Oh, these monsters in the mush media are both incompetent and inhumane. No comments from smart people who have studied the history of self immolation. Nothing deep there, just how "the Israelis in the embassy might have had some hurt feelings." I doubt that. I can see cheering, for sure.
Oh, these monsters in the mush media are both incompetent and inhumane. No comments from smart people who have studied the history of self immolation. Nothing deep there, just how "the Israelis in the embassy might have had some hurt feelings." I doubt that. I can see cheering, for sure.
These pukes in the dead-head media can't even do basic research or make a phone call to someone smart in the arena of political acts.
In April 2016, Armin, an asylum seeker in a village of Switzerland, set himself alight in the public square of the town, one of a few cases reported across Europe. He performed the act following a denied request for asylum and was saved by bystanders. We present the results of two qualitative interviews conducted with Armin, his translator and his roommate following the incident. The act is theorized through the lens of a dialogical analysis focusing on the concept of social recognition. The notion of trauma is considered as a key mediating mechanism, theorized as creating ruptures in time, memory, language, and social connections to an Other. We conclude this communicative act to represent both “being-toward-death” and a relational striving toward life; a “destruction as the cause of coming into being.”
Sure it's erudite and clinical, this article I cite (see link below), but fuck, better than the Jewish Israeli currated crap. This man did an act of human survival, one that called for him to stave his own internal pain, and where language is meaningless (genocide is just mowing the grass, and war is peace, and slavery is freedom, you know), the act of death was his only recourse. Not many understand that, so goes the intellectual and psychological ceilings of the Western MIND.
For those whose landscapes have been disrupted by trauma, “their problem is not the limits of memory but of language—the inadequacy of ordinary words to express all they have witnessed” (17). When words fail, when “the temporality of linguistic convention, considered as ritual, exceeds the instances of its utterance, and that excess is not fully capturable or identifiable” (18), it naturally falls upon the body to become the site of (reconstructive) action. Butler, for example, has marked the body as the stage on which traumatic disconnection unfolds:
Loss and vulnerability seem to follow from our being socially constituted bodies, attached to others, at risk of losing those attachments, exposed to others, at risk of violence by virtue of that exposure … the body implies mortality, vulnerability .
Armin sounds like a case of genuine suicidal protest, he lost all hope for HIS case and therefore he wanted to go out with a bang instead of a whimper. NOT A FAN OF SUICIDE, but it makes more sense when it is personal to the one committing it.
Aaron's suicide was a futile attempt to stop what exactly? He did not say "Free Gazans" or "Stop Genocide" but FREE PALESTINE. Anyone who believes that Israel will one day convert back to Palestine is as naive as Aaron. That is like wishing America to be converted back to Native American tribal lands.
Wishing? This is interesting to use this "wanted to go out with a bang . . . instead of a suicode."
Ahh, so my own background with homelessness, released prisoners, addicted souls, all the work with ganges in Juarez and El Paso, work with Salvadorans and Guatemalans seeking refugee in the USA because of USA backed and trained death-rape squads, hmm, so desperation and discord are deep.
FREE Palestine and Repatriate Native Lands, well well, aspirational, and, alas, Aaron was young, thrown into the mercenary forces because of what vagaries kill hope in the Western Male, and I really think that meeting Aaron where he might have been is best, but to high horse and say, "Ha haha . . . the Jews of Isra-Hell and Jews-Goy of Un-United $nakes of AmeriKKKa will never give an inch, so cock off."
Here, Richard, he covers this tragedy with integrity: Past minute 24:00!
Oh, these monsters in the mush media are both incompetent and inhumane. No comments from smart people who have studied the history of self immolation. Nothing deep there, just how "the Israelis in the embassy might have had some hurt feelings." I doubt that. I can see cheering, for sure.
Dancing Mossad and all that.
These pukes in the dead-head media can't even do basic research or make a phone call to someone smart in the arena of political acts.
In April 2016, Armin, an asylum seeker in a village of Switzerland, set himself alight in the public square of the town, one of a few cases reported across Europe. He performed the act following a denied request for asylum and was saved by bystanders. We present the results of two qualitative interviews conducted with Armin, his translator and his roommate following the incident. The act is theorized through the lens of a dialogical analysis focusing on the concept of social recognition. The notion of trauma is considered as a key mediating mechanism, theorized as creating ruptures in time, memory, language, and social connections to an Other. We conclude this communicative act to represent both “being-toward-death” and a relational striving toward life; a “destruction as the cause of coming into being.”
Sure it's erudite and clinical, this article I cite (see link below), but fuck, better than the Jewish Israeli currated crap. This man did an act of human survival, one that called for him to stave his own internal pain, and where language is meaningless (genocide is just mowing the grass, and war is peace, and slavery is freedom, you know), the act of death was his only recourse. Not many understand that, so goes the intellectual and psychological ceilings of the Western MIND.
For those whose landscapes have been disrupted by trauma, “their problem is not the limits of memory but of language—the inadequacy of ordinary words to express all they have witnessed” (17). When words fail, when “the temporality of linguistic convention, considered as ritual, exceeds the instances of its utterance, and that excess is not fully capturable or identifiable” (18), it naturally falls upon the body to become the site of (reconstructive) action. Butler, for example, has marked the body as the stage on which traumatic disconnection unfolds:
Loss and vulnerability seem to follow from our being socially constituted bodies, attached to others, at risk of losing those attachments, exposed to others, at risk of violence by virtue of that exposure … the body implies mortality, vulnerability .
RE: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5900890/
But in the Main Line Presstution, we get almost NOTHING. Treated like fucking dense, stupid, follish children.
Thank God some real thinkers still exist, applause!
Armin sounds like a case of genuine suicidal protest, he lost all hope for HIS case and therefore he wanted to go out with a bang instead of a whimper. NOT A FAN OF SUICIDE, but it makes more sense when it is personal to the one committing it.
Aaron's suicide was a futile attempt to stop what exactly? He did not say "Free Gazans" or "Stop Genocide" but FREE PALESTINE. Anyone who believes that Israel will one day convert back to Palestine is as naive as Aaron. That is like wishing America to be converted back to Native American tribal lands.
Wishing? This is interesting to use this "wanted to go out with a bang . . . instead of a suicode."
Ahh, so my own background with homelessness, released prisoners, addicted souls, all the work with ganges in Juarez and El Paso, work with Salvadorans and Guatemalans seeking refugee in the USA because of USA backed and trained death-rape squads, hmm, so desperation and discord are deep.
FREE Palestine and Repatriate Native Lands, well well, aspirational, and, alas, Aaron was young, thrown into the mercenary forces because of what vagaries kill hope in the Western Male, and I really think that meeting Aaron where he might have been is best, but to high horse and say, "Ha haha . . . the Jews of Isra-Hell and Jews-Goy of Un-United $nakes of AmeriKKKa will never give an inch, so cock off."
Here, Richard, he covers this tragedy with integrity: Past minute 24:00!
I do understand difference between personal hopelessness (Armin) and self-destructive albeit naive glory (Aaron).
American youth NEED to know these horrific acts do NOT make a difference!
And, Max Blumenthal calls them Mazi's, but he is a self-loathing Jew, according to his brethren.
Richard has it right, live, now: Medhurst. Listen!
Nazi, the word, the aspersion, should be denoated to Israelis! Period.