Yes and it's sick that even rfk Jr is pushing that bullshit about Venezuela.

No offense to you and others but he's a stereotypical boomer, stuck in cold war nonsense.

The cold war was the pinnacle of our "1984" style endless war dystopia.

Jimmy Dore calling out rfk's war mongering on Venezuela Iran etc


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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Everyone knows rewriting a false and stolen trolled historical narrative is wrong and cruel. The usa uses whatever it can whenever it can for whatever duration of time, that it can serve its purpose. And when it does not work anymore it drops it like a hot potato. Yet other false troll based narratives can be used indefinitely without accountability by all classes of people or professions., and by most countries while you neglect other countries.

We have members of congress that seem to do whatever they want because people they don’t hold them accountable, ask questions, they just follow. Once the USA sets the stage for its global films it delegates the easiest roles to unqualified people and persecutes the qualified.

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The sanctions regime is obnoxious and paternalistic, and should be illegal under international law. BRICS+ will eventually make US/EU sanctions useless, but we're not there yet.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Of course. Your perspective is one of total sanity, unlike . . . . .

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

I also subscribe to VenezuelaAnalyses. Recommend all open minded folks do so too.

Imperial hubris driven by greed run amok is the source of all the evil in the world. Control greed and life would get immensely better for the 99%.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Great article Cindy, shared to socials.

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I know you socialize in circles where people aren't blatant about "The USA and Our Way of Life and Our Political System and the Good Old Americans Are the Best, and so the Best Shall Tell the Rest How to Come Along with the Best of them."

Most AmeriKKKans see Hamas as terrorists. Most is like in the high 80 percent mark. Almost as many percentage wise of Americans who believe in predestination, believe they have a watchful and protecting angel above keeping them safe, and, shit, 10 percent or maybe more think the Sun Revolves around the Earth.

You can cut the electrcity to the MRI machine, or put come cement into the gear work or just bomb it or just let it break and sanction the parts.

This is how Israel Rolls, and this is how Anglo-Saxon-American-Iberian mentality rolls.


But you can sleep well next THursday, National Day of Mourning and Sorrow and Pain for First Nations as the Shit Hole Country with the Shit Hole Prez with his Shit Hole Family (all wearing the blue and yellow UkroNazi flag colors on their smalls-undies) pardons two pavos locos, or Concentration Camp Turkeys.


All's good in AmeriKKKa.


Don't let the door at Target slam your ass on the way out of your Black Friday Fun!


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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Self-evident truths, not even debatable in any real, honest, informed way. The same people who make it a crime to MENTION boycott, sanctions against .... whoops, can't say it.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Sanctions kill the most innocent of people. I wish we have Venezuela's election system, the most accurate on the planet, according to Jimmy Carter. Maduro is doing a great job in spite of the interference of our government. Viva Venezuela and Viva Maduro.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

"snap them back". FFS Blinken (and all of them) should be in the toidy themselves.

Also, didn't Venezuela cut diplomatic ties with Israel? Another "right side of history" move.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Osama bin Laden's Letter to America, written in 2002, caused a big controversy when it was posted on TikTok yesterday. One of the many evils perpetrated by the U.S. that he mentioned are the sanctions that have killed millions of Iraqi children. The letter was deleted from most websites after it blew a lot of minds and went viral, but here it is if you want to read it:


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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan


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I want to comment here that I love and respect Cindy and she knows that I hope. But I am sensing a kind of bullying going on with the comments here. RFK Jr has done tremendous work as a lawyer. I am not going to die or get cancer at least from the shotclot. Many or some of you here will if you were jabbed depending on the batch. Bad reaction to first shot? Look into Peter McCullough's supplements to help you. Having said that I am asking you to CONSIDER that RFK Jr is trying to stay alive. Give him at the very least the benefit of the doubt. Don't or do support him. It's your business but this thread upset me because I am CERTAIN he doesn't want to die, ex addict or not. And neither would you Cindy and commenters if you were walking in his shoes. Vote for Trump, vote for Newsom, vote for Michelle, vote for Hillary, write in Cynthia McKinney or my dog Brando...but please don't crucify RFK Jr until we hear HIM tell his side when he is READY to do so...that is all I am saying...

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Spot on Cindy and excellent timing since I just wrote this piece about our great sanctimonious bully that was born over 150 years ago ...


You're so over the target. Keep up the good work. ~~ j ~~

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Cindy Sheehan

It isn’t "our government," there's no "we" when 0.1% of the people own 60% of the wealth. The U.S. government was founded to represent the interests of property-owning white men. A civil war, and class and social struggle have expanded the number of people the law says are represented, but, in fact, the U.S. government still represents the top 1% of people, the bankers' and CEOs' families.

Working people are subjects of the owning class. The bankers' and CEOs' employees, lobbyists, deliver laws already written, to the legislators with a campaign contribution, and the laws are voted on and passed. The U.S. government is a committee that manages the affairs of society domestically and manages the wars internationally on behalf of a tiny handful of extremely wealthy families.

Working people need our own political party to oppose them. Democratic and Republican politicians all represent the interests of the big owners of finance & industry, voting is a dead-end. We need a political party that organizes us to oppose them in every way possible. We produce everything of value using raw materials from nature. We have more power as workers than voters. Strikes are more powerful than elections. We need to use our numbers to defeat their monopoly of power. We need to demand an end to war and 100% employment with high-quality universal housing, healthcare and education. We should have a robust high-quality social infrastructure that supports a healthy society where genuine respect is possible, where people's needs come first. We have been pulled far from an ethical system that benefits the people because EVERYTHING is done for profit.

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Cindy, you are right on it again. Your voice for peace is the steady hand on the helm, with the voice of cussed-toothed seadog. Diane Hellcat Watson would be glad to know you. Thanks for sharing the infographic and the important people behind it.

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