I’m with you, Cindy. “Bobs” never had my full support (his top 10 donors are very troubling (https://twitter.com/rebelvalkyrie17/status/1694052600889348387?s=46&t=sVlsZrj4QP3n6K0t5_GawQ), but I liked him well enough to design campaign merchandise and sell it in my Etsy store. But I had to close my RFK Section. I do not want to be associated with him now.

Roger Waters said that the Israelis threatened to completely demolish RFK’s Presidential campaign if he did not fully support them. I think he needs to grow a pair, publically announce that he’s been threatened, and he’s not suicidal, and then admit that this is genocide of innocent children because Israel’s goal is not “self-defense”, they want to clear the area so they can mine for oil and gold, take it over and use Gaza for the Ben Gurion Canal.

When RFK first announced his candidacy, he said he wanted to be the “Peace” candidate. That’s gone to hell now. I don’t see how he can call himself a defender of children, and cheer the Israelis on. He’s not a stupid man, how can he not see that this is genocide? The children that are being slaughtered did not vote Hamas into power!

Check out his donors list - in case you thought he was on our side.

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Thanks for your comments regarding the State of Israel (Is-real-hell) and RKF Jr. I also know it's close to impossible to boycott their terrorist regime and be running for political office in the Corporation of UNITED STATES INC.

There have been many to challenge that beast and fall by the wayside, sometimes literally too. Most people are completely clueless as to all those individuals with dual citizenship in Israel and America, who are in very high positions in American politics. I too was for most of my life. There are laws on the books in I believe 42 or more states in America that you can be subject to fines of over $200,000.00 and imprisonment for "boycotting Israel". Tell me again who is afraid of this big bad wolf? Any American politician that doesn't bow down and kiss the ring of Israel.

My comments do not in any shape or form make me antisemitic, far from it. I still wonder what has happened to Cynthia McKinney? She dared challenge the monster and has become mum about that tyrannical State. I myself briefly saw RFK Jr. as a positive in the position of CEO of UNITED STATES INC. But apparently he received a message loud and clear about what will make him disappear, literally.

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"Something went wrong" when I tried the donor link.

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Yeah, I get “this account no longer exists.”

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Nov 22, 2023
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The one Tara cites above.

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Thanks for the link, Tara.

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Yes, yes, yes,! Preach!

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He's just like Cornell West... Not serious about winning as he walked into the ballot access bullshit. How dare you ask us to fund the 15 million for your idiotic choice? Maybe you should ask your handler err campaign manager! 😂

I agree that he should go back and do what he does well.... Legal stuff against assholes, not become one!

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When he announced his candidacy I remember thinking, no! He’s doing good work right where he’s at, work that humanity needs. I was afraid something might happen to him or that he would turn out to be a disappointment as a candidate. I wanted to hope… to be clear, I wasn’t actually hopeful but I wanted to be. I gave him enough space in my head to hear what he had to say, and that desire to be hopeful remained in tact. And then he spoke about Israel. Man… that’s when it all ended for me.

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I'm 100% with you. I was a huge fan of his, but when he came out with this bullshit, HE CAN GO FUCK HIMSELF.

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Couldn't watch after the first minute. His connection might actually start to damage support for Children's Health Defense. I can't see it helping.

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I think you're right about that. I don't go to the CHD website very much anymore, and I used to be on it every day.

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Same here

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I won't give up on CHD. The people involved in that have been fighting the fight for many years. Most are parents of vaccine injured children.

I don't always agree with CHD but boy I think they have done a fantastic job in the past 3 years.

Polly Tommey, Mary Holland, Brian Hooker, Paul Thomas, Meryl Nass, Stephanie Loccrachio, Liz Mumpher and all the rest.

Polly Tommey's current Covid Bus tour is amazing. Interview after interview with families and victims of both covid and childhood vaccines, AND, as important, the stories of the torture and deaths from the covid hospital protocols.

I think even Polly is gobsmacked over the number of deaths.

I hope the floodgates open with lawsuits against hospitals, pharma and the govt/defense.

I really miss RFK Jr. on CHD. I loved his show The Defender.

I started listening to him in April of 2020. I owe my nonvaccination status to him and CHD.

The commenter was right. He is a smart guy.

Which gives you an indication of the powers that control.

Going far into the weeds here but is there any connection at all to RFK Jrs being raked over the coals as an anti semite at the Congressional Hearings on Censorship, his subsequent aligning with Israeli zionists, his interview on Jimmy Dore that had most of our jaws on the floor, and then, voila, October 7?

If nothing else the situation in Israel put a huge kibash on Kennedy's campaign.

Both Attny Dan Sheehan (watch his Trajectory of Justice 2012 lectures for a lesson on how things REALLY work) and Catherine Austin Fitts have both stated that the powers that be don't have to kill you, they can take you down in other ways. Threats and intimidation of family, friends, co workers, slander, dirty tricks, reputation ruination, etc.

Sorry to repeat myself, but I don't believe Kennedy believes what he is saying.

