I'm so sorry for the way you were recently treated by this person/friend who "returned", only to slam you again. Your remark about having kept your family together also resonates. In my family
we're "together" but certainly a lot of unhealed wounds. It was pretty bad. So, to add to the category of "angry, frustrated, sad" I would add "afraid" because I expect more to come from ruling psychopathic class and maybe this time(like last time) I won't convince them to resist Public Health Regime orders either. Thank you both so much for these conversations, for everything.
"I had friends who died in those first few months," says your erstwhile friend. Naturally, we can empathize with her distress. Now imagine what her distress would be once she learns that her friends were killed by a weaponized virus created at the behest of her own government. Now imagine her distress when she learns that her friends were denied early treatment (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, hell, even fresh air and sunshine) then escorted to death's door by hospital protocols (remdesivir, ventilators, etc.) which brought more profit from a covid death than a covid recovery.
You know those people that can never admit they were wrong? They're not consciously evil but they emulate their heroes, who are sociopaths and psychopaths.
She's not worth knowing if she cannot apologize for the group think she imposed on you and others.
If later she or my former friends asked for advice, I would ask for an apology because I need to know if they can understand why they became fascists.
Same thing with an ex girlfriend who I loved very much. She dumped me out of nowhere and didn't explain why. A few months later she wanted to talk and was flirting with me. I was open to going back to her on one condition. She needed to explain why she broke up with me and how this has been resolved if it was her own mistake instead of my fault.
She had no honest explanation. Then she came onto me more and I felt the attraction, but I told her that I'm not comfortable with it because I can't feel safe if there's no reasoning to what she did. (And no, I don't think she cheated on me, but if she did and explained why, I would have taken her back like I did with another gf)
If I were in the military and got discharged for not getting the clot shot, I would now sue them for back pay.
Or go back, get the back pay and quit.
"Fuck you, you hurt us and we deserve back pay even if we don't return."
Amazing that this person accuses you, Cindy, of ‘vax hysteria’ which is precisely what she manifests. Classic “passive aggressive’ behavior and projection. She returned just to lay this bit of nastiness on to you.
Worked out pretty good for me. I had six weeks paid vacation while awaiting a test that would clear me for work.
Spent the time riding around UpState NY on a motorcycle with my dog in the sidecar.
Whatever symptoms I had were gone after 48 hrs and a bottle of Irish whiskey. Always poured out two shots at a time. One for me and one for the covid. We toasted each others health and had a good laugh at all the shut ins peering out through the blinds as we roamed the lost highways of Columbia County…
How do I feel about deliberate depopulation to rid the planet of humans who are trying their best to survive? How do I feel about a totalitarian takeover by the same groups we can’t seem to stop from their callous ways that destroy families and the elderly? And babies? I think the structural issues of finance linked to powerful men and women with little or no empathy and a lot of arrogance need to be dealt with by we the people but first we each need to confront our individual feelings of helplessness and loss and stop
thinking one president elected from a two party system will ever be the solution. It won’t be.
They are unable to admit any mistakes, it really is a pathology like being in a cult. The racial achievement gap in academics, something every liberal says they care about, was driven backwards 25 years by the extended school closures, and this had even been reported in their favorite paper, the New York Times. The next time i hear a liberal regret this will be the first, they take NO responsibility. They all condemned Scott Atlas forcsaying we should reopen for kids’ mental health, invluding Amy Goodman. If they have to lie like Fauci and say they never said the vaccine would stop the spread, they lie and refuse to acknowledge what’s on tape. I agreed with school closures at the time but i can learn from new information and admit i had it wrong. Sounds like your friend is stuck in bitterness. I know many people like that.
Can you imagine digitally stalking a former friend and waiting to pounce? I know I posted many things about the shamdemic and clotshot since she subscribed.
Oh well--it does hurt a bit, but I'll get over it.
I've been a bit of a 'lurker' on here, Cindy, and have restacked and liked lots of your posts but not commented before. I'm getting braver this year. Anyway, you are a real hero to me.
