Excellent piece and video! I don't say this lightly, but it seems in this country, there's just one historical international event you must never forget; just about ANY other horror can be and has been memory holed.

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#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💡

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My heart goes out to all victims whether the innocent children who were lured into "defending their country" or the people of the country we devastated... in this case, the people of Iraq. There is NEVER a legitimate excuse for war or murder of any kind. However, the good news is that I am learning that no one dies. We see it that way from our material point of view, but the person we think of as dead has simply left his or her body and goes on to the next realm. I am learning that my lifelong training that all of this is impossible is simply hypnosis without evidence. There seems to be far MORE evidence for eternal life which is very comforting to us mothers who have seen our children transition before us. Sending hugs, love and healing energies to one and all. xoxo

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Those who have not yet been murdered and those haven't been mutilated by depleted uranium.

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I know

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Also let us remember that western troops were ordered to stand down while Assyrians were slaughtered by shia militia.

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We should never confuse the individual heroism of troops with the unethical, illegal objectives set by career politicians who deem to wear titles such as ‘commander in chief. The pantomime is even worse in the U.K. with every Royal hanger on such as Kate Middleton being given the title Colonel in chief and wearing her battlefield smock displaying her rank with matching designer olive green yoga pants when doing a photo opportunity with the Irish Guards.

Let’s be clear the Military are directly accountable and receive their orders from a democratically elected government. That does not make those officials in the Military. The Royals involvement is a separate rant.

It is well documented that Bush and Blair were fully and firmly told by Military Intelligence there was no evidence of ANY WMD. The existence of which was the grounds they went to war on illegally. The Bush and Blair administrations used all means possible to leverage junior members of the UN to approve and sanction the falsehood that these weapons existed.

This sanction was the get out of jail free card for Bush and Blair who illegally went to war for power and profit. They may not face charges but they are without doubt guilty of war crimes including mass murder.

The west media 20 years later has buried and forgotten this as they fan the flames of the proxy war in the Ukraine and Putin stands being charged as a war criminal. The level of deceit and corruption is sickening and to add insult to injury this is all being done in YOUR name with YOUR tax money. It’s time to stop this charade before the circus is taken to the Pacific Rim. China is a highly advanced and first rate technical military and will not be the disgusting ‘duck shoot’ of the Gulf. Even if it doesn’t go nuclear they won’t be able to produce enough body bags if they worked flat out before Taiwan is used as an excuse for the ‘aggressive’ Chinese who have built over 20 major U.S. bases surrounding their borders.

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I remember, so VERY very clearly, where I was, when Shock & Awe commenced. I see the overnight bombings in my mind's eye.

I was SO upset.

Then my little guy was stung by a swarm of wasps...

I also remember where I was when the US went into Afghanistan in the fall of 2001. Not even a month after 9/11.

I recall the fall-out, in my life, which resulted from the position I took after 9/11

"Bush is wrong. Just WRONG."

This nice American guy, and his nice American kids and his nice American wife were very nice people indeed. They were my neighbors, and friends, during that period of time...

Sadly, the 2 American grown-ups, disagreed with my stance against Dubya and the drums he was beating, on these particular issues.

No real discussion. Just... very uncomfortable silence around the dinner table whenever I got on my soapbox.

Honestly? I didn't even know Andy was a Professor of Political Science!


I would have appreciated his input, but I'm thinking he might have considered me just a little too much of a dumb-bunny to bother with. Not worth his time.


We grew apart. Not because of that fall-out though. We moved, often, in those days...

My little boy really loved their little girl of the same age so I did try to continue their connection up until the time we moved "back home" in 2005.

But, guess what Cindy? This nice American guy apparently had a change of heart. Silent no more...



Andy's apparently still doing his thing at the uni, I'm still doing mine.

Question: Can we all just agree to disagree on stuff, and still remain friends?

Not sure. 😁

Awe well... 😉 It's too late for Andy's kid and my kid to reconnect anyway. (Which is how our relationship was cultivated: around our children who adored one another.)

It's been way too many years. Much too much water has flowed under too many bridges.

But I do remember Shock and Awful.

Hang in there Cindy.

#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💉☠💲💔

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It's outrageous that the war criminals of the Iraq War are not indicted.

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Their music speaks to my “Muslim soul” although I am not a Muslim. Deep and beautiful despite it all.

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Countries invaded: 9

Civilians killed: 11 million

ICC charges: 0

#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💡🕯🔬🔎

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Thanks for sharing this Cindy, I so admire your heroic efforts to promote peace after what happened to your precious son Casey, a tragedy that a parent can never fully recover from.

The Military/Industrial/Complex is a parasitical blight on the planet that all of us sane people must work to dismantle - Casey and all other victims of war psychosis deserve no less as we mourn their lost lives.

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Thank you Cindy! It was barely yesterday.

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Thanks again for those words of wisdom Cindy. Another bit you would enjoy was on the Richie Allen Show today. Richie is WAY funny and he plays clips from the UK media, which is even more of a joke than ours, if that is even possible. John Bolton was interviewed by the Ginger Ninja Kay Burleigh on Sky News to commemorate the 20 year anniversary. Richie got out a fart machine that he informed us would be set off at each lie that Bolton told. That was a gas, a whole lotta gas man! www.richieallen.podomatic.com

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