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Good on vaccines. Totally sucks on human rights.

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He's not even talking about Covid tyranny anymore. He really sickens me.

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Right--he's an opportunist

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Hamas was created by Mossad, funded by the Israeli government, aided by PM Netanyahu and funded by the Qatari monarchy. This is widely discussed in the world media, and discussed in Israel currently as well. Hamas was the Palestinian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. They supposedly removed references to the Muslim Brotherhood in their constitution in 2017.

The terrorist acts of Hamas against Israeli civilians also includes Arab Israelis, secular Jews, non-Zionist Jews and Israelis and so on.

The scale and ease of the Hamas incursion makes it likely that it was allowed by the Israeli state in order to provide a pretext for the mass slaughter and expulsion of the Gazans, the Israeli iteration of the "Final Solution" to the Palestinian problem.

The grotesque degeneration of RFK is that he has gone from defending children from the tender mercies of Pharma as part of CHD to a de facto defense attorney for Israeli ethnocide and child murder. There appears no limit to how big a lie he will not promote, nor the moral/political degenerates with whom he chooses to associate himself, in defense of Zionism.

Liberals can never be trusted to oppose imperialism and capitalist oppression as they often become its biggest cheerleaders. History is littered with numerous examples.

Recommended supplementary reading:


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yep all true. RFK Jr is no saint and neither was his father or uncle. Neither was Fidel or Hugo. Thanks for the link incidentally. A runaway capitalist system makes objects of us all. You want in? you pay. You get out? You pay.

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I'd rather have Chavez or Fidel as president ANY DAY!

Why is this logical fallacy of "he's not perfect" persisting?

No one, especially not me, is expecting ANYONE to be "perfect." What I am saying is that GENOCIDE SHOULD NEVER BE CONDONED. And I am not supporting anyone who condones "unconditionally" (Bobs' word, not mine) genocide.

Why is that so hard to get?

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Thank you so much Cindy...keeping our elected official honest, and exposing them when they really are! So in other words events like murder of a president and presidential candidate can be explained away so easily (especially when the power elite and these murderers are many times the same perps...with their dual citizenships). Genocide is only genocide when convenient. I thought he would be a good president, but having Jews in my family (but not Zionists) I have gotten a lot of the secret inside scoop on the Zionists feeling for the rest of the world, and it ain't good! I am now making the term antiGoyism a common term that should have the clout the term antisemitism has, because that is what we have in spades! Israel: "We love your money, now shut your mouths!"

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Well- Only thing I can say to this is he's either been MKUltra'd, lobotomized or both. This privileged shithead knows full well who executed his uncle and his own father and still he licks their boots. What a disgrace, what an embarrassment. Slither back is really the only forward motion he can manage.

And this, the 60th anniversary of JFKs public murder and he sides with the enemy. Only in Amerika.

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He saw his uncle assassinated, his father assassinated, his two brothers dead at young ages, his cousin probably murdered, he has lived in a fish bowl his whole life, suffered his own addictions in front of the world, been vilified by just about everyone including his family for his stance on vaccines.

I cannot stand that expression "privileged". I'm privileged, apparently, in some eyes because I am white.

Well, I wasn't privileged by any stretch of the imagination, and I'm still not.

The Kennedy's have money. They can buy more than many of us.

That does not mean they are privileged.

I cannot speak for her but I imagine Caroline Kennedy would give up her wealth to have her father, mother and brother back.

I do not consider the Kennedy family privileged in any sense of the word. They have suffered more trauma than most of us ever will. In front of the world.

I am extremely disappointed in the turn of events with Kennedy's candidacy, but I don't think he's a sell out.

I think they got him.

And I'm not sure how brave I would be about naming names if my spouse and my family were threatened. Which I am sure is what happens.

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RFK jr is privileged. All those other things being equal, he can still open a lot of doors with his name and wealth. Privileged means a great deal more than money, btw.

Truly the traumas are mind-numbing, and I mention it because RFK jr is standing behind one of the most heinous genocides and human rights disasters in our modern history. He could choose to opt out and return to his Children's Health Defense where he was terrific.

I will not stake out a spot for him because of his past familial traumas. "They got him" and "his spouse and family threatened" are assumptions.

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Yours is a voice of readonabkeness

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Yes, I agree. They are assumptions. And I cannot, of course, speak for Bobby Kennedy Jr.

It is just my feeling that there is more to the situation than meets the eye.

I don't believe he believes what he is saying. I just have this feeling that there is something nefarious behind it.

I am not saying that the familial traumas should excuse any of us. Many of us have our own traumas.

But I do not doubt for a minute that threats are made all the time. In fact, just my opinion, but I think more people in DC are threatened with harm to themselves or families than are compromised by financial gain. Or a bit of both.

But these people are psychopaths.

I don't know how brave I would be if my family was at stake.

I know that sounds dramatic. But I do believe it happens. A lot.

