Trump Derangement Syndrome LIVES! I refuse to even mention his name anymore with anyone face to face...why? Irrational personal projections mostly from men and women with daddy issues. Trump is a crook and a con man, there is little doubt about that. But then WHAT politician who has any chance of gaining office IS NOT? Trump is the sacrificial lamb for libs. Welcome to America. Now go home...oh wait...this is your home.

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There hasn’t been a real election in America since Eisenhower. (And I ain’t so sure about him.) Kennedy had to win with the “help” of the mafia and you see how that turned out. I kick myself every “election” day for being so stupid as to think my vote EVER made a difference. It took George Carlin to pound some sense into my head. “Election” day is laundry day for me. At least I get something accomplished.

RIP America. England wasn’t able to kill the founding fathers for telling them to F--- off. So they killed their grand dream by “a thousand cuts,” and, of course, with the help of Satan.

Oh, Judgment Day, hurry so I can watch!

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"I served General Eisenhower as his Vice-President for eight years. He was by far the most devious man I ever met in my life."

-Richard Nixon

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Wow, that must be devious coming from Nixon.

Also, Eisenhower was a war criminal.

Presided over a vast increase in the war machine, but, now many people think he's great because he "warned" us about the M.I.C.

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He was just part of the illusion. THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) has been in charge for decades, and Eisenhower another pawn, just like Nixon. Kennedy bucked them, and the rest is history. No more bucking since.

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Exactly. Ike was the last candidate who promised to end a war and KEPT HIS PROMISE. Since 1960 nobody has kept the promise, and most don't even bother to pretend.

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Cindy, I admire your consistency. As you know, I am hardly a fan of Trump's, and think he is probably all part of this theater. But this is as undemocratic as it gets. And this kind of unprecedented unfairness is why Trump remains popular with so many people. Which may be just what they want.

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What are the odds there will even be an “election” next year? I’m having serious doubts. Not that ig would make much difference anyway. Oh cynical me.

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Oh, they'll keep having them, to delude the public into thinking we live in a "democracy." It's all a major distraction from genocide and profiteering. It's a joke, a sideshow......

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Agree. They need their sham elections to keep up their deMOCKracy.

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I'm voting. I'm going to write in a great name. Brando. A sweet 14 year old Maltipoo who never lies, never pretends he is anything but what he is and who loves unconditionally everyone except those with darkness in their heart. And he is never wrong. If a 13 pound dog can know who is sincerely good, and who is evil, why can't the human race?

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How the fk are they able to do this when there's no proof that he called for this so called "insurrection"?

They didn't sentence him guilty, so what the stupid shit are they going on? Opinion? The judge isn't even following law here!

The legal system is moronic .. it's designed to be rigged, by it's own double speak nonsense called legalese.

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I think the most telling aspect of this faux insurrection is the manner in which the doors to the Capitol were flung open and the protesters ushered in. In other words, it was an intentional provocation, an "inside job". I would also say that the protestors were kind of stupid to take the bait and some of them now are facing long unjustified prison sentences. Basically, legally speaking, they were guilty of trespass.

Interesting interview with the "Capitol Shaman" on Jimmy Dore's channel worth watching. He is running for Congress. The Shaman, not Jimmy!

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Yeah and the jerks at Congress, both RepubliBLOODS and DemoCRIPS decided to blur the faces of the video because many of them were feds...

A total shit show.

Jimmy even jokes that all of these guys were supposedly overthrowing things yet they left their guns at home 😂.

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It's a medical condition. I think it started with the 'Pussy Hat March' (with apologies to pussies everywhere).

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Lol. I almost forgot about that!

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She's very creative, I'll give her that!

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It is nothing but absurd. No one involved in this so-called insurrection was charged with insurrection, including Trump!

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Medea Benjamin is also this disconnected? Even worse, in the company of Rob Reiner? Can she "disallowed" from any anti-war movement?

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She's always been suspect to me. Not right in the head.

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Maybe she's a frustrated theater major.

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LOL. ...could be!

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That really shocked me too. I've lost all respect for her now.

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Her TDS and vax b.s. shows her privilege as well.

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One would think she might adore Trump since he pushed the injection, continues to do so, and effectively handed over the Ship of State to President Fauci. Somebody should remind her!

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be disallowed.

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thanks so much, Cindy, for holding the line -- the critical thinking line.

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The Colorrado Supreme Court has apparently never heard of the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Someone needs to teach them their ABCs. Trump was never convicted of insurrection. This is furrtherr evidence that there are no more real elections in the USA. I don't like Trump, but I've been fighting for election integrity since 2000 and they are now no longer even pretending there are real elections. Maybe we need international intervention, such as putting Venezuala charge of our elections. After all, Venezuela has the most legitimate elections in the world.

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I don't know what to say. Deep down watching her over the years, I've always had my doubts about Medea, thinking she's a psycho narcissist, so this confirms it. RR of course is a no-brainer. This truly is way over the line. Do they really want a Civil War? It's looking more and more like it.

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She does what she does to get attention and to feel like she is a leader. More insecurity and immaturity parading as activism.

