A U.S. Drone was loitering off the coast of Lebanon an hour before the pager blasts. It left the area the minute the pagers explode !

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Sep 18Liked by Cindy Sheehan

WWIII, here we are/come.

Seems like no news is good news, Chuck.

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Terrorism R U.S./Israel and others. Jail the War Criminals.

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Unfortunately, I’m is such a state that jail isn’t near severe enough, to suit me.

Colombian neckties to match the Amani suits.

Mercy for the merciful, not the monstrous.

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Drop them on the moon as the new Gtmo

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Space garbage.

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Compost. U.N. G.A. is live NOW. Time out for me

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Remember “Peanuts?” Remember how Lucy would get Linus to kick the football and _every single time_ she’d pull the football away so Linus would end up flat on his back? Do you think Charles Schulz was trying to tell us something?

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Sep 18Liked by Cindy Sheehan

Sixty one cents.

Thirty one cents.

Seven hundred and twenty five cents.

I wish that we’d ALL just go on vacation.

Take a morning constitutional.

Then have another kind of movement constitutional, the kind where you sit on a porcelain chair, with the whole damn shit show.

Nothin’ good ever gets done with the guvamint.

So, how about nuthin gets done at all???

Yep, I think that we all need a nice long vacation.

There’ll be no need to get shot, or roughed up by the cops, protesting at the arms factory, cause the bomb builders will be at the beach.

BDS on fuckin’ steroids!!!

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You described a normal day for me....morning walk, morning shit.

The simple things in life!

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