All of these soap-opera charges against Trump are universal. Half of the "crimes" are committed daily by every rich dude, especially New Yorkers. The other half are committed daily by every politician at all levels. Every rich dude evades taxes and fakes corporate numbers. Every politician rigs elections. There's no such thing as an unstolen election.

Trump is NOT being charged for his unique and truly historic-first unprecedented supercrime of imprisoning and waterboarding the entire country. No rich dude or New Yorker or politician EVER managed such a huge crime before.

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Thank you!

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Thanks Cindy! Quite telling how much Trump seems to be feared by the globalists.... what are the actual reasons I wonder...?

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Thank you Cindy! Great piece!

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Much to my surprise after I tuned in I found Viva Frei who was streaming the trial on Rumble and I couldn't stop watching.... It was delicious

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RICO prosecution for the ENTIRE Fortune 10,000 companies/CEOs. Larry Fucking Fink? Fuckerberg? Buffett? Gates? US NSA and CIA and FBI and DoD?

This entire society lives off the blood of victims -- the blood and guts of our own "countrymen/countrywomen" and then the blood and guts of all those Nobodies.

RICO my ass. High crimes and felonies.


The Nobodies

by Eduardo Galeano

Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escaping poverty: that one magical day good luck will suddenly rain down on them – will rain down in buckets. But good luck doesn’t rain down yesterday, today, tomorrow, or ever. Good luck doesn’t even fall in a fine drizzle, no matter how hard the nobodies summon it, even if their left hand is tickling, or if they begin the new day with their right foot, or start the new year with a change of brooms.

The nobodies: nobody’s children, owners of nothing. The nobodies: the no ones, the nobodied, running like rabbits, dying through life,

screwed every which way.

Who are not, but could be.

Who don’t speak languages, but dialects.

Who don’t have religions, but superstitions.

Who don’t create art, but handicrafts.

Who don’t have culture, but folklore.

Who are not human beings, but human resources.

Who do not have faces, but arms.

Who do not have names, but numbers.

Who do not appear in the history of the world, but in the police

blotter of the local paper.

The nobodies, who are not worth the bullet that kills them.

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The legal system is less apt to follow their own established logic than medical science.

Hence we have a bullshit system that criminalizes small crimes but let's big criminals free.

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Funny that the Georgia case against Trump was considered to be the "strongest" based on that phone call to track down the "missing votes." You almost can't write a better script for getting His Orangeness back into office.

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Ah, my late grandmother's "story" was "As the World Turns". I'm pretty sure she wasn't the only regular viewer who would talk to the characters when mischief was afoot. Couldn't they see that seductress Lisa was an evil, self-serving, conniving, manipulative bitch instead of foolishly falling for her charms?

Unfortunately for them, the characters never listened to Grandma's remote counselling.

I admit that as a kid and teenager I probably rolled my eyes at Grandma's heartfelt virtual interaction with the characters. I naïvely and idiotically assumed that she wasn't "in reality"; only later did I realize that she knew perfectly well that it was only a TV show-- by that time I'd occasionally started to talk back to the TV myself.

Regarding the emergent sordid "Resistance" scandal: dare I say that the Aging and the Restless Willis/Wade Show again demonstrates the maxim that it's not the crime, it's the under-the-covers up? 😉

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