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Trump is probably pleased to have the court reveal that our democracy is a sham. To be deemed an insurrectionist will likely give him a boost in support from those who believe elections are rigged...

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Probably. He's certainly got the knack for it. Love him or despise him if you will, but give him his due...the man is brilliant. If he ever pens a book it'll undoubtably be a best seller.

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He is not brilliant. He is a manipulating narcissist who does anything he desires and gets away with it. He's the pain in the butt kid in third grade who lies about everything to get his way. And he was carefully schooled in LYING by that despicable Roy Cohn, a self hating Jewish closeted homosexual who believed in lying the way most of us believe in paying our bills. While I disagree with Colorado's grandstanding, please do not turn him into someone he is not. He is a classic narcissist.

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I agree. I probably should have added that he's a 'natural' at what he does. 'Brilliant' was not the best choice of words.

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All elections are rigged. Most of the time the riggers don't need to fool around with "voting" or "ballots". Real opposition candidates are defunded and deprived of media coverage by the parties. Only reliable warmongers are allowed to get publicity and assistance. Occasionally a strong independent like Bernie manages to work around the defunding. In those rare cases the party has to alter the vote totals, as DNC did quite blatantly and openly to Bernie.

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And Bernie, quite blatantly and openly, bent over and capitulated...

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AND Bernie declined to head the ticket with Jill Stein AND he endorsed Hilary Clinton...

With a Sanders-Stein ticket Trump would only be known as a former candidate...

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Medea Benjamin! Slowly I turn... step by step... inch by inch...

At the risk of seeming to indulge in a shameless sucking-up comment, Cindy is indirectly responsible, many years ago, for opening my Third Eye 👁 and seeing a dubious side to Medea and "Code Pink". I'll again dust off and recycle part of a comment on the subject (which, BTW, was a response to none other than commenter blessthebeasts at another site):


Through no fault of her own, Cindy has gotten repeatedly burned by would-be allies.

After Cindy righteously denounced the Democrats in 2005 or so, then had the audacity to run against Nancy Pelosi in a congressional election, not only the Dems but the progressive-liberal "Heathers" (now "Karens", I guess) renounced or denounced her: Joan Walsh, then editor-in-chief at "Salon", flacks from "The Nation" like Katha Pollitt, and even Medea Benjamin of Code Pink openly criticized Sheehan.

This chastisement took the form of hand-wringing laments, issued more in sorrow than in anger. But it was obvious that these Democratic Party fellow-travelers expected Cindy to remain loyal to their doomed prescription for political salvation: electing "more and better Democrats".

Apart from the above-cited denunciations, Cindy also became persona non grata at some progressive-liberal websites-- e.g. CommonDreams stopped publishing her occasional articles.


Back in the present: I haven't kept up with Medea, but it is no surprise that she caught a case of acute TDS, and also apparently bought into both the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic and the popular uncritical belief that vaccines are safe, effective, and medically salvific.

Oh, yeah-- the post's topic! First of all, I've dispensed with the obligatory disclaimer about not being a Trump fan or supporter. So: the TDS-inflamed "Resistance" capture of the already dubious and decadent DOJ and judiciary, and the ascendancy of its toxic and malignant "lawfare" strategy, is part and parcel of the relentless campaign of overclass Big Lies.

Even I can't entirely shake off the desperate possibility that the institutional judiciary is the last, best hope that ordinary unprivileged citizens can push back against the fascist "total spectrum dominance" of US political institutions. (The fact that the Democratic Party of Judas has usurped the legacy fascistic inclinations of the Republican Party of Cain is a nice twist for irony-lovers.)

Anyway, the Colorado Supreme Court has now issued its own Little Big Lie, a spinoff of the "January 6th Insurrection" Big Lie that drives the appalingly draconian, Stalinesque show trials that still proceed apace. Like the failed attempt to depose Trump with a series of defamatory "bombshells"-- a campaign that began with the "pussy tape" stunt during the 2016 campaign-- the perpetrators proceed on the expectation that even if a given bogus charge doesn't stick, the cumulative feces-flinging will stick to Trump's reputation and cause his popularity to deflate like a pricked balloon.

These days the West's powers and principalities have no reverse gear, and thus always compulsively double down on unsuccessful strategies and goals. And they remain oblivious or indifferent to public discontent and blowback from Trump supporters, which they still consider to be an insignificant minority of "basket of deplorables" untermenschen. It remains to be seen whether the Big Liars and their submissive thralls will get the comeuppance they so richly deserve. I'm looking at YOU, Medea! 🤨

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Pretty good summary!


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I think that's about the time I had to ditch Common Dreams. They def took a direction for the worst...and I was a huge fan. Nothing like they used to be.

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Hey Ort--Thanks for turning me onto Cindy's substack!

"Slowly I turn...." Where did that come from?

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Ah, I can't resist a pedantic, if sketchy, response: I learned the phrase during childhood TV-watching, either from The Three Stooges or Abbott & Costello-- probably the former, although I soon outgrew my tepid appreciation for lowbrow slapstick and am decidedly not a Stooges fan.

