Yes and it's sick that even rfk Jr is pushing that bullshit about Venezuela.

No offense to you and others but he's a stereotypical boomer, stuck in cold war nonsense.

The cold war was the pinnacle of our "1984" style endless war dystopia.

Jimmy Dore calling out rfk's war mongering on Venezuela Iran etc


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Nov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It is somewhat astonishing to see how quickly RFK has revealed his pro-imperialist nature. He now claims that there are links between Hezbollah and the government of Venezuela. Without offering the slightest evidence.

He is now just another reactionary Democrat having a slightly more accurate take on the COVID scam and the killer VAX.

He is a pathetic figure who will never even be granted the gift of serving his Imperial masters as CEO of USA and Commander-in-Thief.

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Yes. We have covered this on SherLilly so I didn’t post Bobby Bot’s take here. I’ve been hitting him hard lately and those who still support him don’t care that he “unconditionally” support genocide or lies his ass off about Vz

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Yes I know and I value the SheeLily webcasts.

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I don't UNCONDITIONALLY support him. If he were were running against Cynthia McKinney, I would support her. We are facing the final phase of human existence on this planet. I would willingly give up my life to stop that and say any fucking thing I needed to in order to stop that. I would do any Machiavellian behaviour to get in a position to stop that. I assume you would too. GIVE ME ANOTHER CHOICE and I will take it. Walk around with a PEACE sign? March? Nothing works. Someone must get into the seat of power and if we are left only with RFK Jr as a choice, I say GAMBLE the house and go for it. Palestinians do not deserve this. But once the US falls and the people with a vendetta even just vendettas unleash their rage and bomb the shit out of us...or subjugate us to their righteous anger, you think they will care what our stance was on PAlestine. THE US IS HATED ALL OVER THE WORLD NOW. BOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!! Kennedy is sadly ALL we have right now. Hold your nose. He has the vote of the youth in this country. Shouldn't we support them? It's their world. The rest of us won't be taking on the burden of restoring a functioning society. https://open.substack.com/pub/thekennedybeacon/p/tuesday-news-round-up-by-speaking?r=8k9o9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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We care and I waffle back and forth because what I personally believe now about him is 1. he has an addictive personality that he goes to AA style meetings many times a week for 2. he gets addicted to his own zealotry and when it is something we the people agree with he is heroic and when it is not what we agree with we demonize him 3. he has a vendetta because of his father and uncle's murder and he will do ANYTHING and absolutely SAY ANYTHING to get that resurrected. This number 3 I understand completely. I believe that drive to bring those to justice who took away one's much loved father drives him in particular to say and do anything to become president. I am rooting for him and placing the blame of Palestine slaughter squarely on the shoulders of Netanyahu and his minions. Even if they are fellow Jews in the US. Everyone is fucked up, Cindy. I think you know that. You think Castro etc didn't have his dark side? LOL....

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Agreed. Is he starting to believe his own ridiculous speeches? Does he think he's going to bring back "Camelot" which was nothing but an illusion anyway?!

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Apparently, Booby is as big a philanderer as his dad and uncle were.

I actually think he uses some kind of performance enhancing drug, or supplement, that is swelling his brain.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I'm going to question that, Cindy.

I don't get that impression. Not now anyway.

I don't support his candidacy, although I was a big supporter in the beginning - and as I have written before, I am so disappointed in his about face, or whatever it is.

But I appreciate what I have learned from him and CHD over the past 3 years.

I may be way down the rabbit hole on this, but I think there is something nefarious with regard to Kennedy's candidacy rhetoric.

I just can't believe that HE believes what he is saying.

What kind of power is behind that? I don't think it is a performance enhancing drug.

I wonder if it's the power that is behind all of it.

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I have given him credit where credit is due; however, his first wife committed suicide and its been widely accepted it was because of Kennedy's philandering and drug abuse. Addicts are impossible to live with, unfortunately, most of us have this experience in our own families.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

She found a list he made of all the women he had been screwing around with.

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It was WIDELY accepted? By whom? The newspapers that HATE THE KENNEDY'S His wife was fucked up when he met her. Like attracts like. She had numerous opportunities to get out of that Kennedy tribe. She took HER OWN life. That's on her.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

What I mean is the power that threatens you, your family, your friends, your loved ones, when you get too close. Not only to the truth, but dismantling the truth.