I'm like you, in being a long-time anti-war leftie, but also awakened to the way the world works and the lies from all sides. My main activism in the past was to do with Palestine solidarity and justice, most actively about 15-20 years ago. Being involved in that moment awakened me even further to the lies of the media and the establishment than I already was.
For me, the loss of friends during the scamdemic was not too bad, partly because I'd recently moved to a new neighbourhood and a new life away from the woke, smug suburb where I'd lived before. So when all the folks in that area went Covid-crazy, I was already away from them. And was glad to keep my distance from them.
I also generally kept my mouth shut online about my views for work-related reasons and because part of me can't cope with open conflict. Doing that, though, was very painful for me and had echoes of childhood trauma. I actually envied some of my new friends who felt able to be open on social media, even if they lost friends on the process.
However, I was lucky enough to fairly quickly find, and nurture, a new crowd of like-minded 'awakened' or in some cases at least sceptical people who I could meet up with regularly and who, in some cases, became close friends.
Some of these were from a right-wing background, some like me from the left, some apolitical. So there were faultlines but also a new-found unity in our shared disgust at the establishment and exasperation with the blindness shown by so many around us.
The main point I wanted to share, however, is that I went through a second loss, for me more painful than the first, when the Gaza genocide began. I saw so many people in the freedom and health movement – both acquaintances and well-known figures I followed – side with the Israelis and unquestioningly believe the lies told about October 7th. I guess those folks were from the centre or right of the movement. And others, who were not active Zionists but who were uneducated about the history and the narrative-twisting, remained neutral and silent after being so vocal about the injustices and lies of the scamdemic.
For me, this was deeply painful. I felt as though I'd lost and couldn't trust my new tribe, the people with whom I felt safe. Fortunately, I do have a couple of friends from the freedom and health movement who 'get' Gaza. Spending time with them is a lifeline for me.
Even so, I still haven't quite recovered from this second, greater loss.
It's largely through following people like you, Cindy, who are 'awakened' both about the Covid scam and about this other genocide, that I've stayed sane and less lonely.
Haha. Speaking of closets, I found it easier to come out of the gay closet decades ago (when it was still hard to do that) than I did to come out as a COVID Dissident with my normie acquaintances, at some points. I also used to be more vocal about Palestine than I am now. I think the anti-dissident atmosphere during the main scamdemic years really knocked my confidence.
Not me. I spent more time banned from FB than I had access to my account.
Now, they have just made it impossible for me to log into my account. I don't want to be there, but I do miss my memories and some friends who didn't follow me over here. However, being a covid dissident surely kicked up the ante. That's for sure.
I wondered if it might be one of the Codepink people. I can see why you still admire her work in that area but what she has done to you is so, so hurtful. 😢
Aside from the personal hurt, one thing that exasperates me and almost breaks my heart, is seeing how people who are awake about one aspect of things can often remain blind about another aspect.
I have a feminist friend who has done lots about gender issues (fighting with others for female-only spaces etc) but has seen how many women in the gender critical movement simply swallowed the lies about the October 7th r*pes and sided with Israel, remaining wilfully unaware of the long-term struggle for Palestinian liberation. As my friend says, there is no feminism in genocide.
I think many of us in various movements have worked with CODEPINK (I learned to do so very carefully), but I don't think Greta is an active member. I also worked forever with a socialist vanguard org. Some of the members had parents who were persecuted in the 1950's for their views by HUAC, etc. They had a very nifty analysis about empire and capitalism, until it was time to succumb and join empire in witch-hunting others who disagreed with the covid agit-prop. They were subsidizing my work until I refused to get the clotshot. They actually used financial, organizational and personal pressure to try to get me to take it. I had an antiwar org collapse because I was the only one on the board to didn't submit to the shamdemic. Also, many of the people who opposed the mandates of the covid era are also christian zionists, as you are finding out.
Do you follow Alon Mizrahi, Cindy? He is one of the best. An Israeli guy, who's not longed moved to (Southern) California—every word of his burns with truth and honesty.
As well as posting truths about Gaza and Palestine and Israeli society, he also 'got' the Covid scam and has a 'plague on both your houses' attitude to the two-party system in the US.
