Thanks, Cat!

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Cindy, you are my shero. I truly wish I could be there with you and help you and fight for you. Thank you for your relentless pursuit of the truth in the face of incredible adversity. So grateful there are people like you. I love Helen Keller's quote: "Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. My optimism, then, does not rest on the absence of evil, but on a glad belief in the preponderance of good and a willing effort always to cooperate with the good, that it may prevail." With people like you in the world, I believe that we will prevail.

My story about trans ideology: I started questioning the trans ideology in 2015, after my best girlfriend decided she was a 'man', and had her breasts removed at 45 and lost her marriage, children and home. Soon after I got kicked off Twitter and Medium for having the audacity to say 'Maybe people who are trans should seek mental health professionals before making the decision to mutilate themselves.'

In December of 2020 I got kicked off Facebook for saying "Maybe the 50,000 medical professionals who've signed on to the Great Barrington Declaration have a point. Protect the vulnerable and let the rest of the world get on with their lives." I was called a eugenicist and reported and some of my best friends stopped speaking to me.

It's a mystery to me how people can be so trusting of governments, corporations and institutions with their lives and health after so many news reports, despite the censorship, that have shown these to be anything but benign. I didn't really appreciate the pervasiveness and power of propaganda and censorship until it happened to me.

My wake up call discovering the illusion of our so-called civilized culture was the financial meltdown in 2008 when my clients stopped paying me. I'm sorry I didn't questions things much sooner, because there were clues throughout my life. But until you are personally affected, it's all too easy to stay asleep.

I think everyone living comfortably in our western cultures is in for a massive financial, emotional, physical shock and they won't be ready. It's impossible to prepare for what's coming no matter how bad you realize things are and how much prepping you do. I think the Hunger Games series was predictive programming making us psychologically primed to accept the inevitability of our dystopian future as if there were no other option.

I find the most painful part of all of this experience BY FAR is the fact that the people you love and wish to protect and defend will often turn their backs on you as you frantically try to explain with mountains of data and real science that things are not as they've been told. Then, you have to stand by and watch as their health is destroyed, their jobs and homes are lost, they lose a loved one suddenly, or not so suddenly. It's like living in a nightmare where you cannot wake up.

My son, 41 years old, unmarried, no children, was forced to get the jab to keep his job. So, now it's a waiting game to see if he'll take another one or start experiencing health issues. I lay awake at night terrified for my family and friends - some awake, most not. It's difficult to move through my days and stay motivated. My children and granddaughter keep me going.

My experience with cancer, twice, was a living lesson in how deceitful the pharma industry is. I declined the conventional treatment both times I was diagnosed. I had surgery both times and I'm perfectly fine today. My older sister was left disabled 10 years before from her chemo/radiation. My younger sister, also diagnosed twice at the same time as I was, passed away from her chemo/radiation treatment. The kicker? She was forced to do the conventional therapy or her employer (Lockheed Martin) would not give her disability income. Nice way to get rid of employees with health risks so you don't have to pay their pension, right?!

So in her memory, I tell my sister Michelle's story to remind people that the cancer industry, like the government, military, pharma corporations and other institutions do not care about you or me. They care only about money and power. it's a difficult thing to have to wake up to, but we must be the adults in the room. Our descendants will curse our name if we fail.

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I am so sorry about your sister and what you both went thru. I have a similar story with my sister who died almost 6 years ago. I call it the Cancer Industrial Complex because I don’t think the cancer got her, the standard “treatment l” did.

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My sympathy for your losses and continued anxiety! Congratulations on your bravery concerning cancer and voicing your opinions.

The world has truly gone mad and you experienced what it is to be the nail sticking out!

Hang in there!

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Thank you, Cindy, I'm honored to be part of your post!

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You were my go-to (insert favorite pronoun here);

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I will volunteer my favorites "chicken nuggets and dinosaur".

Backstory - grade school boy got in trouble for choosing those, parents called, and the poor kid baffled. He really wanted those two as his pronouns.

They are f...ing children up too much.

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I apprecieate this post Cindy. I am so spiritually and physically exhausted I can;t even think anymore. I no longer know how any sane person is coping at this point. Thank you for the moment of sanity.

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I feelya

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Dear Cindy: thank you for this deeply moving and brilliant post. I love "awake" and not "woke." Perfect.

Can I borrow "pukehead"?

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It’s all yours!

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Hey, long time no see. Canceled and living life better! Nice to see you are not fallen to this crap that 95% of them bought hook, line and sinker.

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You, too!

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Wonderful essay

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A pleasure to meet you. I ASSUMED, (A VERY Dangerous Word), that we were on different pages but actually check off a lot of the same boxes!

Keep up the fight!

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There were a whole lotta “phk-yeahs!” happening internally while reading this.💥I also happen to use “awake/not woke” terminology when describing particular people, movements, podcasts, places, ideology, etc. Thank you for your strong writing, & thanks to Mickey Z for pointing some of us here!

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Also deeply sorry about your son. Simply heart-breaking. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Thank you for a delightful post! I love the definition between woke and awake. I find myself losing my temper frequently with "woke" friends, snarling, "if you're still blaming one party over the other you have learned NOTHING!" as they gasp and slide to the floor in shock that I'm not agreeing with their perspective. I am and always have been an avid reader of history, as told by the people who actually lived it and generally were conquered by (mostly white) other people. Once you start to hear, in their own words, the experiences they go through, it's very hard to listen to the woke ever again. I just wish we had some better options for interim politicians while we burn this sucker to the ground. Thanks for sharing, I cannot imagine the pain of losing my child. Your integrity of turning that pain into action is humbling indeed.

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My comment - I went and got my today post link. It wanders into quicksand and stays there. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/trump-is-a-larp-gematria-and-taiwan

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If you really want to be awake as to what this whole plandemic is about, watch The Big Reset, recommended by Dr. Jessica Rose: https://jessica5b3.substack.com/p/watch-this-movie-today-and-please?utm_source=email. It's such an eye-opener.

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Sep 19, 2022Edited
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thank you and solidarity!

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