I think there is sooooo much going on that we just don't know and will never know.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I just got an invitation to a "small fundraiser" for him in Scottsdale. 1,000 a head! I took the opportunity to tell his volunteer exactly what I thought of him and his campaign.

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I am sure he is really upset about it. He saw his uncle and father die at the hands of the CIA. I am sure you whoever you are is really going to make a dent. Elect him President and in five years you will be singing his praises because you and your family will be safer from a nuclear holocaust. Are you Jewish? I don't think so. My great grandmother was a Spanish Jew. Spanish Jews were chased out of Spain by Christians and fled to Calabria where they pretended to be Catholics..you a Christian by any chance....? Christians and all their self righteous BS live in a fairytale world of Jesus, from the ancient and the oldest mythologies out there rehashed for the people of their time. All of that crap is an allegory. Watch Joseph Campbell's interviews with Bill Moyers made on Skywalker Ranch and learn what this is really all about. It's about defeating bankers and big money. Go protest chain food markets and big banks. Kennedy is no saint in any way shape or form but at least he knows where the REAL EVIL lies and it is not mostly in Israel. Netanyahu is RACIST. He was raised to believe Arabs are animals. Kennedy is going after the evil that sits in every seat of power throughout the world. He IS not part of it. He is a Ninja Revenge Warrior and a clever one at that. Vote for him and hold your nose.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

So you (whoever YOU are) have jumped back on his bandwagon.🤔

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Damn that Bobby Jr trying to restore the middle class and making sure we don't get into WW3 and we don't die from Big Pharma's bullshit vax....what a hypocrite to devote one's life to keeping kids and the environment safe while the constant image of his family getting shot to death travels with him day after day. What a big doofus eh? And what have you done with your life the last 40 years? Oh you post on the internet.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Joanna, I don't know to whom this is directed but you really have no idea what I or anyone outside of your social circle have ..."done with your life the last 40 years"

Ad hominem attacks indicate one has lost the argument.

And it is irrelevant as are whatever personal "sins" RFK has committed in his life.

As a Marxist I look upon politicians in the light of which class interests they serve.

RFK resembles the model of liberal reformist politicians of decades ago in that his domestic policies are liberal while he promotes US imperialism abroad. As the West is failing US imperialism is now even more ferocious than in that era.

Imperialism as the final stage of a decaying Capitalism requires endless and persistent violence to maintain its hegemony and RFK, whether intuitively or consciously seems to recognize that and supports it.

In the case of Palestine we are observing ethnic genocide and RFK seems to be OK with that. And it has blown up in his face

I cannot and will not overlook that.

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I apologize. You are absolutely correct about ad hominem attacks are just dumb. I am frustrated by people who may not be considering this is not just anyone. This is someone who witnessed their father murdered. It's a horrible burden on anyone but a child? He was a kid. Much of what you say MAY be true but I do not believe with his SILENCE he is promoting US imperialism abroad. This is not a minor issue in the US. Kennedy lives alongside a lot of Jewish people and he can not possibly just say Israel is committing genocide without the potential threat to his life being a factor. I mean Jewish people are threatening to kill others within the US for protesting. Here is what I know..when someone's trauma is triggered, it is easy to manipulate them and I am talking about Jewish folks. Netanyahu is lying to them and perhaps they can not see that? And perhaps RFK Jr is just keeping a low profile. I don't think RFK Jr is a solely a liberal reform candidate from the past although that certainly influences him. I think his focus is on the United States and its people surviving a potential civil war and collapse of society so we become a police state. I don't think RFK Jr is okay as you say with ethnic genocide or genocide or murder. How could he be after what he has been through? He would need to be sociopathic or worse psychotic...do you think that is what or who he is?

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Are there more stereotypical boomers than stereotypical "Reagan children" (40s-early 60s) who support the annihilation of Gaza?

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They both suck, Gen Xer here.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

The current House of Reps looks like the first time boomers do NOT constitute a majority. Gen X and Millennials make up 50%. Boomers were a bare majority in the last House. Where's the big difference in attitudes, ideas, policies, etc.? More acceptance of "diversity?"