It's so bizarre that this dichotomy exists! Alot of the actions supporting Palestine required masks to participate. When I asked why, the response was that it was to hide people's identities but I couldn't swallow that explanation. The world just gets weirder and weirder....
When things began to mildly reopen, I was invited to a few events, but when I refused to show proof of clotshot (because I didn't have it) I was actually told, "Oh, that's too bad." See ya! Before Covid, I would just be deplatformed because I believed in biology. Sigh....
The "Left"--does it exist anywhere anymore? When I was in college (MANY years ago), I was a supporter of the Socialist Workers Party. They were right about so many things, though they didn't know how to talk to actual working class people without lecturing. They introduced me to the concept of Zionism--I didn't know anything about it before. I recently checked their newspaper and was stunned to see that they are supporting Israel full on. They also went along with the Pandemic measures.
“Whatever it is, coronavirus has made the mighty kneel and brought the world to a halt like nothing else could. Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to “normality”, trying to stitch our future to our past and refusing to acknowledge the rupture. But the rupture exists. And in the midst of this terrible despair, it offers us a chance to rethink the doomsday machine we have built for ourselves. Nothing could be worse than a return to normality.”
I don’t think she fell for any psy-op and just spoke the truth.She is definitely able to give a world perspective and her focus on India in that article highlighted how it’s people were treated during Covid. And in America — exposing the low wage “essential” workers to it while the higher-ups didn’t have to place themselves at risk. She definitely is an irritant to the power establishment, which makes her gold. What I remember of that time is that it felt like the Earth had to slow down and stop to take a breath, and we all had no choice. The air became cleaner and the water cleaner because factories shut down,highways empty. Wildlife returned to certain areas. Twump ignored the crisis and try to avoid it while people died and thousands became infected. He wanted the economy to keep going, and that was his priority ; not the people. The American people place individual freedom (actually selfishness) over the collective good. That is predominantly why we’ve had over 1 million deaths from Covid while China had much much lower numbers. China’s government took care of the people, built 2 hospitals within several weeks while America couldn’t even provide PPE to people. The ending of Roy‘s article spoke of an opportunity to go an entirely different direction but we ended up, as we always do, not learning and doing something worse.
Good riddance to bad vibes, just another pointless casualty in the crime of all time. Her loss, your gain.
Still seething here in the knowledge that justice will likely not be served, as the federal government is too far gone down the road to perdition, now paved in orange.
If not for precious family I would leave this country just to get away from its wretched government. As it is, I must do everything in my power to help my state leave. The Texas Nationalist Movement is picking up steam and is good template for other states to follow. www.tnm.me
Thanks for keeping the heat turned up on these miscreants, Cindy,
I had something similar happen with my younger brother, who was a nurse in a hospital in Oklahoma when the Covid scam started. He quit nursing not long after that. I saw him this last Thanksgiving, and asked about what it was like then. He said it was awful-people were dying, they couldn't breathe, we had to put them on ventilators, but they were still dying! So I asked, wasn't it the ventilators that were killing them? Why couldn't you have given them HCQ? Well, he got mad and said I was saying he killed them. I said no, you were only doing what you were told to do, but he was still upset with me. So my husband and I left, and I haven't spoken to him since. He is one of those people, like your ex-friend, who hasn't heard about anyone being injured or killed by the vax.
Regarding the children, I don't really understand, probably because I'm of a much different generation. When I was in grammar school, I would have been thrilled if there was no school for a long time. As for official sports, we made up games like statues and variations of tag and other amusements. The park in Chicago was a mile or so away, so we played in vacant lots, on whatever grass we could find, climbed trees.....
Yeah, we thought closing for 2 weeks was going to be awesome, but, even the children started missing school and their peers.
Once, my daughter organized a kick ball game at the elementary school with a few families that weren't terrified of getting together with people and within hours, the city came in with bulldozers and razed both baseball fields. Parks had crime scene tape around the playgrounds. If you went to a beach here in California, the Nazis came to roust and arrest people. It wasn't the 50s or 60s out here for the kids, in the first place. My grandchildren were lucky because they had good parents. Even in the 1960s my siblings and I were involved in organized sports. When we weren't at practice, or games, we played baseball in the yard (many broken windows). Anyhoo, yeah, it was tough.
