I completely understand about the shadowy figures behind governments which formulate policies and do everything in their considerable power to ensure that they are implemented. The Shadow People do these things not for the good of humanity, but for their own bank accounts and for their psychotic and insatiable lust for power and control.
There are the Shadow People, who I think like to be in the shadows, then there are the Garbage People like Bill GoH who think that their very public meddling and harmful “philanthropy” will not only bring them wealth, power, and control, but praise and adoration. I believe he has a diagnosable God complex and he desires the one thing that he doesn’t have yet, a meaningless Nobel Peace Prize. I don’t see any government, or international organization, arresting him and putting him on trial in The Hague.
I will link a few of his more egregious admissions. It makes me so ill that GoH can just blithely sit there in his ugly sweater that highlights his “moobies” (what my grandkids call “man boobies”) and be so cavalier about the destruction that he and his ilk have caused to millions of us, but especially young people: not even taking into account all the harm the vaccines caused.
The Garbage People, at the direction of the Shadow People, made sure that life was so tough and virtually unlivable for the greatest amount of people so they could bring in this highly destructive mRNA experimental injection to “save the day.” Period.
GatesOfHell on how they didn’t need to close so many schools for so long. PS: Every school should have reopened after the initial “two weeks to flatten the curve,” and taking normal measures for illness. Once, in our family, one of our children had to take a test because she sat near a student who tested positive for Covid—then, everyone in the house—not, me—had to test and if they tested positive would have been forced to stay home from work for two weeks. It was tense until the results came back, after the time needed to be taken to go to the medical clinic to take the test, etc. It was ridiculous.
I am sure the children of GatesOfHell didn’t have to go through any of this, just like the children of CalGov, Gavin Newsolini.
Here is GatesofHell talking about how “they” didn’t understand the “virus” wasn’t that dangerous, and it was “kind of like the flu.”
Bullshit, they knew all along what they were doing, if a grandma from Vacaville, Cal could see, you know damn well they would going to take this opportunity to advance their agenda and they went full-bore. I still have people in my circle that are pumping those boosters into their already ravaged bodies.
Here is GoH expressing his sorrow that the mutating virus (as viruses mutate they become more contagious, but far less potent) worked better than the mRNA experimental jab.
GoH is frequently hailed as a “genius,” I am not sure that coming from privilege and being clever enough to steal tech and exploit conditions is so genius, or is it just being avaricious enough to make the ends justify the shady means?
Anyway, HEART this post if you agree that a trial in The Hague is in order for GoH—-and please SHARE
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won't ever happen...sadly
War Criminals. Perhaps the worst of all time.