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I’m a boomer and I don’t resemble these remarks.

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Key positions such as dictator of the house, err speaker... Minority and majority whips are still populated by the old school crooked fks.

I'm confused why Gaetz and crew agreed to this dinosaur extremist Johnson....

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

These specifics might be true, but, regardless, I don't see any real "sea change" from the ranks "below," at any level. Non-boomers DeSantis, 45, Haley, 51, Rubio, 52, seem interchangeable with (barely) boomer Chris Christie, 61, or jihadist Graham, 68. Your point on the new speaker just illustrates the case. I'm through with the "blame the boomers" mantra as a significant factor in this nightmare. This might be the first time I've actually SOMEWHAT come to their defense, albeit reactively. And in no way because they are "the children of the greatest generation." Ironically, one of those "children" is the "freedom hero" favorite, Trump -- born in 1946, the "birth year" of the baby boomers. Totally grew up into his entitled self during the post-war "prosperity" piggybacking on the "commie New Deal," wherein his father -- through being an early exploiter of loans from the "commie" Federal Housing Administration -- established his path to becoming a millionaire.

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How do you know what you know? That is a standard critical thinking question I am asking for an anti Kennedy stance.

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My relationship with my subscribers is way more important to me than the elitist pieces of shit that run for president. As a friend, I respectfully ask you to dialogue with my subscribers in a more respectful way. You seem to run very hot and cold on the Kennedy spawn. We are all trying to figure things out.

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Okay. Sorry

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Do you know Bobby Jr? I assume from what you are babbling here you must and you certainly are no stereotype as you stereotype people born in the 50's right?

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I'm from an immigrant family. We didn't get the cold war propaganda, besides duck and cover at school. We saw both the USSR and the USA as corrupt top heavy oligarchies.

I have to say that rfk and stereotypical boomers think we used to be great back then. Yeah, it was so great that blacks had to face apartheid.

Face it, Americans were as propagandized as those who were in the USSR. The only difference is that those in the USSR knew it was bullshit, but here they were tricked by "free markets" aka artificial choice. In the USA, news didn't come from the state, but it was state news.

Bobby is great on the jabs issue. He's great on the environment.

I think Bobby was great until he started spouting cold war bullshit about Venezuela, Iran, and China.

Peace candidate my ass.

I also think he set himself up to lose by not going into the libertarian party that already has ballot access.

Getting ballots is ridiculous in some states that will drag their feet.

But I guess he trusts his psychopathic "former" CIA campaign manager?

I'm telling you that something broke in his brain, or he's playing an act.

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I agree with Rob about the unseriousness of his campaign. He is in it to be a spolier and for opportunism. If he were serious about winning, he would have gone Libertarian.

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I think that is possibly true to a certain degree...but I also think he is trying to make a better world for the economic finances of the middle class. I am fully with him on that for many reasons and for me it outweighs the POSSIBLE repercussions of Israel and Hamas. Just call me someone who loves her students, her nieces and nephews and anyone born in the last 30 minutes. And wants them to have a stable future. We are never solving the MiddleEast issue. Arabs and Jews hate each other. That is unlikely to change

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Everyone knows rewriting a false and stolen trolled historical narrative is wrong and cruel. The usa uses whatever it can whenever it can for whatever duration of time, that it can serve its purpose. And when it does not work anymore it drops it like a hot potato. Yet other false troll based narratives can be used indefinitely without accountability by all classes of people or professions., and by most countries while you neglect other countries.

We have members of congress that seem to do whatever they want because people they don’t hold them accountable, ask questions, they just follow. Once the USA sets the stage for its global films it delegates the easiest roles to unqualified people and persecutes the qualified.

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The sanctions regime is obnoxious and paternalistic, and should be illegal under international law. BRICS+ will eventually make US/EU sanctions useless, but we're not there yet.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Of course. Your perspective is one of total sanity, unlike . . . . .

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I also subscribe to VenezuelaAnalyses. Recommend all open minded folks do so too.

Imperial hubris driven by greed run amok is the source of all the evil in the world. Control greed and life would get immensely better for the 99%.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Great article Cindy, shared to socials.