I gather that the term was not original to either act, but comes from a generic vaudeville skit that was performed by various acts over the years. It's a precursor to the phenomenon of "triggering". I think in the Stooges' version, the triggering phrase was "Niagara Falls!"; I dimly recall that after the classic intro, the triggered party recalls the original trauma.

Thus endeth the lesson. 👨‍🎓

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That's hilarious. I remember it now--definitely the Three Stooges!

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Old Vaudeville bit. Lucy even did it on her show!

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We are so far down the rabbit hole, it is impossible to get out at this point. The lawsuits against Trump - including the ludicrous civil case in NYC regarding loans his company took out a decade ago and which are now repaid - is another example of the kangaroo courts ongoing processes. In that case, the judge ruled as a matter of fact, that Trump committed fraud on his financial statements, then had the trial to find out is his business name has to be removed from NYC.


I mean, when will most of the brainwashed population wake up to the fact that these decisions do not need to be applauded because they set the stage for the fact THEY are coming for YOU next?

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Well said.

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As someone who believes that federal politics is hopeless it is instructive to review what transpired in the past to get us to where we are in the present. I call this "The Tale of Two Aneurysms." The first aneurysm was Trumps election victory in 2016. The second aneurysm was Covid.

In observing the development of TDS among my friends it began as a benign dislike of a political candidate no different than what is normally observed in a partisan political election season. In 2015 and 2016 my Democrat friends were willing to engage in debate on various issues related to the 2016 election and Trump. For the most part they believed his candidacy was a joke. They ate up every salacious story about Trump and believed it, but didn't hate the man. When Trump won the Republican nomination many of them were elated because they believed this guaranteed a Hillary landslide victory. When you go on Youtube and view the election coverage in 2016, the countenance of the hosts matched that of my friends. Excitement and jubilation of the assured Hillary victory to come. No doubt the "Breaking the Glass Ceiling" pieces were already written and journalists across the country were just waiting for the official announcement so they could hit send. Then the unthinkable happened, the night went on and what was presented as an assured landslide became a loss. This was the first aneurysm.

My friends who had been willing to engage in debate no longer would do so. A "New Hitler" had just been elected. Democracy was at stake now. The change was instantaneous. The Russia collusion story was introduced and a traitor was about to be inaugurated.

The second aneurysm was Covid. The suspension of all civil liberties in the name of fighting a virus was seen as essential. Obedience to diktat was righteousness. My pointing out early on via social media that the government at any level shouldn't be able to violate rights via executive order/mandate was viewed as anathema to human flourishing and safety. My friends really believed that any means necessary was the order of the day. Experts had to be believed. It was going to take all of us!

They started out in 2016 believing that Trump would usher in a new era of authoritarianism and disregard for all democratic norms. He would be a dictator. He was a foreign agent. They then proceeded to be the ones who supported disregarding democratic norms and embraced authoritarianism as a means to defeat Trump. This then carried over into doing the same to defeat a virus.

What has happened in Colorado is just the next logical extension of this disregard of democratic norms. It can only continue to get more egregious from here.

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The third aneurysm for these idjits was RUSSIA/RUSSIA/RUSSIA. 😂

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I consider the "Russia, Russia, Russia" to be part of the first aneurysm but have no problem if you view it differently. It was necessary, among other things, to neuter the anti-war left. It was a stunning success as the roles have reversed so completely in that regard. Now conservative voters who were cheering the Iraq war are seeking the end to Ukraine funding and liberal voters who were firmly against Bush over the Iraq war are now unified in supporting never ending aid to Ukraine.

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Ironically, Donald "Bonepsurs" Trump is the only non-combatant who did not get us into new wars. Clinton BushJr Obomber and Biden are all lily-livered Neocon warmongers. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/recips?cycle=2020&ind=D

When they get-together they always leave out Trump.

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Thank you Cindy. Very well put. I've been an anarchist for quite some time now and no longer ascribe to the fraudulent idea of voting for very good reason.

Medea Benjamin the lying fascist kept me from presenting unanswered questions about 9/11 to the boards of answer coalition and ufpj.She is a fraudulent gatekeeper and limited hangout.

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It was a friend of mine who was on the board of answer at the time who brought up the idea. RIP Ernie Mayweather who had me on his TV show we the people and who paid for hundreds of dollars worth of 9/11 truth flyers for me to distribute. He was a good man. He was a Korean war vet who told me some horrendous stories about what he was ordered to do.

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I just have to take exception with the whole idea of democracy. Our founders despised the idea of democracy and were emphatic that our country was a Republic. In fact, the word democracy wasn't even a part of the American lexicon until the scum bag Wilson introduced it. Democracy is mob rule; you know the story, 2 wolves and a lamb deciding what's for dinner. Of course, our country hasn't remotely looked like what the founding fathers envisioned. Or at least what I hope they intended; maybe we've been lied to about that like almost everything else for decades. Actually, the road to hell was completely paved in 1913 by several actions: creation of the Federal Reserve, income tax and the 17th amendment.

As far as I can see, the US is exactly following the pattern perfected by the Roman Empire. It's almost there. Too bad so few even notice. The poor imbeciles think Trump is the problem. They really need to look into a mirror.

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