named Mike Malloy used to call the Bush’s “The Bush Crime Family.” It fit, but today in the early 2020’s we have a crime family at the top that is as horrific as is the suppression by the captured media about its crimes.
I am writing, of course, about “The Biden Crime Family.” Their story ranges from actions that are appallingly corrupt to pathetically tragic.
In my honest opinion, the only way that Biden could have become POTUS is if he ran against someone fundamentally unlikable and awful as Donald Trump. First, Biden had to rise to the top of the Democratic Kakistrocracy to land the nomination. After he did that, he chose the most off-white person to be his running-mate that would be acceptable, not only to Wall Street, but to the white-liberals who suck up Democrat agit-prop and identity politics like they do Half-Caff, Vanilla lattes made with soymilk. That is to say: with abandon and uncritically.
Biden and Trump: The Evil of Two Lessers
From roughly 2015 to the present, we have been assaulted with the crimes and scandals of Donald Trump and his family on a daily basis. For example, Joe Biden recently fell off his bicycle—an event which caused many liberal pundits to make it about Trump. They slammed Trump by saying things like, “He can’t even get his fatass on a bike.” I don’t care about Donald “Get my Operation Warp Speed concoction injected into your body” Trump, or his family. Honestly, the “problems” of billionaires have nothing to do with my life: their destructive and uncontained exploitation of labor and natural resources do and should be examined and exposed.
The media and (un)social media feast over every move Trump or his family make. This wouldn’t be so annoying if, as I said before, they didn’t suppress the corruption, pedophilia, and outright thievery of The Biden Crime Family.
Let’s expose (pun-intended) his son Hunter. Hunter apparently loved to save pictures of himself falling asleep in bath tubs with a ciggie hanging out of his mouth and cuddling with a crack pipe. When the genius Hunter dropped his laptops (yes, multiple computers) in bathtubs after he got so high, he passed out, he took them to a computer shop to fix, and apparently forgot about them in his drugged-addled-state-of-mind.
I know people who have been sucked into the criminal opioid addiction cycle and one of our best friends died from a fentanyl overdose a few years ago on my birthday. I know how this Big pHARMacide addiction completely takes over and destroys the addicts’ life and not only harms the addicted one, but destroys families and other loved ones as well. Nothing is more important to an opioid addict than the next fix. I hope every family who suffers from this terrible (big pHARMacide) issue gets the help they need to get them through it.
I have little sympathy for Hunter Biden though, except that same sympathy I have for George Bush: they were brought up in very dysfunctional and psychopathic families that only cared about power, privilege and bank accounts. We will see, that to their children like Ashley Biden, love means “inappropriate” touching and sexual abuse from family members.
One of the biggest scandals of the Ukraine frakas is that JOE BIDEN PLANTED THE SEEDS FOR GETTING TO RUSSIA THROUGH UKRAINE IN 2014 while he was Veep for the war-criminal Obama. (Yes, Obama was a war-criminal just like EVERY POTUS before and after him).
After the color-”revolution” in 2014 (read “neo-liberal coup”), then Veep Biden installed his son Hunter (“Hunting for scrilla for his next fix?”) on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisima Holdings at over $50k/month. Hunter’s only qualification was that his little sperm beat all the others to his mom’s egg. To me, being a fast sperm just isn’t good enough, but that’s nepotism, I guess. Make no mistake about it “The Big Guy” (Biden in Hunter’s found emails) got his 10%,, as well. Because, the emails on Hunter’s laptop also detail his iffy business dealings in Ukraine and China, cashing in on his relationship with the Veep.
After Hunter’s brother Beau died, while still married to Kathleen, he had an affair with Beau’s wife Hallie. I know more than anyone that grief is a terrible thing and as Kathleen states, their marriage was already rocky due to his drinking, drug use, financial failings, and sex addiction. However, this is one more example about how low-quality the Biden family really is.
To put a cherry on the crack-pipe of Hunter’s life, he had an illegitimate baby with a stripper who the POTUS refuses to acknowledge. There are many other sickening and sordid tales of Hunter BIDEN, that I won’t go into here, but just suffice to say, he really is a living, walking, talking piece of poop. However, I do want to be clear, that his addictions are something that he needs professional help for, it’s his unscrupulous business practices that reflect very badly on his complicit father.