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As far as I am concerned he is two faced. You cannot be “The Peace candidate “ and speak like this. It is incongruent and makes one wonder where he actually speaking his truth. So typical in our corrupt political system.

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I've long since become a domestic electoral politics snob, but I don't begrudge less cynical skeptics who remain willing to at least poke, tweak, or test candidates to make a point.

But in a way, I'm gratified or relieved that the RFK campaign's attempt to assuage your concerns only confirmed your skepticism. Personally, when an aspiring or incumbent Elected Misrepresentative takes an outrageous position, I'm even more outraged or offended when they dance around their dubious position(s) in hopes of mollifying appropriately outraged supporters.

For instance, when Dennis Kucinich reneged on his multiple "vows" to not support the atrocious "Obamacare" legislation if it didn't include a "public option"-- ah, memories!-- I was seriously bugged by his supposedly heartfelt apology. He said that after much agonizing, despite all those "vows" and the righteousness of his original position, he couldn't bring himself to stand with the Obamacare opponents who sought to bring down Obama's "historic presidency"*.

* "Historic presidency" is progressive-liberal code for "non-white president". Thus, Dennis's capitulation was triggered by a compulsion to adhere to identity politics dogma plus pathological partisanship.

Bobby's "clarification" indeed amounts to tossing a tiny bone to his critics-- a fishbone that sticks in one's throat. 🤨

But the silver lining is that presumably it deterred you from throwing away good money after bad. 💸

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Thank you for this. I was an early supporter of RFKjr because of his work against BIGPHARMA and his work on the environment, especially the Hudson River. Seemed his brilliant legal mind had done and could do so much for the people? Then, when Jimmy Dore asked Bobby in an interview on his show to debate Max Blumenthal about Israel and he did not, I realized Bobby lied; he said he would debate Max and then reneged. At that point I backed away from supporting Bobs, but quietly. So your words here are, as always, inspiring and strangely reassuring that I was right to back away. He should slink back to CHD, or let others continue the good work? Reaction to shock can be so immobilizing?

I still wonder why Bobs is so enthralled with Israel? I can only think he must have done something so horrible, so horrific, and that they (those in charge of the the evil that is so pervasive) know and threaten to expose? No matter how much good one tries to do to make amends for evil, sometimes is not enough? I'm still shocked these days all to frequently which is, I think, a good thing?

Again thank you Cindy - truly you are one of my heros. Don't know how you do what you do, how you keep going? As I say, inspiring to me.

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Goodness, after reading some of the other postings, I sound so naive... and I'm not. why is that?

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That's exactly my experience with RFK Jrs candidacy.

I do not think he is enthralled with Israel.

I'm not saying it happened, but all it would take for some is a threat to one's family.

And he seems devoted to his.

So although I was shocked and disheartened at the Blumenthal fiasco and the desertion of the Covid Crime of the century, I really feel we are seeing November 22, 1963 again.

"We are in charge here. And don't you forget it"

It doesn't necessarily take a bullet.

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Why doesn't he just drop out then? Is he truly just a puppet on a string now?!

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I have no idea.

As Dr. Joseph Farrell says "High octane speculation".

It's just a tough turn of events.

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What an imbecile.

No one put it better than max Blumenthal who called him a resist cretin.

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I think Bobby is BOTH! I couldn't watch the whole thing -- it was sickening!

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Bibi knew warnings were made all year long. But, more info came in Sept. 14th about "an attack of rockets incoming..." Remember, too that Satanyahu visited with Biden on Sept. 22nd here in US! That was most likely to tell Biden the Zionists will use this as their "excuse" to not have their superior mossad "so-called most sophisticated intel in the world) sit there, never turned on to ready, in order to bomb Gaza into oblivion endlessly for months, expel everyone who is not massacred, and they take over for the Ben Gurion Canal=$500 billion in gas reserves. Note, too that RFKjr's new campaign manager A.Fox (former CIA agent) no such thing as "former" when they join they are permanent! She made post on twttr that 2.3 million need to evacuate... she's in on it all too, so sad, so disheartening. Their lack of empathy, compassion for 6000 dead children sickens me to the core, and it was all I needed to say "bye! no thanks" (i really wanted to say F!U! thanks for nothing! to both of them. I ask my friends who still continue to support him:"what does that say about his character? what kind of man is he? what morals does he have? How can ever consider himself a peace candidate? "children suffering" he said, but ignores completely 6000 mercilessly murdered genocidal massacre, extermination of innocent children by BarbaricBibi... sickening! detestable!

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The Bobby's still off his rocker. He's never been to an Arab state, and obviously has been asleep at the cognitive/moral switch the last few weeks. Dropping 2,000 pound bombs on neighborhoods is not an act of Democracy, unless it's defined as a Democracy of Death. It's so freaking simple, but go ahead, have another shot of that "Israeli Democracy, Mr Kennedy!" Bobs is just proving Plato's old-ass argument in "The Republic" that Democracy is just a sophist's mask for Tyranny. Perhaps RFK Jr has not read Plato?

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