I am not sure I will ever get over the widespread damage that was done during the Shamdemic. We all know, or have felt the costs of losing income, health, and our relationships with friends/family. I hope those who were young will be able to bounce back, but, I am still observing lasting effects of school closures, park closures, sports and other extra-curricular activities shut-down, etc. I am still seething.
On SheeLilly#118 (Another Peaceful Transfer of Power to Convince the Stubbornly Slow that the U.S. is a De-moo-cracy (TRANSCRIPT) Plus, Dr. Falsie (and many others) the Serial Killer Gets off Scot-free.), Dakotah and I discussed the blowback from the Shamdemic around the fact that Dr. Falsie was given a pre-emptive pardon by the Cadaver in Chief:
From the transcript:
CINDY: there won't even be investigations. We won't find out, but there has been some investigations. Anthony Fauci funded Echo Health Alliance, I think it's controlled by Peter Dezak, who is another monster, another doctor monster. And he couldn't directly give money to the Wuhan lab, but he funneled it through EcoHealth Alliance. And so he started the pandemic.
He was instrumental in starting the pandemic. He was instrumental in doing this warp speed clot shot, which by the way, if you're a Trump supporter and you don't like the clot shot, he also was. And then responsible for deaths of millions of people, I would think, and the devastation of our society. Biden recently in his farewell,
whatever the hell that was, he said that during his regime, 17 million jobs were created, but he didn't also say that 22 million were lost during the pandemic. So if Fauci gets pardoned preemptively for anything he did, then are we going to pardon everybody who lost their jobs, lost their ways of life.
Um, are they going to get back pay? Because it turns out the people who refused were the ones who were right. Are people going to come back and kiss our butts and say, they're sorry that they treated us so despicably because they were, you know, supposedly anti, um,
empire, anti-capitalism, but they folded like cheap suits when this thing happened. And I just want to read something that a really good friend of mine, and, you know, a lot of people, I didn't care that they were treating me like this. I mean,
I was used to taking unpopular stands along the way and losing a lot of friends, colleagues, whatever. But by the time, whatchacallit, COVID happened, I thought I had lost everybody I was gonna lose. And everybody else, you know, were also like me. They were politically independent. They hated both Democrats and Republicans.
They knew that there were, that Deep State was and the unpaid permanent bureaucracy runs the country on orders from these shadowy overlords. But this one really got to me. It broke my heart because she was one of my first friends in the movement after Casey died. I met her months before I went to Crawford.
And she, whenever I went to Los Angeles, I stayed with her in her apartment there. She had an apartment in Washington, DC that I stayed at. And she came to Crawford. She came to Camp Casey. She was a Camp Casey supporter. And just one day, She was gone. She was off my Facebook.
And I was like, God, what happened? Where'd she go? And I knew that she was posting supportive things of the vaccine. But she never openly challenged me about it. And so today, a few months back, she subscribed to my substats. And so I was like, oh, maybe she realized that I'm right.
You know, maybe she had a change of heart. Maybe she was vaccine injured. And even, you know, we even had a few congenial exchanges in the comments section. So, you know, not super friendly. And she didn't like invite me. to stay with her in any of her fabulous places anymore.
But I thought, you know, she's back, you know, maybe because it's happened a lot. A lot of people have said you were right and blah, blah, blah, whatever. And it's not about me being right. I'm going to do what I think is right. Obviously, no matter what the cost is to me,
But she wrote on my thing about Fauci, and she wrote,
“I agree he should not have pardoned in his son. I disagree with everything else you wrote. We stopped being friends over your vaccine hysteria. I had friends who died in those first few months. My family is filled with doctors, nurses, public health professionals, and EMTs. Everyone has been vaccinated several times. You and the nutcases like RFK are the danger.”
Yeah, nice, huh? And so, yeah, filled with doctors, nurses, public health. That's not a flex.
You know, they're part of the danger protocol. And all these vaccines she had, obviously, are starting to erode her brain. So what a b!tch. You know, that's all. Was she just waiting for the perfect time to zing me? And it just, like, breaks my heart. Because, you know, thank God I was able to hold my family together.
Anyway—-how are you feeling about the Shamdemic today?
We will be talking about this poll and reader comments on SheeLilly#119 this week.
Have a beautiful day!
I'm so sorry for the way you were recently treated by this person/friend who "returned", only to slam you again. Your remark about having kept your family together also resonates. In my family
we're "together" but certainly a lot of unhealed wounds. It was pretty bad. So, to add to the category of "angry, frustrated, sad" I would add "afraid" because I expect more to come from ruling psychopathic class and maybe this time(like last time) I won't convince them to resist Public Health Regime orders either. Thank you both so much for these conversations, for everything.
"I had friends who died in those first few months," says your erstwhile friend. Naturally, we can empathize with her distress. Now imagine what her distress would be once she learns that her friends were killed by a weaponized virus created at the behest of her own government. Now imagine her distress when she learns that her friends were denied early treatment (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, hell, even fresh air and sunshine) then escorted to death's door by hospital protocols (remdesivir, ventilators, etc.) which brought more profit from a covid death than a covid recovery.