Humanity everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

'Que Mala' and Trump are equally of the ruling class, We the People do NOT need a ruling class at all!

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Well, I just saw a video of Dr. J (I don't think he can dunk) on Dr. Drew. I tuned in to see Sasha Latypova, she was as ever quite informative especially to Dr. Clueless Drew. "What, the shot was a bioweapon run by the military???". After her was Dr. J. He is so conciliatory and even wanted to have Dr. Hotez at his conference to argue with all the apostates. The thing about him is that he has the epidemiological view of things, he has sympathy for all the people "in charge" who were confronted with this psyop in 2020 and didn't know what to do. I guess my opinion is that I wonder about his lack of outrage at the covid killing fields, instead just wanting to get everyone's opinion and find consensus and leave kids in school without masks but vaccinate Grandma and other at riskers. So to summarize his sin is lack of outrage and conciliatory attitude toward the killers. He is someone I can really see as all things to all people and that is not a compliment. It was the idiots in charge that failed to see what a great resource he could have been for them and instead attacked him. He was genuinely baffled as he was clearly part of the establishment but that is what stupid leftists do habitually, shoot themselves in the foot and cut off their nose to spite their face.

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"Well, I just saw a video of Dr. J (I don't think he can dunk") Good one--get it. But likely can dunk a donut. Mixed bag with these appointees. Glad Gaetz is gone.

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Jon, what didn't you like about Gaetz?

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Dr Jay constantly pushed the covid shots on the elderly even after much data exposing harm was being released. What’s he got against geezers?

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Impressed me as rather sleezy and maybe volatile.

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While I am generally inspired by what you say and write, I disagree strongly with your believe that Dr Jay is a good choice. First of all, several of the original signers of the declaration have since distanced themselves. Jay wants to throw elderly people like me under the bus. I am 82 years old, and , frankly, I think that he considers people like me "useless eaters."

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Okay---thanks for your opinion. It's okay to disagree and thanks for your considered approach.

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Yes, as I recall, the Barrington group STRONGLY pushed "vaccinating" the elderly, early on, practically immediately when the shots were introduced. I didn't give it much thought at the time because they seemed so much more reasonable than the controllers.

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The "my body, my choice" crowd is really exposing their hypocrisy--again. These people have no shame or even the common sense to keep their damn mouths shut!

You'd think Kamala would just slink away and enjoy her life of privilege. She really must be a glutton for punishment. 😝

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"My body, their choice"

Both sides are hypocrites.

The "prolife" people don't want to be forced to vaccinate and the "prochoice" people want to be forced to vaccinate AND farce others to vaccinate, mask, social distance, and close up shop for months.

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The last one to run for ca gov after losing the presidency was Dick Nixon. He lost to liberal dem pat brown dad of Jerry. Six years later in 1968 Nixon won the presidency after the dems melted down in the wake of the Vietnam imperialist war.

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My hope, is that the absolutely horrible things, that his nominees have been saying, are just a ruse - in order to get through the confirmation process, in the Senate.

Dr. Jay isn't perfect - but he's better than the WEF Lockdown-crowd that Biden kept in place, for the last 4 years. Listen - to the Great Barrington Declaration.

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Who is perfect besides me.


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Yeah Dr Jay is cursed by what most doctors have....

Years and years of memorizing shit and obsessing over grades makes one good at that but shit at actual thinking.

That's why he's a bit dumb about things.

Medicine used to be run like an apprenticeship, not the torture boot camp university and residency crap they do today!

"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "

-Sasha Latypova

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So funny as usual!

Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices


Jan Of Green Fables

which is which?


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Any chance we can get you to run for governor again?

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Jay is a great choice given the choices

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There is a video of this and she is holding a bottle of Hennesy ! Please Don't Drive or run V.P. .

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Back to California Cindy finding the love in the Kushner Trump JewZionist LLC regime.

Please hydrate.

All scum rises to the Trump offal pool. Get those big girl panties on and stop with the mainstream media mush.


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You know what, fuck off.

How dare you tell me to put on my "big girl panties."

You are blocked and I will try and block your pseudonyms when you try them.

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Some block/ban/banish.

Some smash/attack/assault.

You end up with the same result.

A big buildup of earwax.

Bust the nose off your face, out of spite.

Just another’s method(s), to avoid hearin’, somethin’ ya don’t like.

Agree to disagree???


Might makes right.

Have a time tomorrow, on international, indigenous, day of mourning.

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I’m blocking Cindy Sheehan, another unfortunate victim of the toxic Trump Cult.

Cindy’s mind has been captured by an evil algorithm, leaving her without the power of critical thinking in the grip of an endless loop of AO generated meaningless

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Was your dad a veteran?

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