If we are all being honest with ourselves, we have all done it: been too tired, or broke, to cook a big, healthy meal for ourselves or our families, and at the end of a long day have decided to just grab a bowl of cereal.
There’s nothing wrong with indulging in treats every once in awhile but making unhealthy eating/living a habit will eventually lead to bad metabolic outcomes.
Briefly, in harmony with yesterday’s post:
The Disturbing Reality of Ultra Processed Food by Kiana
I have shared videos from Truthstream Media before, this one is short, informative, and, IMHO, worth the view:
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Processed foods are essential to the "Sickcare System." This was a massive lacuna during the Covid Regime, that our all-knowing Public Health officials did not, dared not, advise folks to cut some things out of their diet--especially processed foods. High Fructose Corn Syrup--kind of crazy when you think about it.
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