RFK Jr. lost me when he said “Palestinians are the most pampered people” in the midst of their genocide. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iFXEmBjeoXg

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That was the one that got me to tell my girlfriend that I'm done with that idiot.

He didn't even need to say this, just follow the party line crap.

No, this narcissist boomer had to be teacher's pet and managed to say the most idiotic and borderline psychopathic thing.

I quickly replied to his substack citing this as a sign of insanity and that if every candidate is socipathic or insane, it doesn't matter if he's in office or not.

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I can overlook human flaws especially if one is honest and contrite about them but his statement about the Palestinian people is something I can't ignore.

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yeah it was really the most mind bogglingly ignorant statement.

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I think RFK Jr.'s bizarre remarks are a clear sign that whoever was running Epstein is holding some horrible dirt on RFK Jr.

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Right now I really see nobody to vote for. They are all bad Cindy. The Gaza genocide has really exposed it all.

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I'm voting for Jill Stein.

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Did Jill support vaccine mandates?

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Dr Stein kept her mouth shut. Prior to her run in 2016 she was very vocal about vaccine injury. (She was a practicing physician for 25 years-graduated from Harvard). She took a lot of heat for that and- sadly - backed down. I was 100% in her camp hoping if she got the nom she would expose that. She never did. This is a huge black mark on her imo. Otherwise I honestly found her to be the sharpest knife in the drawer. She was definitely a threat to the status quo- that's why they went after her with the whole stupid Russia thing that sunk her.

She continues to remain mum on the Covid Con. :(

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LOL, I asked you about that in another comment---asked and ansered, as they say.

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Pelosi's bringin back Russia russia russia. The dims want a war so they can get elected by the distraction. I think genocide Joe always wanted to be a 'war prez...' and the neocons around him who pull the strings (?) want it too. So does the corpo media. Let's hope Pelosi's insanity is recognized? Then there's Lindsay Graham who wants to bomb bomb bomb Iran.

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Today she was blaming China. She’s just sad.

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Eventually the Masters will be wheeling her corpse into the Capitol like they did her cohort Diane Feinstein...it is beyond sad that she has any support at this point. The toilet that is the US CON gress (with very, very few exceptions, needs to be flushed). Term limits are the only answer. And...guess what? THAT will never happen!

The 'system' is beyond broken- it's DOA.

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Oo. This is a lot to unpack. I'm going to start with the horrid business of Rosemary- the "hidden Kennedy". I read the book with an ache in my heart for this, the prettiest Kennedy daughter! The truth is, it was Rose Kennedy, the powerful matriarch of that family- that navigated everything that happened to Rosemary including her institutionalization and eventual lobotomy which, in that era, was prescribed therapy. Rosemary was rambunctious, voluptuous and outgoing. She attracted the eye of a great many young men and that alone made her a threat to the family's buttoned-up (at that time covered up is more like it) image. Initially the effort was to reprogram her, basically. The lobotomy was a botched procedure that finally did her in. Rosemary 'lived' into her 80s, dying in 2005. I choke up thinking about this dreadful chapter in the Kennedy mythology- I have read the book, still have it and will read again just to clarify what's been said here. It sounds like Rosemary was learning disabled and this alone made her 'unacceptable'.

I grew up in the age of Camelot! Why not? The phony period of my childhood, coming out of the 'victory' of WW2 having been born in 1951- between the Korean and Vietnam wars. Huzzah! Talk about 'brain damaged' (sorry, not sorry). Those of us so-called Baby Boomers didn't stand a chance. On top of that, my father was an officer, in the US Navy and a Yale graduate and I a proud 1st gen Italian-American! Imagine the brainwashing! It was nearly thorough- until the Civil Rights movement and the American War (which is what the Vietnamese, rightfully, call it). TV had everything to do with that.

Eventually my classmates in the high school graduating class of 1969 were being drafted by the thousands. By then, many boys were coming home- either in body bags or on crutches. And the TV was showing us the dead, mutilated bodies of Vietnamese peasants (old men, women and children) stacked like cordwood in fetid rice paddies.

Prior to those awakenings- JFK had been elected in a frenzy of expectations and goodwill. His campaign song was "Happy Days Are Here Again"- talk about brainwashing! Being a 12 year old, living in Boston (the Kennedy home base), we really felt it! Yes! It was palpable. Those fresh-faced Kennedys with their manners and presence. Boating at Martha's Vineyard, marching in Boston's St Patrick's Day parades, playing touch football at Hickory Hill. Smiling. Smiling. Smiling. He was young. His bride was beautiful and his family was establishement (a good thing back then).