"Summer Heat II" (the second in a two book series about a billion dollar industry that is torturing and killing American kids and turning them into patsies and Manchurian candidates) is going to be released in probably March, In 2017,when it was written, it predicted the scamdemic and the reasons for it and the effects of the forced vaccines as well as the kinds of false flags we keep seeing and the extent to which Deep State will go to pull the wool over the eyes of the public..
The evidence of what they were planning was so strongly out there, long BEFORE 2020, that those of us who were watching saw what was going on and avoided the poison jabs. So many former
lefties faltered, completely duped by the fraud. A lot of them are still dissing those of us who really believe in bodily choice and did our own research. You are among the greats who never waivered in checking out the truth and speaking out. You are a real hero and inspiration and you helped keep the rest of us strong.
I'm so sorry for the way you were recently treated by this person/friend who "returned", only to slam you again. Your remark about having kept your family together also resonates. In my family
we're "together" but certainly a lot of unhealed wounds. It was pretty bad. So, to add to the category of "angry, frustrated, sad" I would add "afraid" because I expect more to come from ruling psychopathic class and maybe this time(like last time) I won't convince them to resist Public Health Regime orders either. Thank you both so much for these conversations, for everything.
Yes, that is probably part of my problem. Dread.
Peace & Love
"I had friends who died in those first few months," says your erstwhile friend. Naturally, we can empathize with her distress. Now imagine what her distress would be once she learns that her friends were killed by a weaponized virus created at the behest of her own government. Now imagine her distress when she learns that her friends were denied early treatment (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, hell, even fresh air and sunshine) then escorted to death's door by hospital protocols (remdesivir, ventilators, etc.) which brought more profit from a covid death than a covid recovery.
But she won't learn that. Ever. The cognitive dissonance would be too strong. It's sad. Some people just don't learn. We just have to say goodbye.
She won’t learn it because of public enemy #1: mainstream media. A true fourth pillar would’ve exposed and shut this evil down pronto.
I cannot understand why anyone would watch mainstream media....
Your former friend is a big baby or a child.
I have old friends that say the same stupid shit.
You know those people that can never admit they were wrong? They're not consciously evil but they emulate their heroes, who are sociopaths and psychopaths.
She's not worth knowing if she cannot apologize for the group think she imposed on you and others.
If later she or my former friends asked for advice, I would ask for an apology because I need to know if they can understand why they became fascists.
Same thing with an ex girlfriend who I loved very much. She dumped me out of nowhere and didn't explain why. A few months later she wanted to talk and was flirting with me. I was open to going back to her on one condition. She needed to explain why she broke up with me and how this has been resolved if it was her own mistake instead of my fault.
She had no honest explanation. Then she came onto me more and I felt the attraction, but I told her that I'm not comfortable with it because I can't feel safe if there's no reasoning to what she did. (And no, I don't think she cheated on me, but if she did and explained why, I would have taken her back like I did with another gf)
If I were in the military and got discharged for not getting the clot shot, I would now sue them for back pay.
Or go back, get the back pay and quit.
"Fuck you, you hurt us and we deserve back pay even if we don't return."
I am so sorry about your girlfriend issue and thanks for sharing that with us.
I think Trump is reinstating the military who were "fired" and giving them back pay.
I want back pay.
Keep on keeping on!
Amazing that this person accuses you, Cindy, of ‘vax hysteria’ which is precisely what she manifests. Classic “passive aggressive’ behavior and projection. She returned just to lay this bit of nastiness on to you.
super bitchy, right?
That must be her SuperPower!
Is there a vaccine for this? Can someone catch the truth virus Cindy has? Keep on... Free Palestine.
Worked out pretty good for me. I had six weeks paid vacation while awaiting a test that would clear me for work.
Spent the time riding around UpState NY on a motorcycle with my dog in the sidecar.
