Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Jeff Childers in his “Coffee and Covid “ post analyzing the decision said far from excusing what presidents do acting as commander in chief they make them accountable when they step outside their constitutional authority granted by the Constitution. So for instance the droning of the citizens you point out is now subject to this test; does the president have the authority to murder citizens, even when they say supposedly bad things? No, so a legal case can be brought against him for all his extrajudicial droning. Was dingbat W allowed to order torture of anyone under the terms of his oath of office? Can something be found from the administrations of the past 20 years where a president or a member of his administration stepped outside their constitutional limits? Before there was a de facto gentlemen’s agreement to not prosecute them. The current crop of democrats who must please their donors who want “results dammit!”, never thought through the consequences of lawfare against their opponents. They really didn’t take into account that just maybe the issue would come before the supremes and they would put every administration under the microscope. The idiot shitlibs threw the boomerang and then went back to scouring their social media. Oh but don’t celebrate too soon trumpers, did HE do any stuff outside the constitutional limits of his office? Hmmm, didn’t he drone a certain Iranian general? Was this general part of the military of a nation we are at war with? Does the constitution grant authority to the president to just kill foreigners, even foreigners who are really bad in their view? Ok, now for the current president. Did he order basically every working person in this country to get a shot, even if they didn’t want it? Was that part of his constitutional authority? Were people injured as a result? Never mind the criminal nature of this what about the civil cases? Sorry Joe you are getting OJ-ed. Don’t cry too hard when they tow your ‘Vette away. My analysis may be overly optimistic, I mean it’s still going to be criminals ( they may not be criminal yet but are aspirational for their turn) prosecuting criminals. I would love to see what a President RFK could do with this. Oh wait, I know, all you perfectionists out there will claim to know that he’s just going to be like everyone else.

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Yes, I recognize that it didn't confer complete immunity--I do think that when the bought and paid Congress conferred war powers on Bush, he was performing his constitutional duties. That's why I kept this post to my own personal story and case for Casey. I really don't care about how it affects Trump at this moment. Thanks for your comment.

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Bush was is and always will be a LYING SACK OF SHIT War Criminal

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Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Thanks for this post. I hope that legal people follow up with this! Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump and Biden are all criminals. They should be prosecuted and suffer the consequences.

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And Jimmy Carter, but it looks like grim reaper is going to take care of that sooner than later.

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Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

He's way past his expiration date. Why do horrible ppl live so long?

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Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

RFK supports Israel. "Unconditionally." He is part of the cabal, for all his antiwar rhetoric. Israel is the center of it all....

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Sheppardize this Brief Please https://www.plf.net/emailsun/immunity.shtml

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Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Cindy, Jeff over at Coffee and Covid has a nuanced take on that ruling today that actually may open former Presidents to charges. I tried to share the link for the post but could not. I hope it helps.

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see my above comment, thanks

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Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

RFK,jr is opposed to war. Lets get him elected as our President in November 2024.



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Except against the Palestinians and more importantly Gazans. He knows as well as we do that the CEOd of Boeing and Raytheon have more war powers than POTUS

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RFK is likely aware AIPAC controls the US Government and

influences elections. The public is aligning with him in his

battle against Big Pharma, but he knows that he can't go up

against Israel and win. He has to toe the line and play politics.

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Except in the case of: Palestine and Ukraine. So, what about his 'antiwar' phoniness do you not understand dear?

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we are twin sisters of different misters

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Now, after being an anti-Putin moron and pro-Ukraine idiot, he now pretends to be against Ukraine.

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Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I heard RFK jr say his son ran off to join the foreign legion to fight in Ukraine without telling him.

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I heard this, as well.

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A pity, really. Have always felt that if his first-cousin (the brighter of the two, to be sure) JFK jr was still alive...his (RFK jrs) approach might have been different on many, many levels.

Methinks a concerted effort was made to eliminate JFK jr for that and many other reasons. RFK jr lost his anchor.

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He informs us that Palestinians are pampered so that settles it: Bombs Away!

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And he said that during a genocide ffs!

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USA elected and appointed officials should not be given immunity for crimes they commit or allow to be committed during their tenures in office. We need a DC to prison pipeline.

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Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Like it or not, this is consistent with the overall setup. Sovereign immunity is a very old principle, for a good reason. We shouldn't have to resort to lawfare to remove a bad leader. Most countries have responsive political systems. We don't.

Britain can replace its PM easily and painlessly when he isn't performing. France can call a snap election, as happened this week. We have NO WAY of removing a president through normal channels. Impeachment is useless. It simply brings the VP of the same party into power. Congress knows this, so it's never actually impeached a president. If a president fails or turns criminal or senile, we're stuck with him for 4 years. No parole.

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Jul 2Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I think people are confused. Many are out of control with their script. I receive crazy local emotional responses. It is wild Wild West landscape and once they trap you.. you are trapped.

My thoughts…

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thanks for your thoughts

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So. The Mossad and IOF and Jews of Jewish Raped Murdered Maimed Occupied Palestine get immunity. And pigs and SWAT get it. And the 3600 billionaires and fortune 5,000 mother fuckers get it, so surprise surprise Gomer, the fucking perverse presidents get it? Not news.

USA is in one collective CTE and TBI hell.


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