Then BOOM! Dead man. At that moment, in that time- it truly felt like the world had come crashing down. Before his execution we had experienced the fear of nuclear attack, 'the Russians are coming! the Russians are coming!' Duck and cover. Bay of Pigs. The Cuban Missile Crisis- commies everywhere. Wait, what? A Russian agent shot the President?

Most of us know what happened after that. Then in 1968 it was MLKs turn. A short two months later it was RFK Srs turn. "Race" riots, antiwar protests, chaos in the streets.

By then all three of these men had their reputations sullied (you might say). Wealth and privilege in the case of the Kennedys definitely makes room for over-indulgence and bad behavior. As if it was an entitlement. Even MLK was accused of adultery (maybe he admitted it?) But really, there they are 3 dead guys with no way to respond to their accusers. Ah well.

Fast forward to the next Gen of Kennedys. I'll make this short- RFK Jr banking on his family's legacy is ONLY going to impress the young because they did not 'live it'. And Bobby Jr has the advantage of having laid his tracks on the solid soil of questioning and warning about the corrupt 'healthcare system' in the wake of the Covid Con. He had already immersed himself in the environmental movement, founding the Waterkeeper Alliance then the vaccine imbroglio- even before the Covid Con. There is a series called The Truth About Vaccines in which he featured prominently. Premeditated? I wonder about that.

Suffice to say I personally believe that RFK Jr is a Manchurian Candidate of sorts and in way over his head. He's made all the missteps anyone could want in the face of a huge generation- yeah the Baby Boom, who is as skeptical as ever. Yay us! Long may we run!

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I'm a Boomer, and RFK is absolutely right that we don't support him. I have no use for him whatsoever. Nobody supporting Israel gets my vote. It's a profoundly evil country, and it's committing genocide with my tax dollars.

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Also, so fucking condescending!

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That part was true

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Well, Jill Stein is the only candidate (as far as I understand) that doesn't support Israel- at least militarily. But, once again, she doesn't stand a chance. Good to get the message out there just the same.

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Bonnie, maybe you know what her stance on vax and lockdowns are?

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We'll never know what JFK's legacy would have been, especially concerning the disastrous Vietnam War. Certainly he was a celebrity-style president, our first TV president. It is noteworthy that he took on the CIA, firing Allen Dulles, and this probably had something--or everything--to do with his assassination. Excellent point about "Camelot" being the place that never was.

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What's rich about him is that he claims the boomers are brainwashed... And many are.

But so was he, according to his own accounts.

He explained how a friend of his had to keep pestering him to look into vaccines. She ended up giving him a pile of papers and books and then he finally stopped being a stubborn ass and realized the issues with vaccines.

As for Israel, he sounds like the programmed boomers who think communism is evil, Russia is bad, Israel is good etc.

His comment on Palestinians being one of the most pampered groups showed how crazy he is. Dummy didn't need to say that at all. He was trying to be teacher's pet, ass kissing the authoritarian nation we support.

It seems like he's still got that narcissism running through him even though he has done good things.

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I am seriously wondering whether he is some sort of Manchurian Candidate literally programmed to spout a pre-written script when he is prompted by a question or comment about Israel. So if he is somehow elected he will attack Iran on behalf of Israel and we will all die from starvation or nukes...but at least we will die unvaccinated. Small consolation but at least it’s something. Please tell Tulsi he sends his regards.

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Thank you for this rendition. It really made me think about literary symbolism. I had to go and check on this , as you state, Camelot is based on a utopia.

Is he ( RFK)comparing himself to Lancelot.?Since his father Senior would be equivalent to King Arthur. The Arthurian legends represent tragic heroes,courtly love, and chivalry. As you stated in his troubled family ..father, uncles, etc. They are important to middle age/ medieval tales.

I would think of Camelot and it’s comparison to Sir Gawain and the Green knight. Sir Gawain is king Arthur’s nephew and leaves Camelot. It based on Christianity and his belief in Mary. Gawain leaves Camelot with the pen tangle( a knot with five wits). In this medieval romance, women are introduced with devious natures, used to affirm peace treaties.