Whatever symptoms I had were gone after 48 hrs and a bottle of Irish whiskey. Always poured out two shots at a time. One for me and one for the covid. We toasted each others health and had a good laugh at all the shut ins peering out through the blinds as we roamed the lost highways of Columbia County…
So long suckers!
How do I feel about deliberate depopulation to rid the planet of humans who are trying their best to survive? How do I feel about a totalitarian takeover by the same groups we can’t seem to stop from their callous ways that destroy families and the elderly? And babies? I think the structural issues of finance linked to powerful men and women with little or no empathy and a lot of arrogance need to be dealt with by we the people but first we each need to confront our individual feelings of helplessness and loss and stop
thinking one president elected from a two party system will ever be the solution. It won’t be.
Pretty sure The Don would’ve come clean about mRNA shots by now if he wasn’t onboard the depop train. MAGA all aboard?
They are unable to admit any mistakes, it really is a pathology like being in a cult. The racial achievement gap in academics, something every liberal says they care about, was driven backwards 25 years by the extended school closures, and this had even been reported in their favorite paper, the New York Times. The next time i hear a liberal regret this will be the first, they take NO responsibility. They all condemned Scott Atlas forcsaying we should reopen for kids’ mental health, invluding Amy Goodman. If they have to lie like Fauci and say they never said the vaccine would stop the spread, they lie and refuse to acknowledge what’s on tape. I agreed with school closures at the time but i can learn from new information and admit i had it wrong. Sounds like your friend is stuck in bitterness. I know many people like that.
Can you imagine digitally stalking a former friend and waiting to pounce? I know I posted many things about the shamdemic and clotshot since she subscribed.
Oh well--it does hurt a bit, but I'll get over it.
I've been a bit of a 'lurker' on here, Cindy, and have restacked and liked lots of your posts but not commented before. I'm getting braver this year. Anyway, you are a real hero to me.
I'm like you, in being a long-time anti-war leftie, but also awakened to the way the world works and the lies from all sides. My main activism in the past was to do with Palestine solidarity and justice, most actively about 15-20 years ago. Being involved in that moment awakened me even further to the lies of the media and the establishment than I already was.
For me, the loss of friends during the scamdemic was not too bad, partly because I'd recently moved to a new neighbourhood and a new life away from the woke, smug suburb where I'd lived before. So when all the folks in that area went Covid-crazy, I was already away from them. And was glad to keep my distance from them.
I also generally kept my mouth shut online about my views for work-related reasons and because part of me can't cope with open conflict. Doing that, though, was very painful for me and had echoes of childhood trauma. I actually envied some of my new friends who felt able to be open on social media, even if they lost friends on the process.
However, I was lucky enough to fairly quickly find, and nurture, a new crowd of like-minded 'awakened' or in some cases at least sceptical people who I could meet up with regularly and who, in some cases, became close friends.
Some of these were from a right-wing background, some like me from the left, some apolitical. So there were faultlines but also a new-found unity in our shared disgust at the establishment and exasperation with the blindness shown by so many around us.
The main point I wanted to share, however, is that I went through a second loss, for me more painful than the first, when the Gaza genocide began. I saw so many people in the freedom and health movement – both acquaintances and well-known figures I followed – side with the Israelis and unquestioningly believe the lies told about October 7th. I guess those folks were from the centre or right of the movement. And others, who were not active Zionists but who were uneducated about the history and the narrative-twisting, remained neutral and silent after being so vocal about the injustices and lies of the scamdemic.
For me, this was deeply painful. I felt as though I'd lost and couldn't trust my new tribe, the people with whom I felt safe. Fortunately, I do have a couple of friends from the freedom and health movement who 'get' Gaza. Spending time with them is a lifeline for me.
Even so, I still haven't quite recovered from this second, greater loss.
It's largely through following people like you, Cindy, who are 'awakened' both about the Covid scam and about this other genocide, that I've stayed sane and less lonely.
Thank you. ❣️🫂🙏
I am so glad you came out of the comment closet!