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I know you socialize in circles where people aren't blatant about "The USA and Our Way of Life and Our Political System and the Good Old Americans Are the Best, and so the Best Shall Tell the Rest How to Come Along with the Best of them."

Most AmeriKKKans see Hamas as terrorists. Most is like in the high 80 percent mark. Almost as many percentage wise of Americans who believe in predestination, believe they have a watchful and protecting angel above keeping them safe, and, shit, 10 percent or maybe more think the Sun Revolves around the Earth.

You can cut the electrcity to the MRI machine, or put come cement into the gear work or just bomb it or just let it break and sanction the parts.

This is how Israel Rolls, and this is how Anglo-Saxon-American-Iberian mentality rolls.


But you can sleep well next THursday, National Day of Mourning and Sorrow and Pain for First Nations as the Shit Hole Country with the Shit Hole Prez with his Shit Hole Family (all wearing the blue and yellow UkroNazi flag colors on their smalls-undies) pardons two pavos locos, or Concentration Camp Turkeys.


All's good in AmeriKKKa.


Don't let the door at Target slam your ass on the way out of your Black Friday Fun!


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"Most AmeriKKKans see Hamas as terrorists. Most is like in the high 80 percent mark."

Actually this isn't true at least for people under say the age of 50 who increasingly distrust media narratives which is a huge white pill IMO. Of course even slightly less than half being militantly pro-Israel is still terrible of course, but it is encouraging that the MSM propaganda is less and less effective.


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Are we really believing effing Reuters or any of these fucking fake polls? It's much more psycho-deep than just that Bradley effect.

It's the joke of the century. Do you think it will be 42 percent of eligible voters not voting for the next shit show of evils of the lesser? Again, we love Richard and we see the Grayzone, but it isn't America mid or left or east coast. Every young person, or under 50? The distrust the mainstream media, but there are so many levels of what they distrust. They still curate their minds with only so much, Mister Corvid.

But I will write about that soon. Hasta la vista.


The Bradley effect (less commonly the Wilder effect) is a theory concerning observed discrepancies between voter opinion polls and election outcomes in some United States government elections where a white candidate and a non-white candidate run against each other. The theory proposes that some white voters who intend to vote for the white candidate would nonetheless tell pollsters that they are undecided or likely to vote for the non-white candidate. It was named after Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley, an African-American who lost the 1982 California gubernatorial election to California attorney general George Deukmejian, a white person, despite Bradley being ahead in voter polls going into the elections.

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Actually Reuters heavily leans pro Zionist and if I remember right is owned by a Rothschild so they would under count not over count support for the Zio-fascists.

But anyway it's clear you aren't listening and are ranting and raving for the sake of raving, so I am just going to ignore you, adios.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Self-evident truths, not even debatable in any real, honest, informed way. The same people who make it a crime to MENTION boycott, sanctions against .... whoops, can't say it.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Sanctions kill the most innocent of people. I wish we have Venezuela's election system, the most accurate on the planet, according to Jimmy Carter. Maduro is doing a great job in spite of the interference of our government. Viva Venezuela and Viva Maduro.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

"snap them back". FFS Blinken (and all of them) should be in the toidy themselves.

Also, didn't Venezuela cut diplomatic ties with Israel? Another "right side of history" move.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Osama bin Laden's Letter to America, written in 2002, caused a big controversy when it was posted on TikTok yesterday. One of the many evils perpetrated by the U.S. that he mentioned are the sanctions that have killed millions of Iraqi children. The letter was deleted from most websites after it blew a lot of minds and went viral, but here it is if you want to read it:


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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan


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Yes, he should be released.

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I want to comment here that I love and respect Cindy and she knows that I hope. But I am sensing a kind of bullying going on with the comments here. RFK Jr has done tremendous work as a lawyer. I am not going to die or get cancer at least from the shotclot. Many or some of you here will if you were jabbed depending on the batch. Bad reaction to first shot? Look into Peter McCullough's supplements to help you. Having said that I am asking you to CONSIDER that RFK Jr is trying to stay alive. Give him at the very least the benefit of the doubt. Don't or do support him. It's your business but this thread upset me because I am CERTAIN he doesn't want to die, ex addict or not. And neither would you Cindy and commenters if you were walking in his shoes. Vote for Trump, vote for Newsom, vote for Michelle, vote for Hillary, write in Cynthia McKinney or my dog Brando...but please don't crucify RFK Jr until we hear HIM tell his side when he is READY to do so...that is all I am saying...