If I wanted to get my hands dirtier, I could go on and on about Hunter. If the U.S. truly had an unbiased and “free” press, the captured media would be exposing the crimes of Hunter, as well, if his last name were Trump. Hunter’s first wife Kathleen Buhle recently published a book, If We Break (I suggest re-titling it: When We Broke), here is an excerpt:
"In the fall of 2015, I called and texted Hunter compulsively. From my computer, I watched his every move. There were charges at Lake Tahoe at a nail salon and a charge for two lift tickets. I found a credit card charge for $10,000 at a hot tub store in Los Angeles. I found hundreds at liquor stores and strip clubs. The whole time, he told me he was healthy and sober -- and I was crazy. I continually told him that I was the one person actually trying to get him sober. It became my own kind of addiction. I didn't want to admit, to myself or anyone else, how unhealthy our relationship had become, so my struggle was just one more secret,"
The captured media is so deep into helping us deny that Biden is a pedophile, that I didn’t even hear about the next scandal until recently.
Creepy Uncle Joe
Another one of Biden’s drug/sex addicted children, Ashley (his only child with Jill) was in rehab at a half-way house in Florida when she left her diary under the mattress; to be found by a later inhabitant. This happened back before the 2020 election and now, instead of investigating Ashley’s claims of sexual abuse by her father, you know THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, the FBI has launched an investigation into one of the next inhabitants of the same room, a woman who found the journal. The full power of the state was also used to attack the online journal that purchased the journal: Project Veritas.
Since I found out about the found journal, I have done a lot of work investigating it myself. As I am not an agent of propaganda for Democrats, I also don’t want to be an agent, or perceived as an agent of propaganda for Republicans. On the one hand, the complete mass of mass media do a very thorough job of exposing Trump, however, the same media seem to be intent on protecting Biden. Even Fox News supports his efforts in Ukraine, except hosts like Sean Hannity and his recent guest Sean Penn both want Biden to nuke Russia. At least Biden has kept his demented hands off of the nuclear button, so far.
The details I’ve seen of Ashley’s journal are as sad as they are tawdry. It tells the sory of a young girl forced to shower (“inappropriate'“ in her words) with the Pedo Joe, and also was abused sexually by other “family members.” I feel sorry for the girl-child Ashley forced into a world where she equated love with sexual promiscuity at an early age, as she writes.
Did Ashley, and for that matter, her half-brother Hunter leave the evidence of their abused and abusive lives to be found? Were these acts a cry for help? Or did they know in the souls of hurt children that their father would be a disaster for the world, and wanted to stop him before he became “leader” of that “free” world?
Of course, I don’t have the answer to these questions, but I do know one thing for sure: If Ashley and Hunter had the surname of “Trump,” we’d be inundated with answers and speculation about their wealthy and privileged, but tortured lives.
This post seems very gossipy, but I did do my due diligence on it. The reason it’s important to me to expose the Biden Crime Family is because Sloppy Joe has been involved in the downfall of the U.S. for decades. Joe is not just a small part of the problem, he is a Clinton Crime Family Democrat and a long-time war criminal.
Ashley Biden’s Diary: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Besides being of questionable character and steering the world closer to WWIII, among other policy disasters, Biden is increasing the costs for medicare, in the largest increase in it’s history. Biden is the figurehead dummy for War and Wall Street and much of the Medicare premium increase is going to private insurance companies. Am I the only one who finds stealing from the elderly to make insurance companies even wealthier, despicable?
Read this article from the WSWS (World Socialist Web Site)
Happy Summer!
I have been asking the that very question (if Bidens were Trumps) for a while now. My chewy blue friends still defend Biden without evidence, he’s just not Trump. These are the same people who did not know what the Crime Bill was or Kamala Harris’ atrocious record in CA. They also refuse to acknowledge that until Obama came off the bench in the 4th quarter, Biden was flailing in the primaries (Harris never got a vote). Obama got all the other Dems to dropout and give their delegates to Biden. This has not been a democracy, ever. It was a republic at best. That people think there’s choice is adorable. In the last forty years, Goldman Sachs perfected the model that Rockefeller, Hearst, Morgan, et. al. worked so hard to achieve. No matter who “wins,” Goldman Sachs and their peer group win.
The sooner people can get away from this '2-party delusion' the better. THEY intentionally keep us quibbling about Democrat-this and Republican-that, perpetuating the artificial division between people preventing them from unifying against the "masters" in strength and power. We have NO CHANCE unless we stop the quibbling and use our collective power against them.