Like impeachment, this form of replacement can't work. It only replaces the bad P with the VP of the same party.

Parliamentary systems work better because they can remove a bad Prime Minister at any time with a snap election, and the opposition is always prepared to take over immediately with a Shadow Cabinet. We don't have any usable way of deposing a bad leader, and our fake opposition doesn't appoint its leader until just before the "election".

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I completely agree with your assessment.

I just keep hearing people say "25th amendment" so I wanted to look into it.

Like I said, Nixon, etc---but we're worse off now then we ever were, I think.

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Impeachment is also a farce.

Republicans went after Clinton for the weakest issue, ignoring his serious crimes.

Democrats went after Trump for similar reasons, also ignoring actual issues like the emoluments clause which he did violate.

It's all for show.

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I doubt it works any better under a parliamentary system. The shadow government isn't limited to ours.

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“As cynical as I am, I am convinced that whomever is POTUS, there are shadowy, even more evil, figures really running things, so does it matter?”

I agree with the premise, and ultimately I think it doesn’t matter. Maybe it’s better to have an incompetent person like Biden than an intelligent one like Obama. We used to speculate at work, if the CEO was replaced by a rock, which one would do a better job.

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The rock for sure!

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One caveat: Kamala.

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The “completely incompetent” VP?

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"She's from the Bay Area and is a really nice person. We love Kamala...just give her a chance. She has a good heart. Ask Willy"

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If he was not doing so much damage and leading us into Armagedon, I would feel more sympathy but in fact, he has shown what a shit show bad joke the presidency has become over the decades..ending now in the culmination of an senile old man who should be under adult surveill---- I mean supervision, don't I?

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As much as I despise Tyrant Biden, and I DO DESPISE TYRANT BIDEN, I am going to object to the 25th Amendment being used against him for any kind of "mental incapacity" unless it is clear that he is hurting himself and others (of course he does hurt EVERYONE politically, but I mean literally, like attempted suicide or threatening the White House cooks with their steak knives, etc.). Also, if he is totally incapacitated (drooling in a permanent coma or on life support), or other obvious extreme extenuating circumstance. President Ford was the Faller-In-Chief as I recall. Naturally Hitlery is a vulture waiting in the wings to run again. I would be more afraid of the 25th Amendment being abused for political purposes than actual reasons. I hope our viable option is Impeachment.

Btw, did I mention that I truly despise Tyrant Biden?

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hahahahahahahahahaha! This is no laughing matter...my portfolio is at stake!!!! "As all political discourse and action is primarily partisan, and not what’s good for the nation, or We the People, I am sure that even if Sloppy Joe went on the air, drooled for 20 minutes while sniffing a child’s hair and fondling Eva Longoria’s breasts, a Democrat regime would only invoke the 25th, if he had to go into the hospital and was unconscious for some time. " I nearly lost my breakfast on that one, C.

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Thanks! Hope your breakfast stayed in!

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I think all the various kingmakers and power brokers prefer a weak president. Sloppy's decrepitude is his major virtue on that score. They'd prefer a competent salesman like Obama. But if Sloppy is all that's available, they're not going to cry. Kamala would work out well for them too. She has no constituency and she's an idiot. She'd be wholly dependent if she were somehow manoeuvred  into office. Best of all, though, would be animatronic Sloppy, with deep fake video options. They could have fun programming its gaffes.

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She's an idiot superb!!!! and from the Bay Area, so she has her own "unique" idiocy.

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Some of his latest decisions about cluster bombs make me wonder if the 25th amendment might be in order!

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He’s a demented maniac

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It's all such a very unfunny joke. If he doesn't die, Biden most likely will be selected again in 24. Facts or truth are of no consequence in this very sick government of ours. The irony that tomorrow is Independence Day is not lost on me.

"No man is more enslaved than the man who thinks he's free."

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It's extra-ordinary, right?

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No matter how it shakes out we’re still screwed.

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Kamala (ugh) is waiting in the wings, if Joe is removed (25th, medical, or death).

My 1st priority is ANTI-WAR (including thermal-nuclear war).

My 2nd priority is CLIMATE CATASTROPHE (safe, thorium-nuclear generators).

My 3rd priority is ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT (Kshama Sawant).

I agree that changing the rotten, US, evil-empire is hopeless.

But voting in primary elections (RFK.jr teamed with Dennis Kucinich)

or general elections (Cornell West teamed with Jill Stein),

doesn't take that much time, so I do it for my grandchildren.

Then, I can look them in the face and say that it was hopeless,

but I did every option available to me.

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I suppose I must dust off my oft-used disclaimer: I have never been a fan or admirer of Trump, but OTOH somehow I never succumbed to Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

So, while I fully agree that "removing a sitting president from power is no small matter", it's ironic that the TDS-saturated Democratic Party "Resistance" made a fetish of doing just that, by any means necessary. I remember getting e-mails from proto-TDS progressive sources in 2016, back when the Resistance hoped to nip President-elect Trump's administration in the bud by persuading the Electoral College to nullify his victory; the 25th Amendment was often mentioned in this context as Plan B.

Anyway, another problem with invoking the 25th Amendment is that gradually in recent decades, the entrenched class of Elected Misrepresentatives-- or "Elected" Misrepresentatives-- has generally politicized legacy Constitutional processes. All of the civics-class mechanisms, e.g. the traditional conception of the process of declaring war, have been routinely ignored, vitiated, or hijacked for political expediency and electoral melodrama.

Thus, attempting to launch a 25th Amendment removal would be regarded as just another nefarious stunt in the degraded struggle for political power, in an era when national politics is about as authentic (and trustworthy) as professional wrestling matches. 🤨

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I just wish they would take him away where he’d be safe from himself and so would the rest of us, too. This is beyond pathetic.

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It's so embarrassing that these are nearly becoming daily events. Then the old rustler says "God Save The Queen!", my guess is he forgot where he was. Before the entire world can be blown to hell and gone, 'Creepy' Joe has got to go!

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Dixiecrat Joe's the "promise" that Trump never delivered, but merely appetizered for. The 25th was bandied about a bit during Trump's tenure, as elite Media liked to play psychoanalysis in their attempts to gaslight, not so much Trump himself, as his supporters. The specter of the 25th for Biden was written into the script from the beginning of his administration, as his "cognitive decline" was abundantly evident on the campaign tr-er, from his campaign basement.

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