Sheldon Adelson has died but his wife Dr Miriam Adelson is alive and well and continuing his work in $upport of the fake state of USrael. He once said: "I am a one issue person and that issue is Israel." The Adelsons proceeded to pour millions into the Xionist coffers. And godknows how much more $$$ into the pockets of US CON gress people.
Sheldon Adelson has died but his wife Dr Miriam Adelson is alive and well and continuing his work in $upport of the fake state of USrael. He once said: "I am a one issue person and that issue is Israel." The Adelsons proceeded to pour millions into the Xionist coffers. And godknows how much more $$$ into the pockets of US CON gress people.
Sheldon Adelson has died but his wife Dr Miriam Adelson is alive and well and continuing his work in $upport of the fake state of USrael. He once said: "I am a one issue person and that issue is Israel." The Adelsons proceeded to pour millions into the Xionist coffers. And godknows how much more $$$ into the pockets of US CON gress people.