This is all a banking agenda, because usury sucks all the money up to the useless eliters where its just hoarded and the economy ceases to function normally and then comes revolution, so they’re trying to control everything digitally, after they drastically and quietly reduce the population.


A Totalitarian Fantasy

Myths and Realities About a “New Order”

(March 1944)


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Jun 6Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Around :15 you ask a damn good question. Why did Lincoln need to kill 1/5 of the counry's population to change a law? The answer is found in the runup to the war. I lived in the part of Kansas where Color Revolutionaries were sent out in 1855 to prepare for the war. They were sent by the New England sweatshop capitalists, funded by shoe factories and gun factories. Their mission was to insure that only sweatshop slavery would continue in the nation.

Agrarian slavery was unacceptable because it placed a lifetime obligation on the owner. He had to support the slave families for life. The Enlightenment system of "rights" gave the owner total freedom from obligation, and gave the slaves the "right" to starve when they were too old or disabled to work.


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Thanks,l. Fascinating info!

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Trump said in a recent interview that he believes Israel should be destroying Gaza much more rapidly and that he would not have withdrawn from Afghanistan if he were president. I can’t believe how open this prick is being about wanting to start wars and advance longstanding agendas of the neocons and the CIA in every way, and how despite all this I’m still getting Trump supporters telling me he’s been ending the wars and fighting the deep state.

Trump is a bloviating conman responsible for fast-tracking toxic, useless and unnecessary Covid vaccines, closed down the entire US market, destroyed the economy, brought on pseudo-scientific masking and 6 feet social distancing. Biden bought into Trumps toxic vaccines and continued with his entire fake pandemic narrative. Neither one deserves to be president.

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Yep. Like we said, " war criminal"


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Biden and Trump are both beholden to AIPAC money.

Even though I believe voting in Presidential elections is thoroughly compromised, I'm still going to cast a feeble protest vote, as I have in the past, for Jill Stein.

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And don't forget to sharpen those pitchforks! Great use of the Iceberg metaphor, which suggests that the preselected choice is all about who'll be skippering the Titanic the next 4 years.

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What do I think? Much as Tolstoy , MLK, Dine, and Jesus did, that one does not fight evil with more evil, but with good. The goal should be to stop evil, NOT cultivate some sort of demented satisfaction from imposing suffering on another because one suffered.

Every punishment is based, not on logic or the feeling of justice, but on the desire to wish evil on those who have done evil to you or to another person…. Everything about our present system of punishments and about all criminal law will be thought of by future generations in the same way that we think of cannibalism or human sacrifice to the pagan gods. “How did they not see the uselessness and cruelty of those things which they did?” our descendants will say about us. - Tolstoy

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Or as Tony Hillerman explains the Navajo POV in his novel “The Dark Wind”:

quote from pages 147 - 148

"There was no reason to kill him," she said. "And whoever did it is going to suffer for it.".... "They won't get away with it. You understand that?"

"Not exactly," Chee said.

"Do you understand 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth'?"

"I've heard it," Chee said.

"Don't you believe in justice? Don't you believe that things need to be evened up?"

Chee shrugged. "Why not?" he said. As a matter of fact, the concept seemed as strange to him as the idea that someone with money would steal had seemed to Mrs. Musket. Someone who violated basic rules of behavior and harmed you was, by Navajo definition, "out of control." The "dark wind" had entered him and destroyed his judgement. One avoided such persons, and worried about them, and was pleased if they were cured of this temporary insanity and returned again to hozro. But to Chee's Navajo mine, the idea of punishing them would be as insane as the original act. He understood it was a common attitude the the white culture, but he'd never before encountered it so directly.

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Instead of a perpetual war economy we´d become a perpetual guillotine economy...

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I didn't watch the screamer, but I could not agree more with you all re. the consequences for the u.s. so-called "presidents."

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I think you are correct

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