Haha. Speaking of closets, I found it easier to come out of the gay closet decades ago (when it was still hard to do that) than I did to come out as a COVID Dissident with my normie acquaintances, at some points. I also used to be more vocal about Palestine than I am now. I think the anti-dissident atmosphere during the main scamdemic years really knocked my confidence.
Not me. I spent more time banned from FB than I had access to my account.
Now, they have just made it impossible for me to log into my account. I don't want to be there, but I do miss my memories and some friends who didn't follow me over here. However, being a covid dissident surely kicked up the ante. That's for sure.
Wow, thanks for share ng this part of your story!
The person who wrote that to me is a well known and respected Palestinian activist named Greta Berlin. I respect her work there
I wondered if it might be one of the Codepink people. I can see why you still admire her work in that area but what she has done to you is so, so hurtful. 😢
Aside from the personal hurt, one thing that exasperates me and almost breaks my heart, is seeing how people who are awake about one aspect of things can often remain blind about another aspect.
I have a feminist friend who has done lots about gender issues (fighting with others for female-only spaces etc) but has seen how many women in the gender critical movement simply swallowed the lies about the October 7th r*pes and sided with Israel, remaining wilfully unaware of the long-term struggle for Palestinian liberation. As my friend says, there is no feminism in genocide.
Aargh, people can be so blind.
I think many of us in various movements have worked with CODEPINK (I learned to do so very carefully), but I don't think Greta is an active member. I also worked forever with a socialist vanguard org. Some of the members had parents who were persecuted in the 1950's for their views by HUAC, etc. They had a very nifty analysis about empire and capitalism, until it was time to succumb and join empire in witch-hunting others who disagreed with the covid agit-prop. They were subsidizing my work until I refused to get the clotshot. They actually used financial, organizational and personal pressure to try to get me to take it. I had an antiwar org collapse because I was the only one on the board to didn't submit to the shamdemic. Also, many of the people who opposed the mandates of the covid era are also christian zionists, as you are finding out.
We are rare.
Do you follow Alon Mizrahi, Cindy? He is one of the best. An Israeli guy, who's not longed moved to (Southern) California—every word of his burns with truth and honesty.
As well as posting truths about Gaza and Palestine and Israeli society, he also 'got' the Covid scam and has a 'plague on both your houses' attitude to the two-party system in the US.
Here's a tweet about his views on Covid: https://x.com/alon_mizrahi/status/1808070708112564285
And here's his Substack page. Do a podcast or show with him! It would be awesome: https://alonmizrahi.substack.com
It's so bizarre that this dichotomy exists! Alot of the actions supporting Palestine required masks to participate. When I asked why, the response was that it was to hide people's identities but I couldn't swallow that explanation. The world just gets weirder and weirder....
I gave up on the performative left.
When things began to mildly reopen, I was invited to a few events, but when I refused to show proof of clotshot (because I didn't have it) I was actually told, "Oh, that's too bad." See ya! Before Covid, I would just be deplatformed because I believed in biology. Sigh....
The "Left"--does it exist anywhere anymore? When I was in college (MANY years ago), I was a supporter of the Socialist Workers Party. They were right about so many things, though they didn't know how to talk to actual working class people without lecturing. They introduced me to the concept of Zionism--I didn't know anything about it before. I recently checked their newspaper and was stunned to see that they are supporting Israel full on. They also went along with the Pandemic measures.
Nothing makes any sense....
Excellent article
Thank you!
Amazing article from 2020 by Arundhati Roy:
“Whatever it is, coronavirus has made the mighty kneel and brought the world to a halt like nothing else could. Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to “normality”, trying to stitch our future to our past and refusing to acknowledge the rupture. But the rupture exists. And in the midst of this terrible despair, it offers us a chance to rethink the doomsday machine we have built for ourselves. Nothing could be worse than a return to normality.”
That whole article by Arundhati Roy indicates she fell for the psy-op. I wonder if she's seen through it since. She's a hero in so many ways.
