I don't go to church, but it appears to me that pretty much all the churches in this country stay totally silent about war. In fact, when I talk about the evils of war to my relatives who do go to church, they just look at me like I'm crazy and have nothing to say. I once asked a friend if her minister ever talked about war in church. Sh…
I don't go to church, but it appears to me that pretty much all the churches in this country stay totally silent about war. In fact, when I talk about the evils of war to my relatives who do go to church, they just look at me like I'm crazy and have nothing to say. I once asked a friend if her minister ever talked about war in church. She said no, because he didn't want to offend anyone who might be pro-war. How sick is that??? I think that if a large number of churches would hold anti-war protests, it would at least bring it into people's consciousness. But that's only if they could get enough members to participate, and the protests would get any media coverage at all, both of which are doubtful.
I don't go to church, but it appears to me that pretty much all the churches in this country stay totally silent about war. In fact, when I talk about the evils of war to my relatives who do go to church, they just look at me like I'm crazy and have nothing to say. I once asked a friend if her minister ever talked about war in church. She said no, because he didn't want to offend anyone who might be pro-war. How sick is that??? I think that if a large number of churches would hold anti-war protests, it would at least bring it into people's consciousness. But that's only if they could get enough members to participate, and the protests would get any media coverage at all, both of which are doubtful.