Another mention of King Arthur in Medieval literature, is in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.. as you know chaucers meets several people on his spring pilgrimage. King Arthur is mentioned when Chaucer meets wife of bath. And I quote

“ Her hose were of the finest scarlet red and gartered tight; her shoes soft and new”

Just my thoughts on medieval utopias and idealization of youth

I would also recommend Joseph Conrad poem ‘Youth’ about seaman named Charles Marlow

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I just read a good fictional book that was from the perspective of Morgan le Fey---as a young woman who became a naturalist/witch. I am eagerly awaiting the sequel.

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I still follow him on Instagram just to see what deceptive tactics he is using on his supporters. They do seem young and naive. Maybe they are buying into the Camelot myth because they weren't here to witness it. It has become part of our phony history and they are desperate to believe in something. 🤔 It's almost laughable that he uses worn out rhetoric from the last century to rope people in.

Also, he sells special "experiences" with himself and his wife! 😂

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All true I think.

But I do think JFK's assassination was because he betrayed the pathocracy, and RFK was assassinated because he was sure to investigate it, so they weren't all bad I think.

Elections have been stolen and we're living under covert marshal law, so its hard to expect national elections to make a difference, but they might if the polls are so convincing that even Big Brother can't deny them.

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JFKs execution was more about his threat to the Jewish lobby and the vow to revisit UN Resolution #194- The Palestinian Right of Return. He also planned to pull US troops out of S Vietnam. His detente with Kruschev also pissed off a whole lot of people who were banking on the Cold War lasting forever. After all, this mess with NATO in Europe is Cold War 2.0 and it's making a lot of people very, very wealthy while satisfying a wet dream for many others.

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Lyndon Johnson's mistress recalled a party she attended with Johnson from which he came back later and said that he "wouldn't have to worry about Kennedy anymore" and she took it to mean that it was decided there to assassinate Kennedy. She recalled that John J. McCloy was there. McCloy was a close David Rockefeller associate, in the days before Henry Kissinger took that role.

I don't think JFK's assassination would have happened without Rockefeller's approval. Henry Kissinger mentored Klaus Schwab, so there is a direct line between JFK's assassination and the WEF.

What exactly Kennedy did to make Rockefeller want to assassinate him is a subject of speculation. It probably was a number of things together that led Rockefeller to believe Kennedy couldn't be controlled.

Whether Rockefeller was at the top of the gang that killed Kennedy is also a subject of speculation. There may have been others and I suspect there were. I think the chief suspects are the people behind the G3P, the Global Public Private Partnership, which is behind the Bank for International Settlements, which to this day enjoys sovereign immunity, and which is also behind the WEF.

Organizational Chart, Bank for International Settlements Kill Box


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The assassination was faked. It was just part of the spell.

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Seriously?? The Zapruder film was staged? Hilarious.

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The Z film shows what actually happened, see Jay's film JFK X, I wrote about it as well, here but don't let my post be a substitute for seeing the film. You will come out of it laughing with them about it all. https://jeromearmstrong.substack.com/p/fake-jfk-x-movie-kennedy-squib-assassination

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As refreshing as a Mennen Skin Bracer slap this morning. Thanks I needed that!

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Have you seen Jay Weidner's film JFK X? Talk about enlightening! This family is very tied to the trauma of the USA, and keeping it going.

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Does it prove the assassination was faked?

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Without a doubt in my mind. See my latest post.

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Well then, I just might watch it and see what I think.

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lmk what you think.

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I'll try to watch it this week, and I will let you know.

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Where can this film be found?

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Expect to pay $1.99 for the 'truth'. Lemme know what you found.

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A bargain at twice the price! ;)

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Oh. Hmm, cut my teeth at age 18 until up to now, 67 next month, and I know real journalists, I am one, and Joe Rogan? You have got to be fucking kidding me this slippery slope into celebrity bullshit, people, valorizing pigs like Rogain.

RFK? His UkroNaziLandian son? His celebrity wife making guests show vax passports? And, RFK stated on one show I saw two years ago, that he vaxxed up. Not Sputnik V, but with mRNA?

Shit, RFK's kids, no Jews in the extended family like JOE Biden's?

Minyans, man, minyans.

Gazans grinding hay and straw for flour?

Fuck the USA, truly, fuck Klanada, fuck EuroTrashLandia and hell, drain Isra-Hell of the minyan.


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Assuming that the Kennedys had everything to do with what was good is just illogical, if not impossible.

LBJ and Nixon had more to do with the 60s than they did.

I'm over these narcissists running without a mandate. The system requires an enema. 😎

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