I don’t think she fell for any psy-op and just spoke the truth.She is definitely able to give a world perspective and her focus on India in that article highlighted how it’s people were treated during Covid. And in America — exposing the low wage “essential” workers to it while the higher-ups didn’t have to place themselves at risk. She definitely is an irritant to the power establishment, which makes her gold. What I remember of that time is that it felt like the Earth had to slow down and stop to take a breath, and we all had no choice. The air became cleaner and the water cleaner because factories shut down,highways empty. Wildlife returned to certain areas. Twump ignored the crisis and try to avoid it while people died and thousands became infected. He wanted the economy to keep going, and that was his priority ; not the people. The American people place individual freedom (actually selfishness) over the collective good. That is predominantly why we’ve had over 1 million deaths from Covid while China had much much lower numbers. China’s government took care of the people, built 2 hospitals within several weeks while America couldn’t even provide PPE to people. The ending of Roy‘s article spoke of an opportunity to go an entirely different direction but we ended up, as we always do, not learning and doing something worse.
Yeah, but we were returned us to an even worse normality.
Good riddance to bad vibes, just another pointless casualty in the crime of all time. Her loss, your gain.
Still seething here in the knowledge that justice will likely not be served, as the federal government is too far gone down the road to perdition, now paved in orange.
If not for precious family I would leave this country just to get away from its wretched government. As it is, I must do everything in my power to help my state leave. The Texas Nationalist Movement is picking up steam and is good template for other states to follow. www.tnm.me
Thanks for keeping the heat turned up on these miscreants, Cindy,
~~ j ~~
Thanks, Dr. J.
They killed my mother with their murderous protocol in the hospital 😞 Their reward will be eternal 🔥
I am so, so, so sorry Susie!
I hope they do rot in fire and damnation.
Peace & Love
I had something similar happen with my younger brother, who was a nurse in a hospital in Oklahoma when the Covid scam started. He quit nursing not long after that. I saw him this last Thanksgiving, and asked about what it was like then. He said it was awful-people were dying, they couldn't breathe, we had to put them on ventilators, but they were still dying! So I asked, wasn't it the ventilators that were killing them? Why couldn't you have given them HCQ? Well, he got mad and said I was saying he killed them. I said no, you were only doing what you were told to do, but he was still upset with me. So my husband and I left, and I haven't spoken to him since. He is one of those people, like your ex-friend, who hasn't heard about anyone being injured or killed by the vax.
Oh no!!!!
Yeah, too bad I couldn't keep my mouth shut!
Regarding the children, I don't really understand, probably because I'm of a much different generation. When I was in grammar school, I would have been thrilled if there was no school for a long time. As for official sports, we made up games like statues and variations of tag and other amusements. The park in Chicago was a mile or so away, so we played in vacant lots, on whatever grass we could find, climbed trees.....
Yeah, we thought closing for 2 weeks was going to be awesome, but, even the children started missing school and their peers.
Once, my daughter organized a kick ball game at the elementary school with a few families that weren't terrified of getting together with people and within hours, the city came in with bulldozers and razed both baseball fields. Parks had crime scene tape around the playgrounds. If you went to a beach here in California, the Nazis came to roust and arrest people. It wasn't the 50s or 60s out here for the kids, in the first place. My grandchildren were lucky because they had good parents. Even in the 1960s my siblings and I were involved in organized sports. When we weren't at practice, or games, we played baseball in the yard (many broken windows). Anyhoo, yeah, it was tough.
"Summer Heat II" (the second in a two book series about a billion dollar industry that is torturing and killing American kids and turning them into patsies and Manchurian candidates) is going to be released in probably March, In 2017,when it was written, it predicted the scamdemic and the reasons for it and the effects of the forced vaccines as well as the kinds of false flags we keep seeing and the extent to which Deep State will go to pull the wool over the eyes of the public..
The evidence of what they were planning was so strongly out there, long BEFORE 2020, that those of us who were watching saw what was going on and avoided the poison jabs. So many former
lefties faltered, completely duped by the fraud. A lot of them are still dissing those of us who really believe in bodily choice and did our own research. You are among the greats who never waivered in checking out the truth and speaking out. You are a real hero and inspiration and you helped keep the rest of us strong.