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Why should we in the working-class give space to elitists?

If he was so afraid of being killed he wouldn't be running for POTUS, would he?

Let HIM make his case TO US. He's not doing that. IMHO.

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Good points but my new friend who knows more than any of us said when Biden refused to give him protection, it was a warning....and we know that decision came not from Biden at all. Israeli issue is a keg of opinionated people. Right now Kennedy appeals mostly to young people. If he can hold and grow that and they actually vote, he will win. Many young people even Jewish ones are not happy about the slaughter of children so why is he getting their support? They want someone to stabilize the country and restore their chances to have a home, a job, a family. If I were 20-something he would be the right choice and no matter what he did or didn't do to or for Israel, I would not care. I would vote for him. It's only in the Western liberal enclaves like the East Bay or San Francisco or NYC that the rights of Palestinians are defended. Hasidic Jews and I said JEWS as in JEWISH people are pro Kennedy. Why is that you think?

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Spot on Cindy and excellent timing since I just wrote this piece about our great sanctimonious bully that was born over 150 years ago ...


You're so over the target. Keep up the good work. ~~ j ~~

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Lincoln was a deeply flawed almost disabled man who could give a good speech. And he died for it. MLK Jr was a flawed man who was known to womanize and was Black and he died for it. JFK was a flawed womanizing man who was a great speech writer and very charming and he died for it. RFK Jr was a tough, nasty hater of Mafioso and he died for it. What J. Lee Austin are you willing to die for and what are your human flaws? My point is people in positions of power who grow up in families that stress being powerful in either a spiritual or political or physical way usually pay a steep price because there is always someone on the outside looking in who can't even pick up their dry cleaning without a hassle. Our leaders were and are very flawed as are you and as am I. The difference among us is are you willing to die on the field of what you truly believe? I think RFK Jr IS.

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My flaws, your flaws and their flaws are not nearly as germaine as the Deification, which has resulted in the elevation of the presidency to king status, and the expansion of government to overt despotism. Since We the People outnumber the "rulers" by many orders of magnitude, we may be left to suspect a flaw of human nature in general that has allowed this to happen. Best of luck.

~~ j ~~

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It isn’t "our government," there's no "we" when 0.1% of the people own 60% of the wealth. The U.S. government was founded to represent the interests of property-owning white men. A civil war, and class and social struggle have expanded the number of people the law says are represented, but, in fact, the U.S. government still represents the top 1% of people, the bankers' and CEOs' families.

Working people are subjects of the owning class. The bankers' and CEOs' employees, lobbyists, deliver laws already written, to the legislators with a campaign contribution, and the laws are voted on and passed. The U.S. government is a committee that manages the affairs of society domestically and manages the wars internationally on behalf of a tiny handful of extremely wealthy families.

Working people need our own political party to oppose them. Democratic and Republican politicians all represent the interests of the big owners of finance & industry, voting is a dead-end. We need a political party that organizes us to oppose them in every way possible. We produce everything of value using raw materials from nature. We have more power as workers than voters. Strikes are more powerful than elections. We need to use our numbers to defeat their monopoly of power. We need to demand an end to war and 100% employment with high-quality universal housing, healthcare and education. We should have a robust high-quality social infrastructure that supports a healthy society where genuine respect is possible, where people's needs come first. We have been pulled far from an ethical system that benefits the people because EVERYTHING is done for profit.

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I completely agree. You are the mouthpiece of Howard Zinn. And yet that still has not happened..that LABOR movement and party...why do you think that is? At least this opens up the complexity of this issue instead of keeping it at the 3rd grade level.

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Cindy, you are right on it again. Your voice for peace is the steady hand on the helm, with the voice of cussed-toothed seadog. Diane Hellcat Watson would be glad to know you. Thanks for sharing the infographic and the important people behind it.

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Thanks, Jack!

Peace and live


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